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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2255675
The Eyes Of Someone In The Backrooms
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#1014797 added July 31, 2021 at 1:54pm
Restrictions: None
Inside The Backrooms Part 1
Kyle & Konner Are In Level 0

I was laying on my back when I entered, "Ow" I said as I got up. I saw Konner sitting, confused and wondering what's going on. "Are you ok Konner?" I said. "I guess?" He said confused. I look around to see yellow wallpaper, damp carpet and fluorescent lights inconsistency placed. "That messes with my OCD" I said as I pointed at the lights. "Heh, I guess it does" Konner said. I had info of this place, as it was popular at the time, though information was widespread, I thought it was false, I guess it wasn't.

"Konner" I said. "Yeah?" He said. "We are in Level 0, The first level in the Backrooms, This level is Safe, Secure and has a Minimal Entity Count. So were most likely not going to see entity's here." I said "I guess that's good to know" He said. I thought for a bit and then I said, "We have to keep walking to get to the next level." I said. "Ew, I hate walking" He said. "Yeah I know you do but we have to so we can survive in here" Konner got up and started to follow me.

We walked for a few minutes and we ended back to where we were. "Dude, we went in a circle" Konner said.
"No we didn't, In this level way finding is hard to do." I said "Shiiit" Konner Said. We kept walking and we hit a room with a Fire Exit. "What is that?" Konner said. "The entrance to Level 1" I said. "Finally, It feels like we have been walking together forever." Konner said. "Hold my hand so we know we can get through the level together" I said. Konner grabbed my hand and we went through the fire exit.

Kyle & Konner are now in Level 1
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