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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1035777-Not-Quite-Ready-for-the-Scene-Outline
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1035777 added July 27, 2022 at 11:39pm
Restrictions: None
Not Quite Ready for the Scene Outline
Not Quite Ready for the Scene Outline

For once, I was right about something. I didn’t think that my brother and I had anything that needed to be done today. And I was right. He had a couple of things that needed to be done today. And usually, he wants me to go with him to do them. But because of me going to work tonight, he did them himself.

What does that mean for my writing? It means that I had plenty of time to work on my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual. And time I put to good use too. True, I’m still fighting a cold that I’m losing and had to get ready for work. But overall, I had a lot of time to work on this problem. Unfortunately, it was as much time as I was hoping that it would be.

It wasn’t just the amount of time I had to work on this project, though. I also had some problems with it too. Didn’t have any problems that I couldn’t figure out. But it did slow me down some. Between the cold, I’m fighting, getting ready for work, and my problems with writing, I still have some prep work to do before I start writing my single-sentence Scene Outline.

I will start working on the single sentences after I finish the prep work for this project. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take me to finish this part of my project. But it should take all of my shift to do it. Of course, I have often written that before. And it has taken me that long. If not longer, before I’m finished with something. Hopefully, this won’t be one of those times.

When I get done with the prep work for this project, I will start on the single sentences. I’m not sure how many of them I will get written today. That all depends on how soon I get the prep work finished. If I get it done within a couple of hours, three at the most, I may get a lot of the single sentences written. But I’m not going to count on even getting that many until it happens.

I’m hoping to get at least the first fourth of this movie finished today aka the Act One of this movie. Even though my Scene Outline is written as a television movie to show where the commercial breaks should be when it gets to television, the script will be written as a movie script aka a Three Act Structure.

A lot of movies like this one may go directly to television. After all, this is a Science Faction Family Drama with serious Drama content. But I’m still hoping it will be in the theaters first before it goes to television. The Outlines are mostly for my benefit. It helps me to write the script. But they may also help me to sell it too. Especially, the Scene Outline.

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