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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1006866-My-Earliest-Memories
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #2244695
A blog and a collection of things gathered into one.
#1006866 added March 23, 2021 at 5:05am
Restrictions: None
My Earliest Memories

The Original Logo.
Write about your earliest memory. Try to describe it in as much detail as possible.

My Earliest Memories

         "My Fondest Memoir is one of my earliest memories that I can remember clearly. The rest are short flashes and snippets of memories during my childhood. I have memories of me being locked up in my grandmother's room when I was five for reasons I can't remember. There was also that time when me and my sister fell on the wooden bridge when one of our friends continuously jump his way through causing the bridge to break and collapse while we're in the middle of it. Another one was when we went on fishing but went home empty handed because we were only swimming at where our fishing lines were placed.

         There was also that time when me and my eldest sister had a fight over that one candy. She pushed me and my head got hit on that iron bar. The moment our father saw what happened, he got so angry at my sister. When she saw him coming with a wooden stick on his left hand, I was only surprised at how quick she vanished in front of me. She ran as far as her tiny feet could possibly take her while father was only few feet behind. I was crying so hard not because of the bleeding cut I had on the back of my head (which my mother had carefully bandaged) but to the sight of how my father beat my sister with that stick. I felt guilty.

         And who could not remember an event that brought a scar on one's face? I got one just above my lips. It's even visible on all of my pictures and photos. I was nine at that time and my sister was ten. We were running an errand to buy bread for the new year's eve. Although the store was quite far from where we are located, we know our way back and forth. On our way home, I didn't know what wind entered into my sister's head but she was throwing something to me. It was an asphalt grease she took from the wheels of that sugar cane wagon. Our way to the barangay is actually laid with rails where wagons are spread and left at certain points especially during sugarcane's harvest season. Of course I didn't want myself to get dirty so I ran and she was chasing me. With hopes to avoid her, I took a quick detour. It was that time when I felt something that hit my mouth. It was a barbed wire set in place as fence and it didn't appear to my sight. The wire pierced deeply into my upper lip and blood oozed from the deep laceration. If you only saw the horror and fright in her face that she almost cried. Well, I didn't cry. I didn't feel any pain at all. Perhaps because the happening was quick and I was still in my shocked state. She gave me a hand to walk but this time, we didn't pass through the correct route. We headed our way to the nearby river and she helped me wash off the blood stains in my mouth and some clots on my clothes. This was where I started crying as I started feeling the stinging pain. She tried her best to pacify me but to no avail. I was crying all the way home.

         Can you guess what my sister did to mitigate the chance of getting scolded? Well, on our way home, she started picking up some dry woods and twigs to be used as firewood in cooking our food. That's what she thought but the moment our mother saw the big wound on my upper lips, the twigs served its purpose.

         Thank you for the time reading this. Cheers!

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