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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Nonsense · #1548926
They don't get along like ying and yang or night and day. Will they ever?
Part 1: Meet Umbreon and Espeon

Hello, and welcome to the small town addressed as Nowhere town. The area is lush and green and probably full of a large majority of idiots and the dumbest morons you could ever see. Today our little story will revolve around two pokemon that don't get along so well....Actually, they don't get along at all! So.... there you go. Okay, anyway....it just so happens that these two weirdos live next door to one another. I know freaky, ain't it? Wait there's more to these two pokemon... Their houses are the same size and painted the same way...Okay this may seem awkward to some of you but the reason why the houses are the same color and quite possibly the same format is because the espeon next door admires umbreon. Wait, scratch out admires and put worship. Espeon loves umbreon so bad that she calls him her "god". Yeah, I know she's obsessed with him, so please try to bare with me.
Umbreon is the same color as usual....y'know the black fur, the yellow glowing rings on the rounded ears, the red outer part of the eyes and his blue pupils. Yeah, well that's Umbreon. Now Espeon, the neighborhood idiot has soft velvety lavender fur, her tail parts in two, has two huge ears and has a glowing red jewel on her forehead. Don't forget the short turn memory loss and the meager brain she has contained in her little head. I mean Espeon is so abnormal that when she sees the garbage truck she runs after it like some crazy monster. And she will only run after it they pick up Umbreon's stuff first! Espeon moved here from uhhh...gee I forget. But I do know that she was five when she moved here. When she was settling here, she was shy, scared and evaded a lot of people at first.... that until she met Umbreon.
It was a dark but warm summer evening, around twelve midnight. Espeon, who was approximately six years of age, wandered into a nearby city. She was longing to see the sights and sounds of the city. But young as she was she still has not the slightest clue on how to cross the streets. So she tried to cross the street when the traffic light turned green but there was an on coming gasoline truck heading towards her! Her limbs froze and she braced herself for the worst to come, but as soon as the truck drew near, a pokemon dark as the night sky grabbed her from the back of her neck with his teeth and pulled her onto the other side of the street with all his might. After Espeon came to, she looked up at her savior with a little twinkle in her dark purple eyes. She wanted to ask him something but the umbreon quickly fled somewhere. And from that day forth, she started social relationships and bothers Umbreon.
As of Umbreon's history so far....we don't know a thing. Well...not yet! The only thing we know is that he is the same age as Espeon and he saved her. Oh....that and he has a family and a cute little sister named well....Eevee. She goes to Pokemon Day Care and she is not much of a bother than Espeon. Umbreon couldn't care of what happens to Espeon. In fact he regrets saving her! His personality is dark and quiet like the night itself. And he's not considered a hero to anyone anymore. He had some compassionate piece of his soul, but where did it go? Why did that caring flame in his heart die out? This still remains a mystery.......
Now let's check on these two and see how they act towards others!

--Ch.1 First day at school: A Hell of a morning

Umbreon wiggled in his small bed. Then he opened his tired eyes slowly and jumped back in surprise! "Oh it's the neighborhood jerk! Hey, what hell?! Why....Why.... are you in my room at...." He turned his head to his platinum alarm clock. "At five thirtytwo in the morning? I mean no one's up!"
"I'm waking you up because it's the first day of seventh grade, my love!"
"Oh god, kill me!" Umbreon put one paw to his face and abruptly shot an angry expression towards Espeon. She just kept smiling at him. "Idiot!" And so Umbreon got up, shoved Espeon out the door and walked into the kitchen. His father was up and walked around the kitchen table like one of those horse races. "Dad, what the heck are you doing?"
"I'm getting enough exercise so I don't get tired during work."
"But dad all you do at work is lick envelopes and deliver them to the post office. There's no running involved! I mean you have one of the laziest jobs in like the whole damn world!"
"Now Umbreon, I know you just woke up but that doesn't mean you can just have an attitude towards your father. Why don't you take a jog around the block?"
Umbreon sighed and gave a weak "Okay dad". He went through the doggy flap and looked both ways prior to crossing the street. He ran rapidly down the block before the sun rose high into the light blue sky. He passed a few dead trees and two large houses. Oh,and it was not the same format of Umbreon's house. After two laps around the block, he returned home and was beginning preparations for school.
After eating breakfast, he glanced at the time. "Oh my god, I'm gonna be late for school!" So he bolted out the door with his lunch and came to an abrupt stop at his bus stop. He breathed in and out heavily and turned hos head to his left. But when he opened his eyes he saw his terror in front of him.
"Hi, Umbreon!" The terror greeted him.
"Shut up, Espeon" He said the same way she did.
"So watcha doing?"
"Uhhh.... let me see um waiting for the damn bus!
"Oh...me too!
"She is such a weak minded fool!" Umbreon said quietly.
"Hey Umbreon..."
"I love you", she giggled.
"Hey Espeon..."
"Yes, my love."
"I despise you!"
"Okey-dokey, then!"
Umbreon looked around. "Where's this damn bus?!"
"There it is!", Espeon said to him.
The yellow rusty bus came flying down the road. Then the bus driver jammed his foot onto the break when seeing the two kids. The bus driver was a green dragon.
"Hello, kids. My name is Flygon and I will---"
"Yeah, okay it's nice to meet you too", Umbreon interupted with complete sarcasm. He took his seat...in the BACK of the bus. Espeon sat next to him. "Damn it!" Sorry, Umbreon.
"Make sure you're buckled in." Umbreon ignored the bus driver's direct order to do so. Espeon however, obeyed.
"So what's your first class, Umbreon", Espeon asked while the bus bumped up and down.
He looked at his schedule. "Ground class", he said in reply.
"And then after that?"
"Psychic class."
"And after that?"
"Electric class."
"And after that?"
"Fighting class." (like gym class)
"And after that?"
"Shuuuut up!"
"Espeon....you're an idiot!"
"Thank You."

