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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/117156-s
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#117156 added July 22, 2001 at 7:55pm
Restrictions: None
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-22-01 @ 7:55 pm EDT)

Just got back from seeing Footloose. Good job, Rowen!! lol... Your dancing has really gotten better, but I didn't see your signature move!!! lol

The male lead was a little off-key, but the rest was great.

I have Geometry tommorow. Ugh... I don't want to have to wake up at 6:30...

At least I'm making some progress in at least one of the stories I'm writing currently. Not that "some progress" is much progress.

Brothers really know how to get on people's nerves. Especially when they quote certain parts of Austin Powers 2 and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it... and then move onto something else and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it...

Ha! Now they're getting on each other's nerves. Good, this might get interesting...

This site keeps slowing my comp for some reason. It's one of the ads. The one that says "You, yes, you.." or something like that.

I wanna get my roster for the next school year. Any day now...

Do you know how hard it is to find flute music in stores that's not Christmas, Classical, Jazz, or Disney? I ordered a bunch of sheet music books online.

I had a dream I was a ghostbuster a few nights ago. It was... strange. Key words/phrases of it: Sharks eating seals; Eddie Munster; Color-coded fish-patterned place settings; "That's terrible movie-making!"; blue and black shrimp cakes (like a crab cake I guess...); A wavering laser pointer of a proton pack; "Olly olly oxen free!" or something like that; "This is a dream" "Yes it is" and then forgetting that fact. Don't ask about the rest... lol.

"It's my shower-slash-escape pod!" - I don't know. I just heard that coming from a brother. I don't bother with the rest. I think they're playing with legos.

Anyone else like Muppet Treasure Island? I love most Muppet movies but for some reason that song that goes, "And when you're a professional pirate..." just became stuck in my head. Only the humming part. I haven't seen that movie in months.

I'm so weird...

Are those triple dots are called ellipses? I heard that name somewhere for them I think, but I don't know. I use them a lot in case you can't tell.

People always want the simple answer to complex problems. They expect other people to have all the answers or to come up with them quickly...

That was a change of subject for you.

I hate those stupid spam junk e-mails advertising porn. Where do they get off? And who actually clicks the links? No, wait. I don't want the answer. All I want to know is why they send e-mails to people who aren't even at all within their target audience. I don't really care to get e-mails about enlarging certain organs I don't have, thank you.

I'm lucky if half of the e-mails I get aren't ads/spam/forwards.

I hate forwards too. I've even sent out e-mails to everyone in my address book telling them not to send me forwards unless they are really good. I think it's slowed them a lot, but I still get several a week. I don't send them too often though.

Geometry is tommorow... Ugh... I know I already mentioned it. Too bad.

If I didn't mention it, my mom tuned my ukelele. Now all I have to do is figure out how to make the chords. I have a book listing 300-some, but I don't know how to hold the instrument... lol... I'll have to ask her.

Don't you hate it when you're preparing a smart-ass remark and then the other person says something other than what you thought they were going to say? I know I do. It just happened.

I should go. I've been rambling this entire entry and I really don't think that will change.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/117156-s