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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/184486-the-violin-bellies
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#184486 added August 9, 2002 at 12:17am
Restrictions: None
the violin bellies
There are at least 10 brown recluse spiders living at the end of my porch and it had me freaked out for a bit earlier. In case you don't know, brown recluses are spiders (duh) that have a pattern on their abdomens that looks suspiciously like a violin. I looked out there tonight (after my brothers were running to the window to look at the big spiders. So I look at the spiders, then I do a double-take and look closer and there it was: ... a brown violin ... on each of the spiders. The only reason why I freak out at them is because they're poisonous. They won't kill you, but if you get bitten, the flesh around the bite is eaten away. Very disgusting already and I'm not even going to begin to describe what the wound looks like.

I saw Signs tonight. It was pretty good, very War of the Worlds-ish (i.e. isolated place with little news from outside, and what news they get is terrifying, and lots of hiding and poison gas, and a very similar ending...) In the Spring, I listened to HG Wells's War of the Worlds and The Time Machine in the car on the way to and from school. In the theater, the friend I went with and I ran into three of our friends from gradeschool. lol, I was supposed to see it on opening night, but it was sold out. One of the points of that movie was that coincidences are more than coincidences. If last Friday's show hadn't been sold out, we wouldn't have seen our friends... weird.

"...And all the roads that lead you there are winding;
and all the lights that light the way are blinding...
I said, 'Maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me'..."

That's from "Wonderwall" by Oasis. Listening to it right now...

There was something else I was going to say...

Ah yes!

The play/skit thing that the Readers' Theatre Club did this year went well. We have a quasi-tradition of always breaking some prop. This year, we did it again. It's not on purpose, someone leans a little to hard, trips into something, you name it. We actually broke two things this year (one was fixable though). The first thing was a flower lei, which was okay since we really did not need it anyway. The second was the squeaker out of a bird puppet. The squeaker we could fix. We just had to get it back into its sack inside the puppet. The play/skits went well. We did four performances (I could only make it to three of them) and they (for the most part) went well. We had to ad lib for parts and then just fill in lines for the people that ultimately dropped out. We kept gaining and losing people until the final week when we finally knew our numbers, and by then we all had to just say most of the interchangable lines anyway.... My costume for it was completely insane. I was originally supposed to be two characters (the Meeter and the Greeter) but then I had to merge and become the Meeter-Greeter of a distant planet called Zeem where "nobody's mean to anybody... except for the Horrible Hogglewart". I wore a red-green-and-yellow hula skirt under a black sheer shawl with rhinestones, with rainbow sandals, and a irridescent silver short-sleeved sequined shirt (say that 10 times fast) which I kept calling mithril (Lord of the Rings reference there), and one of those straight wizard hat things with shiny stars and moons on it (and a piece of sheer fabric over my eyes to add to the alien look). Oh, I also had two leis hanging from my skirt.

I did know my lines though! (I finally learned them right before my first performance, lol)

Something else.... something else....

Oh! I got a 94 1/2 on my second chem test. Again, over half the class got C's or lower.

Alright, I'd better go, the lights will be turned out on me soon....

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