Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1018764-Sinful-and-Adams-sin
Rated: ASR · Book · Erotica · #2247385
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#1018764 added October 19, 2021 at 10:56pm
Restrictions: None
Sinful and Adam's sin?

"I think the whole thing about original sin is sinful," Muzzy pontificates.
Muzzy's muse falls on deaf ears. Sally is making a salad for herself.
"Why should we be punished for original sin?" Muzzy asks Sally.
She doesn't notice. She is busy making a salad with Ceasar sauce.
Muzzy is undeterred, "Sinfulness exist, but we are responsible for our sins."
Sally emerges from the kitchen with a lovely salad.

"What are you jabbering about?" she asks as she nibbles her salad.
"That's a nice salad. Can I have some?" Muzzy queries.
"Go make your own," Sally gives a Chesire Cat smile.
Muzzy sighs and goes to the kitchen.
"Do you care about original sin?" he queries while making a salad.
Sally is munching her salad now, "I like this salad."

Muzzy lets out a sigh and digs into his salad next to Sally on the couch.

Reflections~Is original sin forgotten?

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