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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#1042076 added December 23, 2022 at 6:45pm
Restrictions: None
Christmas Eve Eve
Carbo-loading reindeer team,
pressing Santa's jolly suit,
stuffing bears, and sowing seams,
testing horns, that loudly toot.

"Santa's trip is almost here!
Shine up Rudolph's glowing nose!
Compute the route, that's free and clear!
Smooth the treads before he goes!

Toys are packed, but still, there's more
working elves around the clock.
Bits and pieces line the floor.
The spelling elves, now sign each sock.

His frequent flyer miles are full,
'til Christmas 3095,
but Mama Claus still has some pull
to keep him home their Joy to thrive.

"But that must wait. Tomorrow night
is on the schedule as you know.
Yet, when I'm back by morning light,
we'll snuggle on the couch I trow.

"Let's snuggle, now. The wind, it bites
throughout all North America.
Just hold me close. Yes, really tight,
and take me soon to Florida.

The final task is supper time
to tighten his wide, rugged belt,
then final sleep in thoughts sublime.
His looks to her, her heart still melts.

by Jay O’Toole
on December 23rd, 2022

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