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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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March 24, 2025 at 4:06pm
March 24, 2025 at 4:06pm
10 Historical happenings:

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1. Appearance and resurrection of the Messiah. (Happy Easter)
2. WWI and WWII
3. Discovery of how the human body works.
4. Health related cares for the body such as penicillin, antibiotics, and vaccines to keep us healthy.
5. Israel is working on a way to recycle all things in a mass. I don't know how perfected the system is yet. I did read they were trying out one factory.
6. Robot ships to remove plastic waste from the oceans and rivers.
7. Factories to recycle plastic into needed beams and other building materials.
8. New types of metal roofing for buildings will last more years than previous types of roofing.
9. Microwave cooking.
10. Farm machinery that took some of the burden off farming and caused mass production of food.
March 20, 2025 at 2:15pm
March 20, 2025 at 2:15pm
First day of Spring

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First day of Spring

Temperatures going up and down.
First day of Spring acting like a clown.
When Spring arrives, it enters like a circus.
The next act makes us a little nervous.
Is winter really gone?
Just ask a little fawn.
March 18, 2025 at 3:38pm
March 18, 2025 at 3:38pm
Leprechaun's dancing in the mall.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! HI.

Hello, Susi slow down. What's wrong. I have Susi listed on phone favorites and my phone was quick to answer her call.

She was talking so fast I could not understand her words and she sounded almost breathless as she garbled her words. " Say again?" I questioned.

"Leprechaun dancing in the mall I saw them. Then they vanished," she replied much slower.

"They or one I questioned," Must be a joke for St. Patrick's I thought.

"I didn't count but more than one for sure." She answered.

"O.K. I'll be right down." I jumped in my car and headed for the mall.

Our mall is a little shopping center on the edge of town. It has 6 stores. On the left 3 and on the right 3; facing each other with a semi park in the center. Lots of benches to sit on. Even a picnic table or two with thick spongy grasses making up a lawn and young trees for shade.

Of course, when I arrived Susi was waiting for me. As I exited the car, she ran up to me. "Where are the little green men? I joked."

" I don't know exactly now," she commented. "But they were playing tag a few minutes ago around all those trees over there. I hope they come back so you can see them. They were smaller than I thought they would be."

"Let's catch some. I have just the thing," I laughed.

I rummaged in the trunk of my car. "Aha, here it is." I brought out a small box. "Come on, just show me which trees they were playing near closest."

I followed her over to several bushes and trees growing in a close clump. Putting down the box, I took out a small green leprechaun's hat with a hole in the center of the top. I looked down into the box, "Here it is," I exclaimed. A small sign, painted yellow with black words inscribed said," FREE GOLD INSIDE." I put the sign into a pretty yellow hat band that wound around the brim of the hat

We left the area, walked to the front of one of the stores that had a beverage cart selling sodas and energy drinks. Susi wanted a drink, so I bought us both a cold cocoanut water. We sat down on a bench.

"How long do you think it will take to catch one," she asked.

"I'm Pretty sure not long. They like gold."

"How does the trap work? Won't they be angry if there isn't any gold."

"I wouldn't do that to a Leprechaun. There are a couple small gold nuggets in the hat. If they jump into the hole in the top of the hat there is a trap door that closes so they can't get out. Besides, there is a small window on one side of the hat we can see in. You know we have to turn them loose very quickly. It would not be nice to keep them locked up in there."

"Can we check it now?"


We walked back to the grove of bushes and trees where we left the hat. "Look right in there." I pointed to a small window in the side under the sign. Sure, enough there was a little man dressed in green jumping up and down and stuffing the gold nuggets into his pocket.

"Flip that switch." I pointed to a little switch by the hole in the hat. Out jumped the little man. He waved his hand and yelled in a squeaky little voice, "Thanks for the gold," and POP! he disappeared into thin air.

I picked up the Leprechaun trap and stored it back in the box. Susi and I walked back to my car.

"Come on I'll give you a ride home."

"On the ride home Susi asked, "How come you have a Leprechaun trap?"

"Just one of those odds and ends people keep around for emergencies."





March 12, 2025 at 2:45pm
March 12, 2025 at 2:45pm
Write about the Ides of March.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi.

I actually had to look this up. Is everyone looking for disaster in March? It was a really rough winter and may not be over yet.

OK, the Ides of March is considered in 44 B.C. the day Julius Ceasar was assassinated. Did you know he was warned about doing what he was about to do and about the meeting he had called for the day of Ides? It was because he was about to declare himself a god. It also caused a change in history for the Romans. Their republic ceased and then it became The Roman Empire.

I guess other disasters have occurred on or near the middle of March. March is a month of weather change. Or perhaps better to call it changeable weather month.

