Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1070150-Week--36-Killing-Dogs-Tiger-Jade
Rated: 13+ · Book · Dark · #2301782
taking part in the weekly poetry challenge number 4
#1070150 added April 29, 2024 at 7:14pm
Restrictions: None
Week # 36 Killing Dogs Tiger Jade
Week # 36 Killing Dogs Tiger Jade

Killing dogs.
Hunting dogs.
Such an act of evil depravity.
Defies our normal political gravity.
Embracing cruelty a new Christian thing ?
Embracing such violence among the right -wing.
A sad day.
What the hay.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has found herself embroiled in controversy after revealing a startling revelation in her upcoming memoir. In her book titled “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” Noem candidly recounts an incident from her past: she put down a dog for being “untrainable” 12.
The confession has sparked strong reactions from both sides of the political spectrum. Here are some key points about this controversy:
1. The Revelation:
o Noem shared that she made the difficult decision to euthanize her dog, Cricket, due to behavioral issues.
o The revelation caught the attention of politicians, dog lovers, and animal rights advocates.
2. Public Reaction:
o Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of “The View” and former Donald Trump White House staffer, tweeted: “Dogs are a gift from God. They’re a reflection of his unconditional love. Anyone who would needlessly hurt an animal because they are inconvenient needs help.”
o The Democratic National Committee described the excerpts from Noem’s book as “horrifying” and “disturbing.”
3. Noem’s Defense:
o The governor responded to the backlash, acknowledging that some people are upset about the story.
o She defended her decision, stating that tough choices like this are common on a farm. Noem cited a recent incident where they had to put down three horses that had been part of their family for 25 years.
4. Background on Kristi Noem:
o Noem is the governor of South Dakota, a rancher, farmer, and small business owner.
o She was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010 and became South Dakota’s first female governor in 2018.
o Noem is also a New York Times best-selling author.
5. Vice Presidential Contender:
o Noem is considered a potential running mate for former President Donald Trump.
o Recent polling suggests that only 14% of Americans view her as a good choice for the Republican ticket, with concerns about her stance on dogs playing a role in public perception 3.
The controversy surrounding Noem’s decision to euthanize her dog raises questions about compassion, responsibility, and the ethical treatment of animals. 🐾📖
From Microsoft Start Partners
• Kristi Noem says she shot and killed her dog. What to know about the South Dakota governor's recent controversy.
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Created by Jacqueline Sturge

8 lines

Syllable Count per line: 3-3-12-12-12-12-3-3
Rhyming Scheme: a-a-b-b-c-c-d-d

Topic: Your choice!

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