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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1035860-About-a-Hundred-Earlier-Today
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1035860 added July 29, 2022 at 11:47pm
Restrictions: None
About a Hundred Earlier Today
About a Hundred Earlier Today

I barely got the third Act written for my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual. That equals one hundred and five single sentences. My problem is I had already started Act One when I start working on this project again today. But I can’t remember how many single sentences I wrote in it. That’s why my title for this blog entry is what it is.

One hundred single sentences may not read like too much writing was done earlier today. And in a lot of ways, it isn’t. but considering it was done at work makes it a lot. Besides, if I break it down that’s almost fifteen single sentences an hour or about four minutes for each one. That’s not too bad. At least I don’t think that it is. Especially, since it was done at work.

Tomorrow only starts in a couple of hours for me. And it’s a twelve-hour shift. So, I should be able to get a lot of writing done tomorrow. I’m hoping that I’m going to be able to get at least one hundred and ten single sentences written tomorrow. If I can do that, I will get two main Acts done. Plus, I will get Tag Act One and Teaser Act Two written as well.

Because it is a twelve-hour shift, I should be able to get that many single sentences are written. But I’m not going to count on anything until it happens. I have written statements like this before. And for one reason or another, it doesn’t happen. Hope that it does this time. But if it doesn’t, I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t get that many written.

Except for the Teaser Acts and the Tag Acts which are three lines long in my Story Outlines, my eight main Acts are four or five lines long depending on who the character is. My Scene Outlines are a little different. They are based on what line number they are. And they range from four lines, five lines, or six lines.

If I think about the single sentences that I did earlier today like the above paragraph, I would have gotten sixteen to twenty-five paragraphs written earlier today. Since it is mostly between twenty to twenty-five because there are only about three six-line scene numbers, that is more accurate. No matter how I break it down, I think that one hundred single sentences in on seven-hour shift are very good.

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