Six stops later.....
"Okay, this bus is getting really crammed." Shelgon started to sneeze. Umbreon who was completely grossed out by the fact, moved towards the window away from Shelgon.
"Okay kids, we're going to school. Like I care...."
So the bus stopped in front of the junior high pokemon school. Kids were nervous and some started to moan. "Dude, I can't believe we have to go back to school!" The other pokemon nodded at him and walked into the building. Umbreon and Espeon walked into their attendance room and took a seat. And when he saw the teacher....he found out that it was an Espeon too!
"Oh my God", and he slammed his head against the hard flat surface of the desk. The teacher pulled out her attendance log and recorded the attendance.
"Hello my name is Mrs. Espeon and I will be your psychic teacher for this fun-filled year." She gave them a small smile. The kids stared with tired expressions and some yawned. "Okay, let's start off with a little roll-call. I'll go first... Hello! My name is Mrs. Espeon and I love teaching my students many things!" Her expression was cheery! "Who would like to go next?"
"I will!" Espeon got up in front of the entire room. "Hi! My name is Espeon and I like little flowers and ice cream and...and....and Umbreon," she said pointing at him.
"Very good! Now Umbreon it's your turn."
"But I don't want to go." Umbreon let out a meager moan.
"C'mon it will be fun!" His teacher insisted.
"Ohhh...fine! My name is Umbreon, I despise everything like cats, dogs, mice, Espeon and I think school BLOWS!"
The children in the room cheered.
"Well okay who's next?" The teacher was a little pissed.
Just then the bell rang and they went to first period.
"Ooooooo.....Ground class must be fun!!! I wonder who is our teacher", a kirlia asked her friends when she entered the room. Then when all the students were situated, she caught the teacher by his bright blue eyes. Standing before her was a husky and armored aggron. "He's sooooooo hot!"
"Eww....Kirlia. He's I think...um...married", whispered a small meditite.
"Oh yeah, how do you know?"
Meditite pointed at his family pictures on his desk. He even has a baby aron at home! Cute!
"Oh don't be stupid. You just didn't know that that's him with his mother and brother." Kirlia responded with stupidity.
"No,....but that's....ugh! Never mind", said Meditite.
"I can't wait any longer. Start the next chapter, quick!"
And with that, a new chapter is born.

