Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1052212-birthstones
Rated: ASR · Book · Cultural · #2293895
Express It Eight Current Poems Vol Two
#1052212 added July 5, 2023 at 8:19pm
Restrictions: None

Opal Birthday Birthstone

To celebrate his 68th birthday
Sam Adams and his wife, Maria Lee
Went to Paris, stopping off at a jewelry store
They bought an opal ring
And a pink tourmaline bracelet
The traditional birthstones
Of the bad scorpion baby
Putting them on, he looked at her with a wicked smile


The October birthstone is the opal. This rainbow-colored jewel holds many secrets. No one knows how it is scientifically formed. Over time, it has had curious connections with luck and magic. The Aztecs believed it brought necessary destruction for new creation1.
However, there is another birthstone for October, which is the pink tourmaline. This is the modern birthstone, and it is known for its calming and soothing properties. It can also help with emotional healing and self-love2.

May Emeralds for my Love (Bonus poems)

Sam Adams
Surprised his wife, Maria Lee
By a surprise secret trip
They ended up in Paris
Where he bought her an emerald ring
The traditional May Gemini Gemstone
To celebrate her birthday in style
She put it giving him a lascivious smile

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