Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1059985-Prompt-17-20th-November-2023
Rated: 18+ · Book · Contest · #2300555
(Hopefully) 1 Poem a week for 52 weeks
#1059985 added November 23, 2023 at 8:50am
Restrictions: None
Prompt 17 (20th November 2023)

Reflect a moment and you'll surely see
that I bend light uncommonly well
presenting a view of unparalleled truth
save that you might think right is left perchance

but take no heed and see yourself as you truly are
the camera may lie, but certainly not I
what rights do you have left but to stand before me
as you shave, or dress, or do your hair

for you I'm there, are you the fairest of them all?
read my lips, this is no dumb show, right?
though I can't talk back when left to my own devices
as there's no one here to offer dissent

look long at me, and back I'll stare
dispassionately, what do I care?
Alice passed through right enough, but that's denied to you
there you'll stay, left narcissistic in every way.
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