Ch.2:Wherforeart thou Aggron

Kirlia jumped up and down in her seat as the teacher walked by. She was the type of girl who could fall in love anyone who had the right muscles. She wasn't that picky on guys. She just liked older men in their 30's. That scared people sometimes but she could care less.
Umbreon was sitting next to Espeon who had her eyes fixated on him for a long time. He looked at her. "Ugh...I don't know what is more freaky: Kirlia's taste in older guys or Espeon's disgusting face!"
Espeon didn't say anything. The phrase "I love you" was going through her mind.
The tall and armored teacher stood before the class and his voice was just enough to make Kirlia start swinging her leg around under the seat.
"Okay class, I am addressed as Mr. Aggron or you can call me Mr. A or whatever is appropiate for you.
Umbreon raised his paw.
"So it's okay to call you Mr. A? Well I'm more happy calling you Mr. S as in this class "Sucks"! Thank you very much, I shall use that name now."
Kids were laughing hard.
Aggron was growing furious. "Oh okay, it seems that we have a class clown. And class clowns and I don't fly."
"How could you fly? You're so damn heavy with all that fat you gained over the summer vacation. What does your diet consist of? Twenty foot ice cream sundaes?!" Umbreon was very quick witted.
"Guys, stop it." It was Kirlia. "Especially you Mr.Comedy! Stop trying to screw my perfect day up! Because if you dare do that: I will rip your face off and stick it on your butt!"
"Oooo...I'm really scared now! Ptttttth! C'mon you can't curse and that's what makes you a loser."
"No! And do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
" You nasty, ugly thing you!"
"Uh...excuse me but have you seen ugly? Look at yourself in the mirror and then come talk to me." Umbreon had the upper hand.
"Umbreon, keep it up and I will send you to the principal's office." Aggron pointed his finger at Umbreon.
"I don't care. Hey, I betcha the principal is not that fat. Here's some advice, Fatso: Go participate on that stupid gameshow, "The Biggest Loser". Watch what you eat and then come back to school." Umbreon said with meager laughter.
"That's it! Go to the principal's office this instance!"
Umbreon looked at everyone and walked out of the room. Like he could give a damn.

"Okay, now that that's done...I will give you your school supplies list for this class. Then I will explain in great detail about the rules and recommendations of this period." Aggron began passing out the lists. When he passed by Kirlia, she was smiling from ear to ear. Meditite looked at her and right away she could tell that Kirlia was a moron.

After explaining everything he asked the students what they liked to do, just so he can get along with them well.
"I like to eat blueberry pie, blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, blueberry oatmeal---
"Wait, wait. Hold up. You like to eat blueberry...oatmeal?" Aggron never heard of it.
"Yeah, all you gots to do is take a bowl of fresh blueberries and dump them into a bowl of hot oatmeal." Shelgon was considered a nut-job.
After the first five were done, it was Kirlia's turn and boy did she blush and swallow hard!
"So you're Kirlia! You seem like nice girl, trying to defend me and all from what ever Umbreon threw at me. Thanks, but I can handle it next time. That's one of the things I have to deal with when I'm a teacher. So tell me, what do you like to do?" Aggron smiled at her.
"Look at you!"
"Excuse me?"
"I mean...get new shoes!" That was a close one! "And I like to recite lines from plays."
"Oh, what kinds?"
"Ummm....Wicked and......Romeo and Juliet." She only knew Romeo and Juliet.
"Hmmmm...well, we do have a play in the drama club this year and if you want you can try out."
"Well...I don't know...."
"Well I love a good play and I'm going this year with my other teacher friends."
"Okay!" No hesitation. Well that's what you can expect from Kirlia when he said he was going to the play.
"I can't wait." {Bell rings}
"Oh, see you tomorrow class." Mr.A waved goodbye.

Kirlia and Meditite were heading to their next class together and they have a very interesting little conversation.
"Oh my God! Mr.A is going to be at the play! (Gasp) I gotta practice my lines!"
"Kirlia! You're going a little overboard with this love thing. Besides why do you need to practice when I heard that the play is going to happen in two months?"
"Love always comes first, Meditite! And scripts with love lines always need to be read twenty-four seven." Kirlia had a little swagger in her step. "Hey, how about this? Oh Aggron, oh Aggron, Wherforeart thou Aggron?"
"You're crazy, girl," And they stepped into electric class. The door said "This class will give you quite a shock!" Espeon liked the classroom but she started to sob. She missed Umbreon who was gone for...ten minutes and counting. "Please come back to me, Umbreon! Please, my love."

