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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1066325 added March 16, 2024 at 1:17am
Restrictions: None
CMH day
Hiyo......Khola the Mousethyme here with your nightly report.....

Called Habitat this morning to see if they delivered..... Yes, for a $50 fee per load. Went there with Sally (who showed up late as usual. She thought our appointment was for 11:30) and picked out two dressers and a bookcase (one dresser was for Terry). Then went to CMH. Had my appointment with Jacob; all we did was change my plan to include Crochet. Found out that crochet lasts until 3:00 pm. Ok, fine. Went to crochet group and got a kit containing hooks, stitch counter, stitch markers, scissors, measuring tape, and other goodies (I think). That was cool. Also gave me a skein of white yarn. It's haard to work with white as it is and the yarn itself was thick and fraying. I sat there for almost two hours crocheting granny squares. Not that fun. I'm going to find my yarn and and some patterns and challenge them next week to teach me how to follow a pattern and make something other than afghans.

Came home and all I wanted to do was go to bed. Of course, I couldn't because I had to take care of Terry.

Not much else really happened. It was Friday so tomorrow is Saturday and will be a slow day.

Have to clean the rooms and get them ready for the furniture delivery on Tuesday. Shouldn't be too bad.

Please send good thoughts for Terry. She is getting better. She went to the doctors yesterday and got her stitches out. They gave her some light exercise to do with her arm and the physical therapist came and gave more suggestions....

Send good thoughts that this furniture works out.

The most relaxing space for anyone should be their bed. It is where you rest and recharge yourself for your next adventure. It should be conducive to sleep without difficulty. If there is then there must be something that needs to be addressed.
Right now where I'm at I can't help it, but I have this nasty habit of doing things in my bed. Getting on the computer, reading a book, writing notes for my novels, writing my novels. A bed, according to the experts, will tell you that your bed should only be used for sleep. Don't go to bed with plans on doing something else. You may be tired and say "I'll only work on this for a minute" but that minute turns into hours quickly.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

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Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

Just another signature imag

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