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A collection of stories about my family's trip to the movies going sour quite fast!
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#1073068 added June 23, 2024 at 2:13pm
Restrictions: None
A trip to the Movies gone bad - The Exorcism (2024)
It was Monday, June 17th, 2024, and you are still mourning with your mother. You have recently tried to make funeral arrangements for her boyfriend, but because of dire finances, as well as his shitty life insurance policy, nobody is able to come up with enough money for a funeral and are now worried he was going to be buried in a "Pauper's Grave" so to speak. You tried to contact Ross for money, but of course, the greedy bastard lied and says that he doesn't have the money! He can afford fancy steak dinners and new Jeeps, but not a funeral?!? GREEDY BASTARD!!!

On Wednesday, June 19th, 2024, you have just left the doctor's office and you are quite furious with what the doctor told you! Furious with this, you would pick up a camera and upload another video to Youtube, bitching about the medical test results!

On Thursday, June 20th, 2024, you would find out that Ross is seeing another horror movie!
The Exorcism movie poster starring Russell Crowe.

Are you fucking kidding? First he is planning to go to some Satanic concert, now he is planning to see this shit next?!?
Throughout the day on Friday, June 21st, 2024, you and your mother would blow up his phone and demand that he cancel all of his plans. After that has failed, you would get on social media and bitch and whine about how if father was still around, he would most definitely put his foot down and demand all of this shit to stop!
Redneck Rampage Logo with some edits done!

However, none of this has moved Ross, and your mother would end up in jail over some nonsense!

On Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, You would get some news that one of your sisters has just been arrested for driving into a building while drunk!


Pissed off with all of this, you and your wife would pack your bags and would start to plan to camp in the psychopathic friend's tool shed! After you arrive and started throwing your bags into the tool shed, Ross's psychotic friend would come out and tells you to get the fuck off of his property! You tell him to piss off before you would climb into the tool shed with your wife! About an hour later, cops would arrive to remove you two from the tool shed!

As you get hauled off to jail again, Ross's roommate would post the following video to your latest Facebook post:
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