Ch.3:Umbreon and Jolteon's little unexpected reunion

Umbreon, who missed the whole second period was still trapped in the main office. The principal's office was in the main office and boy was it cold! He still wasn't called in but that's the drill with him. This has got to be his...gee...eighth time going there. One time in elementary school he brought fireworks such as bottle rockets, roman candles, M-80's, Cherry Bombs and blew them all up on school grounds. Another time was that he regurgitated on a teacher...on purpose. YUCK! Talk about disgusting! And here he is now because he talked back to the Ground instructor. Well...the thing is. Umbreon was mostly sent directly to the Principal's office because of his attitude. Yeah well, go figure.
He could hear voices that were mixed with short periods of silence and meager anger. "Still not caring", Umbreon said quietly to himself. "The principal doesn't scare me. Actually my mother's feet scare me." He thought about his mother's feet and how he had to file them and look at the disgusting, revolting, green fungus that was shoved in the spaces between her toes. He shuddered. "Ok. Never again will I ever think about those horrid feet!" He swore on his life. Sometimes that's a little too extreme... The voices rose.
"I don't want you to do that again! Do you understand me?! Because I will pink slip you!"
"I'm gonna get fired from school?" The kid was laughing.
"I'm serious! And stop laughing or I will start filling out the pink slip right now. And you don't want your parents to find out about that, now do you?"
"Dude, both my parents are dead. They passed away last year at the beginning of sixth grade. I live with my horrible old grandma and she can't be trusted with any damn thing! Did you hear me, man?! Not one damn thing!!! Actually has it ever occured to you that she makes my life a living hell! I mean, c'mon! It's not like you had to live in a dumpy ass area and live with a horrible old hag that does nothing but sit on her ass all day and makes you her royal servant. Day in and day out with this crap...and if I step out of line even once she pulls the old leather belt on my behind. Well you know what, Mr.G? I couldn't give a crap about this school anymore. I mean why do I even come here if my life is ruined? So do what you want...pink slip me, give me a thousand days of detention, oh hell...why don't you KILL me?!? I mean seriou--
"That's enough out of you, young man! Stop the crude language too! It gets on my nerves...good god!" The Principal wiped his forehead. "I'm giving you one more chance...I mean it. So, come clean and we won't have a problem! Or I will expel you!.......(Sigh) You may leave, Jolteon."
Jolteon started for the door until he was interrupted.
"If it happens again Jolteon...find me."
Jolteon was a little worried and walked outside his office.
Umbreon looked at his face.
"Hey." Umbreon knew him.
"Huh? Umbreon? Wait you're not the Umbreon that almost blew up Lakeville Elementary, are you?" Jolteon wondered.
"The one and only." Umbreon smiled showing his left fang.
"Wow! I haven't seen you in a year. How's it going?"
Umbreon looked around the office.
"The usual. Y'know getting caught by the teachers AGAIN and getting sent to the office AGAIN." Umbreon and Jolteon laughed a little. Jolteon missed him. Umbreon can see it in his brown eyes. "So...what did you get nailed for?"
"Oh me? Heheheh...well before I spill, let me ask you something."
"Y'know that Espeon, right? The stupid girl that annoyed you for how many years?"
"Yes and too many years."
"Well, does she still have a thing for ya?" Umbreon looked up and sighed.
"Yes, Jolts. She still has thing for me. I wish she can just get off my back sometimes."
"Yeah well, you know girls."
"How come girls don't hit on you?"
"Because if you over heard the conversation with me and Mr.G or should I say Mr."Gay", I said that I'm piss poor! No girl wants to go out with a poor bastard like me."
"So that's why I hit on them!" Jolteon giggled.
"Oh! Is that why you got in trouble?"
"You bet!" Jolteon winked.
"So, whacha do?" Umbreon wanted to know.
Jolteon was smiling with his teeth showing. He was displaying his rebel-boy smile.
"Well you see...I was walking down the hallway on my way to third period, then all of a sudden I see this hot, smoking, attractive, soul stealin', ummm---
Umbreon interrupted. "I... I get it Jolts. She's very sexy. Go on."
"Well she was an attractive Flareon. She had fire in her soul, it was easy to see---
"That the devil himself was pulled out of me." You took that line out of that Santana song..."Into the Night" with Chad Kroeger. Man...dude you can't make up your own lines? That's just wow..." Umbreon wasn't into music but he does a lot of research on the internet.
"Yeah, well anyway. Being the bad boy as I was, I pulled her into a locker and started making out with her. I asked her what her name was but there was no answer and she ran out screaming like she was in danger.
"Man, you really are a devil. Hey, you made that girl runaway! Maybe you can help me with Espeon."
"Sorry, dude. No can do." Jolteon put his paw in front of his face and took a long look at his claws. Sharp as assassins daggers.
"Why not?"
"I don't do geeks. And besides I don't reject women, I enjoy them."
Umbreon's eye twitched a little. "Uh...you're starting to scare me! You are still a vir---"
"Yeah I am. For now."
"Haha...just kidding. I'm gonna wait like every other man out there."
"Oh good. So I'll talk to you later, okay?" Umbreon heard his name being called from behind the door to the principal office.
"Good Luck and see you around." Jolts scurried down the hall to his next class.
"Thanks Jolts...but I don't believe in luck. I'm ready to face you now, Mr.principal. And don't worry, I always win in the end."
And with that, he stepped on through into the office.

