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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1066739 added March 22, 2024 at 9:05pm
Restrictions: None
Yesterday was supposed to be the first day of Spring..... and what do we get up to today? A foot of snow on the ground and more coming down.......

My crochet group was canceled because of the snow.
schools were closed.
Bill and Jayelyn were off work.

The weather got to me as well. I was hurting so bad I could barely walk but of course I still had to take care of Terry and Prince. I kept getting up, doing what I had to for Terry, and crawling back in bed. I tried to go out in the living room chair and I made it for a while; long enough to start coloring a picture. It don't matter because I have no place where I am going to put it in my room. Most of my wall space is taken up and I haven't put any of my wall hangings up.

I got my goddess and god idols in the mail yesterday. Got teased because they are naked. I plan on putting something over them I just don't know what yet. I got my crystal ball in the mail today. It's not as big as I wished it would be but it is sufficient to fulfil the purpose. one of these days soon I am going to have my shrine set up proper and it is not going to be cluttered with other things.

Haven't done anything for my writing other than jot notes on what I'd like to do with my stories. (Sometimes those notes aren't very nice) I really would like to schedule writing time and stick to it but I just can't with the constant interruptions here.

Haven't done anything for my health either. I try to drink water but I don't want to eat and lately I am choking down my pills because I really don't want to take them either. At least I got David setting up my morning pills the night before so I can take them in the mornings instead of three in the afternoon (or later).

Still nauseous. Still burping eggs. Still hurt all the time. At least my tongue and throat aren't as bad now. I'm going to keep cleaning my mouth with the medicated mouthwash Terry gave me cause it always feels like there are sores in there.

so there is the life of the mouse in a nutshell. Not really too much going on as per usual.

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