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Rated: 18+ · Book · Crime/Gangster · #2321760
A Wealthy Family find themselves the victims of extortion
#1073330 added June 29, 2024 at 5:45pm
Restrictions: None
Monday May 20th 2019 Atsion Hotel: 10:15PM

The Restaurant manager hands bank Donald his credit card with his copy of the receipt. "Thank you" states the manager relieved they are finished.

"I've to get my clothes and toiletries out of the car".

"Don't forget your Viagra" taunts Holly as she blows him a kiss.

Donald ignores the jibe "I will need to ring Prudence too" as he stands up and pulls in his chair. "I'll see you in the room.

Holly stands up too lifts her bag, chocolates and flowers "Don't forget to mention my promotion, otherwise I'll be ringing my brothers and tell them you've attacked me in the room!"

Donald strokes his tie "Darling there's no need to threaten me, of course I will". They exit the restaurant "I'll see you in the room" pointing at the WC "I need to go here"

After relieving himself Donald washes his hands and dries them. He examines his tie in the bathroom mirror. The knot was now miniscule and not to his usual standards, Prudence would spot it. He rises his short collar and prepares it for knotting. The sound of a toilet flushes as a forty-eight year old bearded male exists grinning as he begins to wash his hands side Donald "Must be horrible not be getting on with your daughter!"

Donald ignored him, inside he was fuming, but he wasn't going to rise to the bait. He makes a final adj inspection of his tie, satisfied with his work,he walks out to his car.

From the driver seat he tries to video call Prudence but it is engaged. Anxiously he waits another three minutes nervously watching his surround's in fear of someone he knows driving in. He tries again, still engaged.

From it's hiding place underneath the drivers seat he takes his secret phone for Holly "FUCK!!" he roars at her message "I'm talking to your beautiful wife and not hanging up until you get here" Frustrated he places each palm on each temple. "Fuck" he snarls.

8 Minutes later carrying a suit bag and travel bag he realises she has all the room keys. He can hear her talking, nervously he knocks lightly.

Holly opens the door, her right hand holds her smartphone to her right ear and grinning like a Cheshire cat "Of course Prudence" she states "Well I better let you go and talk to your husband, and we are all looking forward to your interview in the morning.

Donald closes the door "Now Don" warns Holly as she walks away and places the remote control in her left hand your going to sit there on the bed and talk to HER!! and if you don't mention about my directorship I am going to fling this remote control at you and if you still don't mention it I'm going to snatch that phone from you and tell her our dirty little secret!"

"Ah" but before he could finish his phone begins to ring, it is Prudence "It's Prudence" Holly pounds the remote into the palm of her right hand "Well answer it, you know what you have to say"

Prudence sat by the table in her room, her cellphone resting on a stand as she eagerly waited to Donald to answer.

She smiles upon hearing his voice "Hey Pru love, how are you?".

"Hi Donny, busy as always, just after a meeting with Tanya and Arabelle and then Holly rang me".

Donnie flinches which catches her attention "Are you okay Donnie!"

"Ah I am sitting uncomfortably, how's Arabelle?"

"Watch your back Darling, oh she's fine, meeting some friends, I'd an argument with her earlier, she was complaining about the hours, told me I had no friends!"

"Oh no, that generation really don't want to work!! I will have a word with her; that's not nice" Prudence watched him as he stroked his tie.

Prudence makes a stop gesture with the palm of her left hand "Oh I had a word with her don't worry"

"Ah that's good, has Holly got some work event planned for your interview in the morning"

"Oh yes" says Prudence as she rubs her lower chin "It will be televised in the office assembly area and some light breakfast will be provided"

"That will be nice darling, are you any further with her promotion"

Prudence adjusts her glasses and forms a steeple with her hands "I will present her with a plan early next week, obviously I can't go into the details but it is an attractive package in line with Director remuneration".

Holly smiles and quietly places the remote control by the tv, picks up a sports bag and with stealth enters the adjoining ensuite.

After 20 minutes Donald hangs up, Holly re-enters, wearing a black leather bra, which protracted her perky breasts and a black leather mini skirt. On her head a catwoman mask. In her right hand a whip and left a dog collar, black leather jock strap and ball gag. She purrs and gets on the bed on her fours "put these on big boy, you've earned it".

"I'm too old for this" Donald things to himself, he gets up and opens the wardrobe carefully hangs his jacket next removes his tie and shirt.

Holly points and laughs at his belly he was about thirty five pounds overweight. "Look at that droopy belly, I could have any man I want but instead I fall in love with an overweight weak old man but i suppose a fat wife will keep a fat husband".

The words cut through Donald like a knife "Prudence is a successful smart businesswoman"

Holly reaches for her bag, pulls out a cigarette and lights up "Shes, small, she's smart and she's round, very round but very very rich and she's going to have to share her money trough with me, how that's going to hurt her"

Donald got down on his knees and began to remove his shoes "Please stop talking about Prudence like that, it's uncalled for!!

Holly takes a deep inhale of her cigarette and blows out, when we're together that belly is going to go, I don't want to be wheeling you into a nursing home in three years time

Donald shakes his head in disgust, "I do exercise I play golf twice a week"

"Ha!!" she laughs sarcastically you mean you sit in a golf buggy and now and then you get off and mishit a little ball"

Donald groans as he stands up and begins to unbutton his suit pants "I'm sixty-five, I've worked hard all my life at least eighty hours a week this is the result of that"

"Holly takes another drag of her cigarette and rests in it's cigarette holder "stop crying old man, I only smoke before sex and I really want you here in the bed with me barking at me like a mad dog and I a feeble pussy cat"

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