Ch.4 Umbreon and Gallade

"So, why are you here?" The principal was a Gallade. He looked strict to Umbreon but he knew how the whole thing went.
"I am here because I...talked back to a teacher." He smiled and then threw his head down on the desk in front of him. Then came the bogus little tears. "Oh please...PLEASE!!! I won't do it again! I promise...please give me one more chance. Please, sir! Please! It's not like I burned down the school or something. I swear to---
"That's enough! Now........I took a little peak at your record and I went over how many times you did something that you were not permitted to do. And after counting, the total was....wait hold on." He pulled a drawer from a filing cabinet and ran his fingers over the flaps of several folders until he came to a specific one:Umbreon's file. "So anyway you almost burned your elementary school to the ground, you played hooky five times when you were in fifth grade, you started the world's biggest food fight, you put a whoopie cushion on your sixth grade teacher's chai---
Umbreon interrupted. "Hey, everyone knew that she deserved it! She always came into school like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed!"
"Sort of like...you." Umbreon groaned and put a paw in front of his face. "Listen, you know that the list continues, right?"
"Well, I don't want this list to go any further because that's what makes you a trouble maker. And I don't like trouble makers. So what I want you to do is to look inside yourself and say that you are not an idiot or a horrible scoundrel. You have a lot of potential and you plan to live your life the right way. The more "appropriate" way."
"Yeah well the thing is...that is so not me. I never let anyone get in my way and it always works out for me", Umbreon explained.
"Well, you need to change your ways and if you have any further dilemas, come tell me or your guidance coun---
"I know the whole thing, god! It's just that I want to do, what I want to do. And I can handle anything you throw at me. I mean....what are you my...my....my mom?!" Umbreon was beginning to feel a little tension in head, turning into a raging migrane.
"Now, now that's enough! Listen, due to your little problems in the past, I am afraid that I am going to have to send you to detension!"
"Oww...hmmm....Ugh! Good, see...see if I care. I can handle anything! Maybe I'm just being too damn conceited but I can! Oww...I...I can...I....whoa." Umbreon leaned back on the chair he was sitting on. Gallade rubbed his sweaty head. Then he saw Umbreon's dark eyes slowly close and open again.
"Umbreon....go to the nurse. Then when you're well, we can talk about your detension dates."
"Geez, thanks." Umbreon left the office and slowly walked to the nurse's office, which was located across the hall. He breathed in and out heavily and then layed on one of the blue benches. He looked up into the lights and closed his eyes.

Ch.5: Lucario+Hariyama=Kick the crap out of each other!

