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Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1072921 added June 19, 2024 at 11:48pm
Restrictions: None
One Fifty, If I'm Lucky
One Fifty, If I’m Lucky

These single-sentence Scene Outlines won’t be as easy to write, as I have been hoping it would be. I only got one hundred and fifty of them written today. That’s one Act and thirty sentences from writing the Scene Outline for Part One of my Water Wars scriptwriting project.

Why did I get the other thirty sentences written for this Part? I don’t know the answer to that question, because I don’t know why I couldn’t. It’s not from a lack of sleep. That much I know for sure. I got plenty of sleep last night. It wasn’t because of what my brother and I needed to do today either.

It may have been because of a lack of concentration. I did have some trouble with that today. But I don’t think that was the reason either. My lack of concentration wasn’t that bad. If it’s not what my brother and I, a lack of sleep, or a lack of concentration, then what is it?

I have been getting one hundred and forty-four sentences written several days this week. So, a hundred and fifty maybe my limit. True, one day this week I got two hundred and sixteen sentences written. But it was only one day. I would like it to be that every day, but I haven’t repeated that day like the one forty-four I did a few days this week.

Of course, I was hoping I would write one hundred and eighty sentences to finish writing Part One of this project. But I didn’t get that many written today. Hopefully, I can get that many sentences written tomorrow. Depending on what my brother and I need to do tomorrow.

Today, I had about seven hours to work on this Scene Outline. Tomorrow, I might have four or five if I’m lucky. So, it doesn’t look too good I will get another one hundred and fifty sentences written tomorrow. I hope I will. But I don’t think it will happen. Especially, if tomorrow will be a typical Thursday.

It could be Friday instead of Thursday. But it has been Thursday lately. So, I figure it will probably be Thursday this week too. Whether it’s Thursday or Friday I only get a few hours to work on these Scene Outlines, I will get as many sentences written as I can tomorrow.

I don’t know about the rest of this week. But it will probably take me another week to finish writing these sentence Scene Outlines. After all, at one hundred and fifty sentences a day it will take me about a week before I finish writing these Outlines. I hope it doesn’t take that long. But it looks like it probably will.

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