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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/119894-Red-sky-at-night
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#119894 added August 11, 2001 at 9:08pm
Restrictions: None
"Red sky at night..."
"Red sky at night, sailors' delight,
Red sky in morn, sailors be warned..."

It's evening. The sky right now is a fusion of pale fuschia and lavender. Or rather, the clouds are. Does that count? Could tommorow be a sunny day? I think it's supposed to rain. Yeah, I don't think sailors have ever looked at a completely clouded sky as a sign of fortune.

My parents have friends over. Their kids are over too. The only one near my age is playing a computer game with her cousin on my brother's laptop.

I have been out of Geometry for a little over a week and I still have not been able to sleep until noon. So much has been going on that the latest I have been able has been between 9 and 10.

God, the aforementioned girl and her cousin are being snobs right now. They've been playing that game for about 5 hours and my little brother wants to use his laptop. "You have this game at home." "But it's broken." "So fix it or get a new one." "You wanna buy it for me?" Ugh... And her cousin is mocking my brother. That gets on my nerves. Once is alright, but every other sentence...

I'm just in a pissy mood right now I guess.

The sky is now dark. I don't know any sailor sayings that have to do with that. But I do know a bunch of sea shanties because that is one of my mom's favorite choices for guitar.

Oh, the sky doesn't change that fast around here. I just saved the entry as a .txt file and came back to it.

I'd like to see a movie about a reality show gone horribly wrong. I think it would be interesting.

I created two new polls today. Nothing too interesting. But check them out anyway.

I'm bored. I don't know why I created this journal in the first place. Maybe it's just a little release thing.

Argh, we were gonna rent movies earlier but no one wanted to. Now they're complaining that we should've. I love it when no one listens to my suggestions.

::sigh:: It's too humid to go upstairs or else I would. I'd also get hell for being "anti-social", even though it's just one step away from what I'm doing right now. A solo act of writing in an online journal, not talking to anyone nor interacting. At least it's not really hot upstairs right now. A cold front made sure of that. Now it's only about 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Not breaking any records, not that hot either, it's still really humid though. I hate humidity.

I can't tell if it's my perception or if the lamp over there is vibrating. Okay, it's my perception. Maybe I shouldn't be using the computer right now.

School starts in 18 days. ::sarcastically:: Yay! ::waves little flag unenthusiastically (Maybe I should get a private flag too, lol Pshaw *Wink*::

There is so much I want to get done in that amount of time. And there are even less days because I'm going on a long weekend vacay next week.

Maybe that means I should spend a little less time wasting time writing these entries?

Ya know, I really think it is the lamp that's vibrating.

I've got a song called "No Government" in my head. I can't tell you who it's by though, because I forget.

There was something I was going to say when I became preoccupied with that lamp. What was it?

It IS the lamp! The air conditioner is blowing it even though I thought it was out of range of the current.

Now that that is overwith...

There are a lot of cracks in my ceiling. The house is 110-130 yrs old. I think the last time this room was painted was maybe 13 yrs ago. When I was too little to remember and our back upstairs room was filled with a beehive.

I didn't practice today. Probably because my parents had two separate groups of friends over. Yeah, that might deter me from practicing.

I'd better stop before this spirals downward into comments about the color of the carpeting or something.

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