The bell rang once again to mark the end of third period. The kids scurried on to their next class and sat down immediately. Espeon, who was still crying sat next to Kirlia in the Gymnasium. "I miss Umbreon!"
"Yes, I know you miss Umbreon...but he will be okay. I can sense it."
"Yeah right! The only thing you can sense is you going out with Aggron", Espeon said still sobbing.
"I wish, Espeon. I wish." Kirlia felt a little down. Then the second bell rang. The kids were talking too much and suddenly were interrupted by the pounding footsteps that came towards them. But it was just the Gym/fight teacher, Hariyama. He, was of course big and fat and big and really fat.
"Hello, kids. This is my second year working here and my name is Mr. Hariyama, your fighting teacher." He lifted a black book from his desk and picked up a large sandwich. The kids watched him devour the sandwich in just two bites. "Okay who's here today? Ahh yes, I will call your names and you let me know if you are here or not. Krabby?"
"Pika! Here."
"Natu, natu. Here."
"Ok, for now on when I call you, don't say "Pika" or some other stuff I just heard, okay? Now...where was I.....oh yes, right here. "Shelgon?'
"Kirlia.....hey wait a minute isn't your mother the vice principal of this school?"
"Yes. Yes, she is", Kirlia answered with conceit.
"Oh yes your mother, Gardevoir is a nice lady. She does her job exceptionally well."
"Oh...thank you."
"Sniff...sniff, here."
"Annnnd, last but not least, Umbreon?"
No answer. Hariyama called again... no answer.
"Class, is Umbreon here?"
"YES! YES, HE IS", Espeon cried.
"Do you know where he is?"
Espeon wiped the tears off her eyes with her purple paws. "I think I saw him at the principal office when I passed by."
" Oh ok...but if he is not here I still have to mark him absent."
Espeon put her head down and displayed an unpleasant look upon her.
"Hey...are you alright? Is there something wrong", it was a Lucario. He looked into Espeon's soggy, red eyes. "Why don't you go to the restroom and dry your eyes?" Espeon shook her head "yes" and walked out of the Gym.
Hariyama spotted Lucario walking towards him. "Ahh look class, it's our other fighting teacher, Mr.Lucario!" The kids yawned. They didn't care. "Hiiiiiiiiiiii, Dad! It's me, Riolu! I love going to gym but I hate going to school."
"You have a son?"
"Yeah, but he's not biologically my son."
"Then how is he your son?"
"Well", Lucario started rubbing the back of his head, "I found him in the village I go through for my morning run, so I picked him up."
"Oh....but you just picked him right then and there? I mean any one could of saw you steal him."
"Well, not necessarily. I found him when he was just an egg and---"
"Oooooo....did it have a pretty design? And, and, and......."
"Hariyama," Lucario yelled.
"Sorry, I'll shut up now." Hariyama looked into lucario's ruby eyes and then stopped twidling his pencil in his hand.
"So anyway, what do we do with these kids now?" Lucario crossed his arms and over looked the kids sitting on the floor. Just then Lucario's son, Riolu stood up.
"I think we should all blow up Pokemon city! Then we will go to my house and play the Wii. We'll play games like Pokemon battle Revolution and Mortal Combat annnnnd Grand Theft Auto and----"
"Okay, Riolu I don't think we are going to do that." Lucario's ear twitched.
"Who buys him these games anyway," Hariyama asked.
"Hey that's a good question....Riolu....." Riolu turned pale. "Did you buy those games from the store?"
"No I stole them."
"(Gasp) What is wrong with you?! That's not how raised I you!" Lucario yelled from across the room.
"But Dad, it's awwwwwwwwweeessssooooooommmmmmmeee!"
Lucario's eyes lit up. "How....wait just a damn minute! Have you been watching too much TV?"
Lucario sighed and said quietly, "This kid is soon gonna be the death of me."
"What? What is it?"
"Oh never mind, Hariyama. Okay, moving on. Okay class, I am Mr.Lucario and this my teacher ummmm....friend, I guess, Mr.Hariyama.
"Thank you! Thank you! You are all too kind."
(Cricket chirping) "Uhhhhhhh....okay so let me tell you some stuff about me. I am the best teacher in this room and I use Lucario as my stupid punching bag because I am like....so much tougher than him and---"
Lucario growled and gave the fat instructor a dirty look. More insults finally began flying all over the place and Lucario just couldn't bear it anymore.
"And I also went to college before him and----Oh my God!!!" Hariyama jumped out of the way and an aggressive force struck the wall in front of him. It was Lucario and he was furious. And that force that hit the wall was one of his aura spheres.
"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU WE WERE DONE TALKING ABOUT ME! HALF THAT STUFF ISN'T EVEN-----TRUE!!!!!!" On "true", Lucario launched another forceful aura sphere at the scared Hariyama. Lucario's eyes became blood shot and after the second aura sphere missed his target, he sprung forward and was ready to give the big instructor a nice, forceful slam in the face with his force palm.
"Lu--Lucario, what---what is wrong with you?!? I'm just telling the kids honest things about you and----"
"HONEST!!!???!!! DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FREAKING JOKE!?!? Well guess what funny guy, I'm not buying it! I'm more focused on kicking the crap out of YOU!" Lucario clenched his fists and got into his natural fighting stance.
"Go Dad! Go Dad!" Riolu hopped in one place and held a flag that bore the words "Go dad!" His father ignored him.
"Fine then.....I guess I have to fight you whether there's blood involved or not.
"Don't worry my fat, old friend. There WILL be blood." Lucario said this with an evil smile.
"Go ahead, punk....make my day," Hariyama ordered him.
"Clint Eastwood was so last year, my naive opponent," Lucario laughed under his words. And with that lucario ran towards Hariyama and delivered the first blow to his stomach.
"Is that all you got?"
"Don't worry", Lucario stood up and backed away a few inches from Hariyama, "I am just getting started!" He was preparing an aura sphere. Hariyama swiftly ran behind him and he smacked Lucario on the back of the head, picked him up and threw him against the wall. Lucario hesistantly stood up.
"You're lucky to be alive after that one! Oh and look....you're getting tired already. Had enough?" Hariyama laughed.
"No...ugh are you tired yet?" Lucario's eyes were wincing at Hariyama through the aftermath. Then out of the blue, Lucario sent an aura sphere from above and hit Hariyama on the head. He became quite dizzy but he attempted his next shot against Lucario. Just before Hariyama was about to hit him they both heard a sweet voice and immediately ceased there fighting.
"Stop! What do you think you are doing. Are trying ruin this gym on the first day of school?" It was another Lucario, only female. And she went by the name, Lucinda. Lucario blushed and felt guilty.
"Oh look Lucario, it's your girlfriend."
"Hey! She's not my girlfriend!" Lucario wanted her though. Something about her just made him happy and just feel so alive inside. Maybe life with her would be better than being single. He always thought about this.
"Sorry I'm late, my darlings. My name is Ms.Lucinda and I will be in charge of the fitness center in the back of the gymnasium. And you might know this, but this is Mr.Lucario and Mr.Hariyama." (The bell rings) All the kids leave.
Lucinda walked up to Lucario and Hariyama. "Come on boys. How come I leave and there is horrible fight or some argument between you two?
"Well ummmm.....uhhhhh....mmmmmm......Lucinda, I kinda went out of control when Hariyama started slinging insults about me to the kids.
Lucinda sighed. "Listen Lucario, you need to take control of your anger. Maybe you should take some yoga or something. That's what I do."
Lucario walked into the fitness center in the back and closed the door. Hariyama walked into the hallway and walked out the door that led to the front of the school. They both felt ashamed especially in front of a girl.

