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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/158195-The-Pink-Panther-Writing-Boredom
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#158195 added April 3, 2002 at 10:22pm
Restrictions: None
The Pink Panther, Writing, Boredom...
Sorry about the incoherence of the last entry. I was really tired and right as I was getting started, my dad announced to me that he was going upstairs to bed, and he started turning off the lights. I had to finish the entry quickly, and that's what happened.

I really have no point to writing
this entry. I just needed to write something. I haven't written a thing since... at least maybe 3 weeks ago (not counting the last journal entry).

I'm so proud of myself. For Easter my parents got me a book of piano songs -- mostly showtunes and movie themes and such -- and most of them are just too hard for me to play (I've only been playing a year), but I simplified the theme from The Pink Panther and I can play that pretty well now. It's all in bass clef though, which is kind of hard for me to read. I can sight-read treble clef pretty well, but not bass. I have to sit there and figure out half the notes.

I'm sick. I was sick all over break and I got done so little of what I had planned on doing. It's not like debilitating sick, just miserable, annoying why-won't-this-damn-cold-go-away sick. At least I can semi-breathe out of my nose. I have to remember to take something for the symptoms tommorow.

I have so many ideas for things to write about. The problem is that I only have interesting little ideas that I could conceivably make a plot out of, but I'm having a lot of trouble with.

My left wrist hurts. I think it's one of those repetitive-motion things.

I actually did update my site over the break though. It wasn't a complete loss. I listened to a book on tape too, while I was drawing. The drawings are all kind of crappy though. There was one I started of a hawk, but I couldn't get anything but the head right. Anyway, the book on tape was... actually, come to think of it, it was just a compilation of radio interviews... anyway, it was all about writing, which makes me even more frustrated. For one, I do have time to write, but I can't get into it. I'm going to have to force myself soon. For two, I am feasible-idea-less right now. For three, I have a lot of school things on my mind. For four, I am just to tired at the end of the day to do it. I used to be able to write at night all the time, but I can't do it now that I have to get up at 6:30 and I really need to function to be able to concentrate. On weekends and nights before days off, if I'm in the mood or on a roll, I'll stay up until 2 or 3 just writing. It's so much easier at night. There's a lot less distractions I think. I don't have the option of getting up and wandering around or talking to people and losing my ideas, which is what I would do if I wrote during the day. School is just... I won't say hard, because I don't really consider it that. Demanding is a much better word. How are students supposed to follow their interests when their interests would interfere with their "obligations"?

::sigh:: I have to go. I was just taking a break from homework. I have history and english yet to do, and theology to study.

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