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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1030553-A-new-year-fourth-week
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1030553 added April 18, 2022 at 10:30am
Restrictions: None
A new year: fourth week
*Geek* 11 *Snow2*

I finally got new glasses. Wire-rim. One's brown, the other gunmetal.

See better without them up close though.

My eyes in general are in good health. Cataracts forming but not an issue.

Was given eyelid wipes for eye-gunk.

Only complaint was having to be up so early to catch the #8. Very cold morning. Blustery, snowy day.

Caught the #6 back and visited with friends. Phil gifted me a chocolate cherry desert.

Merit Badge in Micro Fiction Challenge
[Click For More Info]

   Congratulations on successfully completing at 10 weeks of  [Link To Item #2265907] ! You stuck to it and rocked it! *^*Heartv*^* Kindest Regards, Lilli
Micro Fiction Challenge

"Micro 100 #20 "Howl and Yowl" [20]
"Micro 100 #19 "Drama Class" [179.14]
"Micro 100 #18 Boostered [179.3] 100 words
"Micro 100 #17 Chance encounter [178.379]
"Dere wuz a ring in 'er coffee cup, dere wuz, dere wuz! [378]
"Micro 100 #16 My Familiar [376]

Totally listless. *Sad*

- ties for glasses *Check*
- wash before leaving *Check*
- finalization of first week *Check*
- ride *Check*
- phone set up
- pre pack (tends to make clear what's 'missing')
- clean out fridges - butter to Julian *Checky*
- haircut *X*
- enga@ymail.com email restored *Check*
- mothballs and plastic bags *X*

*Meh* 12 *Clouds*

Pale pall. Weak sun. 29 degrees. May not get above freezing. Not too windy at the moment.

Lingering cold = not good.

Found ties for my glasses. Suede, cost me $5 each but at this point I don't care.

Nursing a sourdough baguette.

Skype issues, phone issues, email issues... all intertwined... it never ends. *Worry*

Stress wears me out.

Submitted "By the heat of a radiator to Shadows&Light. No way I can remember where/when I've submitted it n the past.

Waiting, waiting, waiting... absolutely stressed by waiting when I need answers a.s.a.p. Yes, I realize other people actually have a life.

? 13 ?

I don't remember much. Cold. Very cold.

Did speak with Hunter at Butterfly. He's moving to Nashville!

I managed to speak to my cousin Carol before I lost wifi.

No wifi connection at home after 8 p.m. Not as if I have anything to do... I took a nap to de-stress and then go up 12 a.m. till 4 a.m. and went through items for pre-packing.

*FaceMask* 14 *Wind*

Have PCR appointment at Walgreens. 11:45 a.m. Hope it goes well. I have so little time for drama.

Sam and Jean both suggested Walgreens.

Ate lunch: Swedish meatballs. Saw Angie and got a hug.

Cold walk to Rockin' Rudy's. They didna have what I needed *Sad*.

I seem to have internet back.

Lay down again for an evening nap. I felt chill. Now up... what should I do?


Birgit has offered to take me to Walgreens in the morning. *Delight*

1 a.m. blowing and snowing.

*Think* 15 *Wind*

Birgit got me to Walgreens. We figured it out. Now... to wait.

Fried fish at Senior Center. *Hungry* Clam chower, fries, banana pudding. Sat with Phil, Laxmi, Monte, Wally and Kathi.

Blood pressure: 160/90 = not good.

Couldn't straighten out sim card. Bad info.

Butter to Julian. Dylan offered to take me to the airport. *Hearto*

*Hysterical* 16 *Snow2*

Don't ask.

*Yawn* 17 *Sun*

Extremely tired after no sleep. Dylan got me to the airport by 03:45 but no problems.

Ate a roast beast sandwich.

Chatted with the coach of a junior high basketball team. They were on their way to Phoenix to watch an NBA playoff game.

Talked to Christina on the plane. She grew up in Boston near Nakeeta who I know. Small world indeed. Nice chat about seafood and growing up in a Catholic town.

In MSP too tired to care.

Great chat with Isaiah from Sacramento. We talked about language and culture. He's Hmong.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1030553-A-new-year-fourth-week