Ch.6:"Don't Deny the Darkness"

As each little pokemon scurried to their next class, Espeon was still in tears. She proceeded into room 15 which was referred to as the dark class. And she was psychic pokemon, she could even face a dark type if she had to (She could only face Umbreon). Espeon took her seat in the poorly illuminated classroom and continued to cry. Kirlia saw her tears.
"Oh come on. You should think about something."
"(Sniff...sniff) Like what?" Espeon turned her head towards the green-legged psychic.
"Think about how many things you could without Umbreon preventing you from doing that. You could find a new boy friend that will love you forever and ever. You can go on a lot of dates and you can---"
"You can be a complete suck up and get dumped", Umbreon interrupted coming through the doorway.
"(Gasp) Umbreon, you came back for me. Ohhh, you know how I can't live without you. I love you! I love you! I---"
"I hate you. Okay, I get it. Now get off of me", Umbreon moaned.
Espeon loosened her grip against his jet, black chest and climbed back into her seat. The second bell rang and a black siloulette appeared by the doorway. It was very anonymous and it looked liked everyone's fear has just walked in the classroom.
"Hey, I need everyone to sit down and shut up!" All the kids froze. The teacher made his way to his desk and took a short glance around the room. The teacher was a mightyena. He had sharp jaws and was covered in a whole bunch of heavy gray and black fur. He had a violent stare, that can scare away anyone. He sighed and spoke again.
"Now that everyone is silent, and hopefully it will be like this for the rest of the period, I can take attendance", Mightyena said sternly.
"Aaaaa-chooo!" Shelgon didn't feel too well. Mightyena turned abruptly towards Shelgon.
"Hey, you! No sneezing in my class! If you want to sneeze, hold it till the end of class."
Shelgon was about to bust into tears.
"That goes for the rest of you weak-minded fools."
"Oooo I think I'm going to like him", Umbreon muttered under his breath.
Espeon quivered a little and looked at Umbreon. "He scares me...hold me!" Espeon stretched her arms for a hug.
"Hey, get off!" Umbreon's voice raised a bit.
"No you have to hug me!"
"Because you LOVE me!"
"Yeah right...that's a big freakin' lie!"
"No it's not!"
They both were arguing...very loudly, though.
"Hey! Didn't I just go over the specific regulations I need to see in my class!?
Umbreon and Espeon froze into suspended animation. Then, they took their seats with very little motion and faced the red and yellow-eyed terror that stood before them. Mightyena regained his opportunity to speak again to his class.
"Now that all of the talking is over, I would like to continue with my lesson--um well, more like an introduction. Okay umm, where to start...oh yeah, AHEM! Hello, minions. My name is Mr. Mightyena and I will be your dark arts teacher." He walked around Espeon and all the other psychics in the room. He knew that they were the ones who've gone weak in the limbs. Espeon was sweating buckets of.......y'know sweat. His breath reeked of dead magikarp and some foul tasting poison types.
"I know there are some people in this class who don't seem to be very comfortable with this class. Especially the psychic types."
He glared into Kirlia's ruby red eyes. Kirlia started to quiver and tremble. "But", he continued, "You all have to deal with it. This is MY class therefore you all have to obey under MY orders or commands. Any more questions from any of you weaklings?" Mighyena smiled and closed his eyes. "And remember: If you are in my class, I always say to my pupils to never deny the darkness. It brings you closer to most of your destiny." The period was about to end in fifteen minutes. "You see, darkness is as important as light. Without one you can not have the other. If light flooded the whole universe then darkness would therefore cease to exist. That's goes for the darkness as well." Mightyena's bloodshot eyes scanned throughout the classroom full of shaking pokemon. Umbreon managed to keep his cool and he decided to ask the first question of the day for Mr.Mightyena.
"I have a question." Umbreon didn't raise his paw........Uh-oh.....
"Hey, can't you be more respectful to your instructor? You are supposed to raise your hand when you 1)have the right opportunity to do so and 2)have a question.
"Well I guess I have to go with option number two. Now listen, I-----"
"I didn't give any permission to speak little wise guy! Now shut up for the time being and----"
