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Writer's Digest April 2023 Poems
#1048232 added April 15, 2023 at 3:08am
Restrictions: None
Following the Donald, the Anti-Christ
Donald the Anti-Christ Writer’s DIgest

It is easier to
Be consumed
With revenge

The desire to get back
At those who trespass
Against us
Especially so

For the MAGA nation
of the King
Of revenge politics

The Donald
The Anti-Christ

Than to follow
The wisdom

Of Buddha, Jesus,
and Mother Mary
And let it be
2023 April PAD Challenge: Day 13
Write a poem every day of April with the 2023 April Poem-A-Day Challenge. For today's prompt, write a forgive poem.

For today's prompt, write a forgive poem. The poem could be about forgiveness in general, or it could focus on a specific instance of forgiveness or grace. There are times when we are called upon to forgive others, and times when we ask others to forgive us. And sometimes that includes forgiving ourselves. Be forgiving as you poem today.

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