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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/149769-pain-over-lost-morals-warning--senetive-veiwrs-dont-look
Rated: 13+ · Book · Adult · #349504
a time i wish i could fotget reed academy
#149769 added February 20, 2002 at 1:56pm
Restrictions: None
pain over lost morals warning senetive veiwrs dont look
somedays i feel so much pain i cant stand it i look around me and what do i see? i see people homeless on the street doing drugs and drinking liquor perhaps to them being a drug user or alcholic will make them forget there pain quicker! this of coarse is not the case. homeless people are down on there luck and need help and only iff we band together can this mass problem be solved forever i look around me and i cry to see all the rasism there still is rasism is always wrong it makes people cry and sometiomes feel they dont belong calling people racist names is always bad it makes so many so very sad. i look around with pain at the teen mothers espessily thoose that want a baby because they feel they have lost the love of all others. i feel sorry for peoples lack of morals tword sex they dont realize that it can be a precious gift in the proper contex. not that i have ever experinced it being a virgen and all but i have heard alot about it people are so careless about sex why dont they see how potentially dangerous they are being when they dont make wise choices what happens is bleak stds and pregancy and missery and pain and what are the gains it is not for me to push my morals on you but please i beg you think this through do you want to risk it all knowing how hard you could fall?????? i look around me in pain seeing how widely people accept abotoins quicker than you can blink they have the doctor suck out a baby in a sink!!!!!!! abortions 99% of the time to me at least are wrong eccept in the rare cases of pregancy do to rape insest or mothers health with a baby inside her is jepordising her life. but other than this how can you kill a incocent baby who never asked to be conceived so why do you have a abortion? its only your greed and selfishness not to take responsiblity!!!!!! if your faced with a unwanted preganancy i beg of you listen to me!!! please dont have a abortion and throw a life away be responsible and a good person by putting your child up for adoption that is so much kinder that way. i look around me and sadly see the poor who have lost thetre jobs and they dont have food anymore they and there poor children go to bed hungry each night and often hungry each day i dont understand why god lets it be this way all we can do is try to help look deep inside your self today and say theese problems are not going away only with you and me will they change otherwise things will ever stay the same. animal abuse hurts me deeply as does child abuse and murder and raope why are so many filled with so much hate for others i,ll never know it boggles me but this i know every one has a choice what desions they make and what there life will be so think your actions over carefully if you put in a bit of effort to care and work to improve things a bit each day i know somehow you will find a way!!!!!!!!!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/149769-pain-over-lost-morals-warning--senetive-veiwrs-dont-look