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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/119504-Untitled----geez-it-feels-good-not-to-come-up-with-one
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#119504 added August 8, 2001 at 10:26pm
Restrictions: None
Untitled -- geez it feels good not to come up with one...
I've been singing Christmas carols today. I don't know why. Christmas in August? A new marketing spin! Christmas in July is so... Last month! lol *Wink* "...Should I play for Him? Pah-rum-pum-pum-pum... On my drum..." I was singing "Away in a Manger" earlier -- at least I know the words to that song though.

"Rudolph got run-over by a reindeer..." Wait, that's not right....

Gah! I have no idea what is wrong with my computer, but all the fonts on websites are huge! They have to be at the smallest a size 20 in Microsoft Word. I've tried everything I know how to do (and then some) but I the only thing I managed to fix was the colors. I use AOL, but I can use IE and Netscape and the only one that doesn't look like it had a massive dose of font Miracle-Grow is Netscape, which I hate to use. If anyone reading this could tell me how to fix something like that, please e-mail me at a_g_@stories.com.

Why do my feet keep falling asleep? They've fallen asleep a lot recently.

Had one of the Readers' Theatre plays today. Well, it went alright. Could've gone better. I couldn't hear my cue and one of the leads had to open the door and say, "Mayor!". At least it was only in front of little kids. But he is terrible. I don't know why the moderator cast him for the part. Anyone in the group could do it better than he did/is doing. He didn't even study his lines at all! I barely looked at them and I knew his lines better than he did. He eventually got them but he keeps ad-libbing in stupid little lines (i.e. there is no mention of firearms in skit but he insists on "sneaking in" a line about his gun being unloaded)and he and the other lead are so unenthusiastic. It's supposed to be over-acted!! Oh well, like I said, it's only performed for little kids and we have two more shows.

I got my course schedule for school, finally! Well, yesterday I got it. It's fine, for the most part... I would've liked to have several classes either later on or earlier, but you can't really change that.

God, there is so much I wanna say, but I just can't where people would read it. It's not that it's bad, but I dunno, I've just always been really defensive about privacy and all. I dunno, there's just things I don't want people to read or to know. Things that are just too... Well, I guess you know what I mean. Anyway, I have a pen and paper journal for those thoughts... but sometimes they don't even get there.

There's a show on TV right now about a Saudi Arabian sky-scraper. I didn't put it on. It's interesting though, in some odd way.

Maybe I ought to start making some kind of conscious flow to these entries...

Nah, any kind of conscious flow I would make, no one would be able to make sense of, lol.

Why do I keep using "lol"? I really need a different word for that. It's not even a laugh half the time that I use it, it's more of a snort expressing one or more of several different emotions, depending on context. Now doesn't that sound weird.

I finished one of the books for school today. Algebra Unplugged. I think it might have been better if I had not learned that for two years in a row. It seems like they should have assigned that to the Algebra 1 class instead of Algebra 2. Maybe it was to ensure that the Freshman Algebra 2 people had the basics. Still, it seems redundant. Very Redundant.

I only have The Great Gatsby left to finish. I should re-read The Scarlet Letter though. It should take less time though.

I have a piano lesson tommorow. I haven't practiced a single one of my instruments. I hate practicing in front of people but it's too hot and stuffy and humid upstairs. Well, the heat is supposed to subside this weekend. Maybe I can practice then.

My piano teacher wants me to play two solos on the flute for the recital in December. I think I can do it, but she's never heard me play before... I hope her expectations aren't too high...

Orange juice is really good. I'm sitting here staring at the cup mindlessly -- trying to think of something else to say.

I have cold sores on the sides of my tongue. I hate those things with a passion.

I should go. I have nothing left to say and I have to refill my orange juice cup anyway. Good night.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/119504-Untitled----geez-it-feels-good-not-to-come-up-with-one