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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1034719-Why-Im-So-Extremely-Early-Today
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1034719 added July 5, 2022 at 3:31am
Restrictions: None
Why I'm So Extremely Early Today
Why I’m So Extremely Early Today

If anyone ever reads my blogs, they will already know the answer to the above blog title question. It’s because I’m going back to work today until the end of this week. True, I get off of work about two hours before the end of the day. So, I may be able to post this blog entry before the end of today. But I’m not going to take that chance. I don’t want to have another blogging day missed. Especially, so soon after my last one.

The big question now is whether I’m going to be able to do any writing for this post. Supposedly, I’m not going to be able to do that. I’m not supposed to watch any television or movies on this post either. But I’m going to try to do both. All they want me to do is stare at a monitor most of the time. And that’s very boring to do. I do have some patrolling to do. And that will help with the boredom a little bit. But not that much.

I think that I may be able to listen to television and movies on my cell phone while staring at the monitor. But I may not be able to do any writing. If I can’t do any writing, I can handle that. I won’t like it if I can’t. But it’s not a disaster. Not being able to ‘watch’ television and movies will be. For the last four hours of my shift, I may be able to do both. After all, I will probably be on my own during this part of my shift.

It’s the first half of my shift that I may not be able to do anything when it comes to writing and my cell phone. That is when there are employees still working there. There may be a few after the first half. But there shouldn’t be too many of them. The place closes at six pm WDC time. And most of the employees there will leave for the day. There may be one or two that may not leave so early. But they shouldn’t be there too long before they leave too.

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