Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1064553-Gateway-to-Narnia-Beckons
Rated: 13+ · Book · Dark · #2301782
taking part in the weekly poetry challenge number 4
#1064553 added February 20, 2024 at 10:35pm
Restrictions: None
Gateway to Narnia Beckons

Sam Adams
Was back home in Berkeley
In his childhood hometown
He had been away for decades,

One winter morning
He went for a hike
In Tilden Park.

The Crown jewel
The East Bay Park system
that overlooked the entire Bay Area
with views to die for.

He soon found himself
In what locals call
The haunted forest.

A fog swept Eucalyptus
And live oak forest
That led to the old Nike base.

He came to a strange site
A door in the air
With a sign

“Welcome to the gateway
To other worlds
Entry for madmen only.”

He stepped through
And found himself
In the world between worlds
With doorways to other worlds.

He saw a doorway to Narnia
Smiling he jumped through
He found himself
In a winter wonderland.

Cold, and snowing
It was always winter
In Narnia.

He met the Beaver
And joined the revolution
Overthrowing the wicked witch
Becoming King of Narnia
Never returning to Berkeley.

Prompt Word: GATEWAY

an opening that can be closed by a gate.
"we turned into a gateway leading to a small cottage"

a frame or arch built around or over a gate.
"a big house with a wrought-iron gateway"

a means of access or entry to a place.
"Mombasa, the gateway to East Africa"

Your poem should be inspired by the prompt word,
the definition was included to offer some inspiration,
if needed. It's not necessary to use the examples in your work.

Your poem should be a minimum of 12 lines.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1064553-Gateway-to-Narnia-Beckons