Another thing I know about is after 9/11; there were many articles written about how disasters often happen on September 11.

I would guess it is why we are often told to live one day at a time. Don't guess about what might happen unless you have some action to back up what you think might happen. Now I'm wondering what other dates might be considered hazardess. Could it lead to holding your breathe every time some specific date was looming? Or do the people who cause disasters choose these dates because they are trying to control the thoughts and actions of humankind?

Just a thought? *Grasshopper*

March 11, 2025 at 4:16pm
March 11, 2025 at 4:16pm
Prompt: Language
Is language just a communication tool? Or is it more than that? What do you think about languages in general?

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Every person has their own sound so it could possibly be a tracking mechanism I suppose if the technology is built for that.

They are not difficult if you study them. First study the way language is formed then try a new one. If you understand the sound basics it is easier to read them, so probably easier to learn to speak one. Just a thought.

March 6, 2025 at 11:53am
March 6, 2025 at 11:53am
Prompt: Your speed doesn't matter. Forward is forward." Write about this in your Blog entry today.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi. Just a word about March madness, which was for yesterday. Yesterday spring was springing forth everywhere outside. Green everywhere, summer birds returning, I walked the dogs, because no ice. This morning woke up to a blizzard. Three inches of snow expected, temps dropped into teens. Truly March madness. Did you ever wonder why March is mad? I think it is because Spring is tromping on Winter during March.

As for speed not mattering. Since the day I turned 60 some people keep wondering when I will be old. The speed you age does not matter. What you use your time for does. Not always sure how to go about using time.

Just spread the word. No one is ever old everyone is aging from the time you are conceived, you age. No way around it that I know about. Death is a part of life; something new to experience in life. At the proper time of course. Life moves forward at its' own pace.

Apondia looking for Spring. *Pocketwatch*
March 6, 2025 at 11:22am
March 6, 2025 at 11:22am
How are the newly imposed tariffs affecting you? Did you realize how many products we use everyday aren't grown or created in the states or in Canada or Mexico ?

I do know a lot about where the food comes from that I eat. Bought avocados at a much higher price. We use a lot of eggs because I bake and cook a lot. Paid an atrocious price. And I was accosted by people who were against me buying the avocados I guess they thought I was unpatriotic because I was buying Mexican products. The people involved actually did not seem aware that avocados are good to lower cholesterol.

Does all this mean the USA is willing to encourage farmers in our country to grow Avocadoes and other products like different kinds of nuts that are a major import? What about the eggs and chickens? I know an egg farmer that is no longer farming chickens and eggs because of problems in the industry. We used to buy our eggs from his business.

Are tariffs the real problem?

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March 3, 2025 at 12:04pm
March 3, 2025 at 12:04pm
What is your favorite thing about March?

More sunshine. Part of March is usually the promise of spring type weather. So far, less snowstorms. Lookes like I may go back to walks outside. Snow still deep in fields but closer to house is becoming more walkable. Every March has its' own ambience. Just a wakeup for things to come.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Onward into spring!
February 27, 2025 at 12:07pm
February 27, 2025 at 12:07pm
Spring plans:

I have not solidified my plans yet. I have been cleaning off and on during the winter months. I have a lot of things that need to be removed. Old Tecnologies need to be recycled, a tool room needs to be replaced in the barn. The basement family room is starting to look better now.

The thought of spring gives me reason to start planning the garden. We have a fairly successful container garden that will have to be replanted. Container gardening suits me because there are not any weeds and lots of yummy fresh foods to eat.

I would like to spray the few apple trees still growing in the yard this year and maybe plant a new apple tree. A fruit tree orchard has been a thought for several years just have not made it work yet. We will see how things work out in finances.

Seeing some patches of green grass outside today. It is supposed to rain all day. That would take down some of the snow I bet. See Ya.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure!

February 26, 2025 at 11:54am
February 26, 2025 at 11:54am
Write about an adult coloring book.

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Congratulations on your virtual blogging adventure! Hi! *PaintY*

I like to color. I have some coloring books. One is mandalas, one is wildflowers which is a book to identify different wildflowers, one is stained glass designs, somewhere I have a biology one for identification of different biological species. I also have a bird book about how to build birds that fly like paper airplanes only different species of birds and of course you have to color them because they are made from the scratch.

Coloring can be soothing if you are stressed. I like the ones about identifying species of any type because you learn as you color.

I prefer ink coloring pencils, but I have crayons and colored pencil sets too.

Have a great day. The dogs and I are still house bound because although the weather is warmer and easier to deal with. The house and driveway are ringed with deep ice, which is difficult to navigate, although I do travel across it to fill the bird feeders.

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