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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1065254-Happy-Leaping
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1065254 added February 29, 2024 at 1:37pm
Restrictions: None
Happy Leaping!
Prompt: Leap Year Day. Write something about Leap Year for your Blog entry today.


Isn't it odd that the leap year day happens every four years? This is because the Gregorian calendar we use has 365 days to a year, but the earth's orbit around the sun is slightly more than that.

It must the work of some bright-eyed and bushy-tailed calendar maker to come up with the leap year day as February 29, to make up for the sun's goofing. Some say this leap year thing was Julius Caesar's doing with the Julian Calendar. If so, what can one expect from a dictator who is addicted to wine and women and gets himself done away with by his own adopted son!

I think the more logical way would be to divide the 24 hours of the leap day equally among the 365 days, which could be in minutes only. But then, we wouldn't have the Leap Day babies, would we!

Also, what would happen to all the quirkiness associated with the leap-year day! When would women be allowed to propose marriage (Thanks to St. Patrick), if not on February 29 or, as the latest anomaly, how could the French do without La Bougie du Sapeur, the satirical and the least frequently published newspaper in the world, that comes out once every four years on leap day, since 1980?

Maybe not all this is for nothing. Did you know some people, with the slyness of foxes, are leaping into today with deals and opportunities for you? I would guess the deals are more for them. See here?
Happy Leap-Year Day, 2024, Everyone!

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