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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1034626-Some-Good-News-Some-Bad
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1034626 added July 2, 2022 at 11:50pm
Restrictions: None
Some Good News, Some Bad
Some Good News, Some Bad

I’ve got some good news and some bad news. What do you want me to write about first? That’s a stupid question since I’m not writing to anyone in particular. These blog entries are for my benefit. So, that I can rant and rave about what has happened to me that day. If anyone else does read them, the better. But I know that isn’t going to happen too much.

The bad news is that I still haven’t seen a prompt for this month from the WDC. I’m not surprised about that, though. It was six days into the month last month before it came out. And I expect it to be at least that much into this month. If not a day or two later. I hope it’s not a lot sooner than that. But I’m not going to count on it until it happens.

Now for the good news. At least I think that it’s good. After all, the contest that I used to write for is sort of back. It has changed into a themed contest with a somewhat constant setting. But it is bad. True, it may be a problem for me at times because I write pure Science Faction. In other words, I write the truth. But I don’t think it will be that much of a distraction.

I can do themed short stories too. Only mine will be true. Even the setting will be the same. It just won’t be the type of setting that everyone else will be writing about. That’s why I have decided to enter this contest via a book format as well as my short stories. I think that it will be okay with this contest host. But just to be safe, maybe I should email them about it first.

There is some more bad news that didn’t happen today. Only it’s related to my Water Wars scriptwriting project. It has been so busy today that I haven’t had any time to work on this project. I haven’t even gotten out my tablet to work on it. That’s how busy it has been today. Of course, it hasn’t been a total loss when it comes to my writing. I have had a lot of time to think about this new contest challenge.

Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to work on any of my projects: neither one of my scriptwriting projects nor any short stories, after I finish this blog entry. Not because of a lack of sleep. Even though I didn’t get too much sleep last night. No, it’s because I’m getting up extremely early tomorrow morning. Six-thirty WDC time to be exact. So, I’m going to be going to sleep soon after I finish posting this blog entry.

I may not be able to do too much writing on any of my projects tomorrow either because of getting up so early tomorrow. Because I will be on the road most of the day with something that my brother and I need to do. I’m hoping that I will be getting back in the middle of the afternoon to early evening. If that is true, I may be able to get some writing done on at least one of them.

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