Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1065906-Burns-style-Sonnet
Rated: 13+ · Book · Dark · #2301782
taking part in the weekly poetry challenge number 4
#1065906 added March 9, 2024 at 2:34am
Restrictions: None
Burns style Sonnet
Burns style Sonnet

America’s future – political sonnet

We Americans have a choice to make
Between two older men past their prime time.
Between a con artist still on the take,
Who is ranting, and screaming all the time?

One man who has been around forever.
Many people think is just too old.
Yet many people just think whatever.
Seeing him as being remote-controlled.

The former guy is seen as a madman,
Filled with anger, hatred, fury, and rage.
He is just a wannabe strongman.
Tweeting, stirring up the latest outrage.

Yes, Americans you need to choose!
If you choose wrongly, we all may lose!

tried to write a traditional sonnet ended up with Burns style sonnet same line and rhyming scheme but not in strict inambic meter

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