"Listen, I'm a dark-type too! It doesn't mean I have to do what you say........well, cause you're a dark-type."
"What?! Just because YOU'RE a dark-type doesn't mean you can talk whenever you want to. I can talk whenever I want because I am much older than you kids! I mean, you kids go out there and wreck peoples properties for no apparent reason and then you blame it on each other. That's just classic!"
"Yeah, but you're not cool or entertaining. We, kids are fun and more active than you teachers. You guys possibly eat textbooks and what really kills one of your students is----"
"Is what, Eevee?" The instructor winced and grinned at Umbreon.
"Is going out with their mom."
Espeon chimed in. "Uhhh....Umbreon", she whispered, "the teacher just called you an Eevee.." Umbreon couldn't believe this.
"What? Why did you----"
"I know those kind of things hurt you and beat you up inside. Listen, I called you that because you are so immature. I never had a student who would stoop to such conditions as talking back to their teacher. Heed my words you little instigator, and that goes for the rest of you too: I do not take such crap from anyone. Not from students and not from adults or my peers. Now leave my class before I have to...........never mind."
And on time the bell rang. All the kids ran into the hall and headed straight to lunch....except for Umbreon. He had to have a little chat with "The lord of Darkness". When Umbreon walked up to his desk, he saw a a plaque on the wall that hung over his head. The plaque bore the words, "Don't deny the darkness"
"Hmmmmm.....I know you." The burly Mightyena walked over and sniffed at Umbreon. "Ahhhh, yes......I know you. You're the kid that burned down an Elementary School a few years ago. Well, guess what little wise guy, that day was the worst day of my life."
"Why was-----"
Umbreon swallowed hard, but he couldn't get the lump in his throat down.
"Let me tell you something, it was because of you that SHE suffered and that SHE was the greatest person in my life", his eyes were closed and then he sighed, "But then you, you had to ruin everything by setting that damn school on fire. I lived by that school and when the flames got too out of control the house burned down...along with HER in it. And that "her" I am referring to is my lovely wife." Umbreon had no idea that the fire killed anybody during that day at school, but he did see something in the newspaper about someone who got killed the next day. "She was going to have our first child in two months.....but I....I....I couldn't save her from the flames. I just had to go get some wood for a fire, but when I got back everything was burned to the ground.....there was no need to get any wood...and...I" He couldn't take it anymore, so he pushed Umbreon out the door and slammed it shut. Umbreon didn't have a pass and so, he was late for another class....this time it was lunch. He felt a little weak inside himself but somehow he was going to make to lunch. Looking back at the classroom, Mr.Mightyena shut off all the lights and locked himself in the room. Umbreon thought that he shouldn't have to do that during his lunch break but he didn't go back talked to him. Mr.Mightyena has already been through enough for one day.

Ch.7:"Like the best lunch table ever!"

Espeon, Kirlia and Meditite sat together in the lunch room at a long brown wood table. "Where's Umbreon? Oh where is my love?" Espeon looked down at her lunch..which was of course chicken flavored pokemon food.
"He'll be fine. He just needed to stay after with Mr. Mightyena." Meditite opened her brown bagged lunch.
"That does not sound good. Oh well, my mom's coming down this period", Kirlia said to the others.
"Mrs. Gardevoir? The assistant principal of this school?"
"Yep that's her!"
"Is she strict?" Espeon quivered a bit.
"Not as strict as my dad!"
"Hey, do you find it kind of embarrasing that both your parents work in the same school?" Meditite said after taking a bite of her Magikarp sandwich.
"No, because they are the best parents anyone can ever have..like me!" Kirlia smiled to them.

Just then the lights turned on and off and on and off. Someone was playing with the lightswitch. At the wall by the lightswitch stood a tall white figure with green hair and red eyes. It was Kirlia's mother, Mrs. Gardevoir.

(Still in Progress)
© Copyright 2009 Stephy Laurens (litlove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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