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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1036120-Eighteen-in-Almost-Six-and-a-Half-Hours
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1036120 added August 4, 2022 at 11:50pm
Restrictions: None
Eighteen in Almost Six and a Half Hours
Eighteen in Almost
Six and a Half Hours

Unfortunately, I only wrote eighteen single paragraphs for my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual earlier today at work. Eight were three lines long, five were four lines long, and five were five lines long. That’s a total of sixty-nine lines that I wrote in about six hours and fifteen minutes of work. Overall, that means about ten lines per hour.

Six minutes per line doesn’t read like much, does it? And it isn’t. But it isn’t that bad either. After all, I did write them while I was at work. Is eighteen single paragraphs good writing? Some writers will say no. Maybe even most of them will say that. But I’m not one of them. I think eighteen single paragraphs are very good considering where I wrote them.

Did I want to get more written? Of course, I did. But I had some trouble with a few of the paragraphs. I knew what I wanted to write. Just not how to write them. It didn’t take me too long to figure them out. But it did take up some time to do them. If it was just one or two, that wouldn’t have slowed me down that much. Unfortunately, it was several more than two.

It was also the beginning of this movie. And for me, that is the hardest part of scriptwriting. I may know what I want to write. But not how to do it. Especially, to get your audience to stay watching. I know this is only the first step in writing the script. But it leads up to writing it. And this helps me to write the script. I don’t know about other scriptwriters. But it helps me.

I still have the Scene Outline to write. And I know that is going to take some time to write. It may still be about eighteen single paragraphs to write each day. But those will all be four to six lines each depending on which scene number there is. The three liners will only be for the Establishing Shots. And most of them will only be at the beginning of an Act.

Except for the first three Acts of this movie aka part one of the three Act structure. That’s because there are two planets involved. So, there will be a few more Establishing Shots in these Acts. The rest of the movie will probably be at the beginning of each Act. There may be some within each Act. But there shouldn’t be too many of them.

I’m hoping yesterday was just a fluke. And that I will start getting more than eighteen single paragraphs a day. I should be able to get a lot more than that in a twelve-hour shift. About eleven hours of writing time. At least I hope that I do. After all, I would like to get finished with this Story Outline by the end of this week if I can do it. And there is a very good chance that I can do it.

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