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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1067101 added March 28, 2024 at 7:14pm
Restrictions: None
Thursday pits
It's Thursday.....

I had an appointment with Amy (psychiatrist). Everyone is so happy I am smiling and happy. I wish it wasn't just because of Steve......Amy wanted to change my meds but I convinced her not to mess with a good thing.....

I hate that it takes so much out of me to do something as simple as going to an appointment. I guess when you consider though that I have to walk to the bus (about 3 - 5 blocks) , catch the bus....(sometimes having to switch buses at the depot) ride to CMH, walk across the parking lot to the building, check in, walk around the offices, go to my appointment ( I actually have to think while I'm in there before I get myself in a heap of poo), walk back out across the parking lot, catch the bus home and walk 3-5 blocks back to the house.
I guess considering all that no wonder I'm exhausted when I get home.

So back at home it was same old, same old. Taking every chance I could get to lay in my bed and hopefully sleep.

I am so tired now and it is only 7 pm. I'm trying to think of something to do. I already went through my crochet stuff to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow's group.
I should write but I don't feel like it. I try to look at my writing and my head starts to pound.
I suppose I could color.

I'm just so bored and feel like I should be doing something productive. The daily writing I do is crap. This blog is turning into nothing but the same drivel every day..... I have to force myself to do it every night. For that matter I have to force myself to do my daily writing. Writing is becoming more of a chore than a fun pleasurable activity.

I know I can't stop writing though. I can't pack up my pens and leave writing.com and just throw it all away.
Besides the fact that there are people in my life who wouldn't let me do it.....

I just wish I could stop lying about it........

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1067101-Thursday-pits