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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#1043049 added January 12, 2023 at 9:38pm
Restrictions: None
Ars Poetica: "Gentle Ideas"
Patchwork words form the poetry of my heart.
Slivers of peppermint coat letters galore.
Cotton candy falls to the ground, rains start
as steaks of hope are carved to make us more.

Orange juice seeps from the breakfast orb
illuminating blooms as glory lights.
Poetry, it anchors near the shore
to paddle in and kiss the diamonds bright.

Aroma wafts from coffee's flaming mug.
Verse by verse I nibble cookie rhymes.
Gentle thoughts on chocolate syrup tug
to build my poem with great spices prime.

"Dance, ye rhythms, 'pon some quatrain's milk,
then dive within the pool of wordy foam.
Make the bliss of thought from smoothest silk
to carry me in tasty dreams of home.

My poetry can be the grandest cake,
or be so bland at times we chew it not,
but when the senses rise to fully bake
the new things learned are tastebuds wondrous taught.

by Jay O’Toole
on January 12th, 2023

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