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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/116478-Enough-time-to-write-an-entry--Why-not
by a_g_
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #181604
just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me.
#116478 added July 16, 2001 at 10:58pm
Restrictions: None
Enough time to write an entry. Why not?
 (This entry was edited by a_g_ on 07-16-01 @ 10:58 pm EDT)

I just bent over to pick something up off the ground and almost fell off the other side of the chair. Aren't I graceful...

There are so many spiderwebs outside! I felt like I needed a machete out there, there were so many spiderwebs. We need rain to clear them out at least a little bit. I've spotted at least 5 webs today. Walked into one or two without seeing them. If it doesn't rain soon, I'm going to start walking around outside with a wooden rod all the time in my backyard. (It's a bright blue painted handle off a little broom for kids. I have no idea where the bristles or whatever they're called went. I actually used it earlier to clear a huge multi-layered spiderweb that was spread between a holly bush and another bush in my yard because that's where the gate to the next yard is...)

My mom got a book to learn guitar from. She's gonna help me learn that.

I've gotta start writing down my dreams again. It's interesting to look back through a notebook I have and read them detail by detail. I just haven't had the motivation to get up and write for a while. In fact, I don't know when the last time I wrote anything was. Only a few weeks I'm sure, but that bothers me. I need more initiative or something.

I was over at my neighbor's for about three hours today... I didn't even realize it until I happened to glance at my watch and realized it was quarter of 9. She started singing a line from a song every now and then. But all she could remember was the tune and one line. She did several songs though, lol. "It's a lazy, hazy, crazy day of summer..."

Gawd, my geometry average is an 84. I get it, I can do it, I just do the stupidest mistakes... I can't always think straight at 7:30 in the morning either. Why the hell am I making excuses...

It's really annoying when people you don't know that well, never really talked, only have their screenname and vice-versa because of a school project, instant message you. The longest conversation I've ever had like that was ten lines. Usually it's four or five:
"nmh. u?"
And that's it. It annoys me. I mean, it's not even worth it. Save the energy, people -- you don't burn very many calories by typing that.

Did you know that banging your head against the wall for an hour burns 150 calories?

My throat's sore. It just started.

Mom wants me to be in bed by 11 tonight. I can't fall asleep that early. It's pointless. Even if I was bored out of my mind, I couldn't fall asleep at 11. Boredom prolongs awakeness, for me at night at least. And I can't just shut my eyes and go to sleep because if I don't fall asleep immediately I have to open up my eyes because I can't stand it. Oh well...

"Can't sing but I've got soul..."
^ A line from "Elevation" by U2. I really like that line. I quoted it earlier though and now I've got "Elevation" in my head...

"a mole diggin' in a hole
diggin' up my soul now
goin' down excavation
iron eye in the sky
you make me feel like i can fly
so high
oooooooo oooo
ooooooooo ooooooo
oooooooo oooo
ooooooooo ooooooo...."

Oh geez...

Here's something to remember: Band-aids don't work to stop bleeding when it has already stopped by the time you get a band-aid.

A science program started out today at the library. I help out with it. It's to get little kids interested in science. The older kids (grades 4-6) have a huge attitude problem. I was talking to the instructor though, after the classes and he was telling me about how archaeologists think now that the a lot of the early Protestant settlers at Jamestown were killed by arsenic slipped to them by a Catholic working for the Spanairds. I'd never heard that before, but then again I don't really read that kind of thing by choice often (that, and I think it's a relatively new theory).

I have to go. Damn 11 o'clock rule... Yeah, I'm sure it'll help my work in school.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/116478-Enough-time-to-write-an-entry--Why-not