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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1066391 added March 16, 2024 at 11:10pm
Restrictions: None
pondering wandering
The Horror newsletter makes me beg the question: what truly is mundane to someone with the imagination of a writer? To my creative mind, the whole world is my playground......

There's a mindfulness exercise that asks you to create something that doesn't exist. Once you know the object in every detail, you are to picture it existing in the real world.....Say your object is an alien fruit that is oblong and black with big purple splotches. Then you picture that fruit sitting in the grass under a tree in the park. Or you could have it sitting in a corner of your bedroom......
Anyways that exercise taught me how I could add anything to this world that I wanted for a story. After all, isn't that what makes it fiction?

Things are going okay. I've been trying to get my room ready for the dresser and bookshelf to be delivered on Tuesday. It is a very slow process, and I am going to have to move some things into the Dining room for a short period of time until I get organized afterward. I've already decided I am not helping with Terry's room until after her dresser is in place. Someone else can move stuff around to make room.

I asked Bill and he is going to help me get my TV mounted on the wall and get my curtains up over my shrine tomorrow. I'm not going to be able to get my wall hangings up until after that and after the dresser and bookcase are in place. I might have to get rid of some of them I have so many now.

Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do on Monday. Sally and I made plans to check out this new store. I have stuff I need to take to mail out and I really should get some stamps.

I don't know if I should be part of the Snail Mail Group anymore. I haven't been able to send stuff out like I wanted to when I first joined. I love sending snail mail but I just haven't had the postage. There are lots of groups I belong to on here that I don't really participate in.

My head is starting to swim again. I haven't been coming on here that much because my port is semi-confusing. I have things in my favorites that I am not active in any more. Some I don't even remember putting in my favorites....it makes it hard to find the stuff I do want to see and use.

Oh well, life does go on, such as it is.

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