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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/119147-an-itchy-lobster
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#119147 added August 6, 2001 at 3:20pm
Restrictions: None
an itchy lobster...
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 08-06-01 @ 3:20 pm EDT)

I got back from a one-night beach trip yesterday. It was alright. The sand was so rough on the beach. It scratched my knees up body-surfing and boogie-boarding. I know it wasn't shells because there were so few. At least the surf wasn't too rough -- on other beach trips I've come close to breaking things and/or ended up with a realy stiff neck. The first day we were there it was cold and windy and the sun wasn't out, but the second day, it was beautiful and I got sunburned. I'm so fair-skinned that I burn pretty easily. Three hours in the sun and surf with SPF 30 sunscreen and my shoulders and arms and legs and face are pink. My shoulders are the worst. My face isn't much better. At least it's not peeling. We saw dolphins though! I went to throw a handful of wet sand at one of my brothers and looked down to see an upside-down crab in my hand.

Eww, there was something sticky on the side of the keyboard. I'll have to make inquiries.

The brothers rented Recess and Save the Last Dance. I have no idea what possessed them to rent the latter. They will probably hate it.

That first paragraph is completely out of whack.

Geometry is finally over!! Now I have no excuse and have to stop procrastinating.

Got a letter from my school's music department today. It's about a trip they're planning for Peru and Chile. I really don't know if I am going or not. I'm weighing the pros and cons.

I want my roster for school. I wanna know when I have what and who I have for it and who is in my classes. It should come this week... I think...

I forget what else I was going to say. Don't you hate that?

I was at a hobby shop and got this watercolor paint kit. I thought it was gonna be like some kind of paint-by-number thing, only a little more challenging, but I opened it up and it was these pieces of cardboard printed with the same design as on the box, only in black and white. So I got out my watercolor paper and penciled the picture and painted a new one myself. It's not the best, but it came out pretty good. Later I painted a picture of a lighthouse at either dawn or dusk, I haven't decided yet. It looks really good though. And I used metallic acrylics to paint the sun and accent the water. Oh, I did get new acrylics. I went out to A.C. Moore and they were half-price so I re-stocked my supply and now I have about 50 tubes plus crackle coating. I love that stuff. You paint a layer and then you paint a layer of crackle and then paint another color and when it dries it splits and it looks great.

Pop-up ads annoy me. You can't even ignore them because they cover up what you're trying to look at, especially when they are the most-of-the-screen kind. They end up crashing my computer sometimes! And they take forever to load too.

Everybody but me is going swimming. I really don't feel like it today. I need to strengthen my left arm though. I end up going diagonally when I backstroke and then when I try to compensate, I go the other direction.

Did you know that Extreme Ghostbusters is still on? It's moved to the WB. I just saw it the other day. I thought it was off the air.

I can't think of anything else to write. I'm going to go read some of the books I have to read for school.

Batman Beyond is on! Another reason to go! lol (Pinky, I'm blaming this on you. *Wink*

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