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Rated: 18+ · Book · Nature · #1556173
An Iowegian's P(oetry)log
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This little adjunct to my primary blog, "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window., is strictly for poetry. Comments and kind, constructive criticism are always welcome.

Peace and Blessings

Breathe-in experience,
breathe-out poetry.
~Muriel Rukeyser

Everything in creation has its appointed painter or poet and remains in bondage like the princess in the fairy tale 'til its appropriate liberator comes to set it free. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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April 22, 2010 at 11:23pm
April 22, 2010 at 11:23pm
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dreamy eyes flutter
her magic tapestry sails
on pink petaled clouds
April 17, 2010 at 3:32pm
April 17, 2010 at 3:32pm

"Do you like butter?"

apple-cheeked yellow jacket
plucks dandy lions

When I was a child, my friends and I would twirl dandelions under our chins. If your chin turned yellow, this was supposed to mean that you liked butter. This morning, I spotted a little boy in a sunny yellow jacket picking dandelions...Brought back happy memories. If it would have been convenient and appropriate to stop and snap a photo, I would have. Darn!

April 14, 2010 at 11:55pm
April 14, 2010 at 11:55pm
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elders felled ~ legends
bequeathed to generations
lifesong continues
April 12, 2010 at 8:22pm
April 12, 2010 at 8:22pm

rubbish spews white clouds
mischief clamors suspiciously
no one 'fesses up

April 11, 2010 at 11:31am
April 11, 2010 at 11:31am
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gaze of contentment
swaying tail hails visitors
faithful attendant

Keeper of the Greenhouse
April 10, 2010 at 11:50am
April 10, 2010 at 11:50am
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fragile geneses
coddled in cozy refuge
adventures await

Mallards Nest...April 9, 2010
April 4, 2010 at 5:04pm
April 4, 2010 at 5:04pm
weathered palms outstretched
offerings of compassion
penance and healing

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April 4, 2010 at 1:47am
April 4, 2010 at 1:47am
impressions dot shores
where she walks ~ not alone
gathering sand dollars

~ Inspired by two legends ~



April 2, 2010 at 11:06pm
April 2, 2010 at 11:06pm

lithe competitors
sporting spikes and fortitude
burst out of steel blocks

On the way to Jefferson...

~ patches of dirty snow still lining the ditches and hillsides

~ pale golden corn stubble and rich black soil

~ farm houses in various states of repair...some crisp and white with welcoming wrap around porches; others peeling, rotted, and gray—literally falling down around themselves

~ lots of barn quilts: http://www.kcci.com/video/23022711/index.html

~ several red-tailed hawks perched atop fence posts

~ the Des Moines River encroaching on and eroding the fields

At the track meet...

~ a dusty parking lot, a solitary puddle, and a robin merrily splashing about

~ the colorful, limber forms of athletes stretching, leaping, springing, sprinting, passing batons...

~ the chill in the air

~ faces peering out from beneath hoodies and hand-tied fleece

~ the itch of my stocking cap

~ the peaceful chirruping of frogs, penetrating the din of the crowd and the echo of the announcer

~ the smartass behind me that had an opinion about everyone and everything

~ the glare of the stadium lights

~ the full moon ascending over the bleachers, orange at first then glowing white with visible craters

~ (camera) lens envy!!!!!

~ the smoky flavor of a hot dog, slightly burnt...just the way I like it

~ the sound of metal spikes scraping and clacking on metal bleachers (makes my teeth hurt!)

~ compassion for the boy who is coming in one full lap behind his competitors; tears stinging my eyes when the entire stadium stands and cheers him on

~ the contorted expression on Emily's face as determination triumphs over pain and exhaustion

~ the warmth and sincerity of my daughter's hug

The drive home...

~ the kind of tired that only comes from having lungs full of fresh air

~ the numbness leaving my cheeks as the blower disperses heat

~ the eeriness of a country cemetery bathed in moonlight

~ the odor of skunk

~ the emerald sky to the west; the sapphire sky above

~ the brilliance of the stars in a sky devoid of light pollution

A curious observation... Several acres of corn stood unharvested. Perhaps the landowners—feeling grateful and prosperous—left some of the crops for winter wildlife to glean. Perhaps a health or financial crisis prevented the farmer from completing his harvest. A person could easily use this as a writing prompt.

Or...if you're really curious, here is where the truth lies:

April 1, 2010 at 9:57pm
April 1, 2010 at 9:57pm

spinning, dizzying
breezy bubblegum giggles
tickle me pink

Okay...so it's not a traditional haiku. The little cherub was wearing a pink jacket and pink rubber boots. Her mother was spinning her in circles. Brings back memories. *Heart*

Some other notes from an evening walk. It was late March; but I didn't record the date. The phase of the moon should give me a clue. *Rolleyes*

*Flower3* seagulls diving and shrieking

*Flower3* the scent of charcoal and lighter fluid wafting on the breeze

*Flower3* the clink of an aluminum bat connecting with a baseball

*Flower3* a stick of lime green chalk on the sidewalk

*Flower3* an empty nest from springs past

*Flower3* the gentle tinkling of wind chimes

*Flower3* a red-headed house finch perched atop a blue spruce

*Flower3* the revving of a motorcycle engine

*Flower3* a brand new bicycle—fire engine red

*Flower3* the shimmer of sunlight on the pond

*Flower3* a feisty min pin

*Flower3* two huskies walking their human

*Flower3* the thud of a football hitting the pavement

*Flower3* flags whipping in the breeze

*Flower3* the boom, Boom, BOOM of someone's bass

*Flower3* water dripping from a newly washed vehicle

*Flower3* a hip granny with her iPod

*Flower3* a white feather caught on a twig

*Flower3* a yellow frisbee stuck on a rooftop

*Flower3* an endless black ribbon of migrating birds (too distant to identify)

*Flower3* a furry mammal (a muskrat?) skimming the pond

*Flower3* the evening sky—a lovely lavender to the east/peachy keen to the west

*Flower3* the glow of the library lights and the silhouettes of patrons inside

*Flower3* the waxing gibbous moon peering over my shoulder

*Flower3* a chill in the air reminding me that pleasant days in March are a rare occurrence in Iowa
October 11, 2009 at 12:42pm
October 11, 2009 at 12:42pm
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piercing northern winds
ravage maple's brittle boughs
one crimson leaf clings
September 26, 2009 at 10:39pm
September 26, 2009 at 10:39pm
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The scent of rain still lingers in the air and there is no color in the eastern sky this morning—only a soft white haze attempting to penetrate the bleakness. Somehow, its reflection glows brighter in scattered puddles adorning the sidewalks. Lambent droplets cling to the deep red baubles of crabapple trees, adding some gaiety to an otherwise dreary dawn.

As I stroll the main road that borders the library, I note the side streets: Hemingway Drive, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Jules Verne , Lewis Carroll, and Charles Dickens Courts, and Brett Ashley Place. If I had to venture a guess, I would estimate that two hundred Canadian geese have converged on the library lawn and I am forced to maneuver through a mine field of their leavings and dozens of earthworms.

In the distance, four white cranes are skirting the pond in an awkward ballet. A mallard hen paddles away indignantly, breaking the silence with her displeasure. As my path takes another direction, I'm suddenly aware of the far off shadowy foothills; but there are no mountains to the west of these plains—only impending showers.

this veiled quiescence
dankness impeding sun's warmth
September mourning
September 12, 2009 at 12:19pm
September 12, 2009 at 12:19pm
beneath a blanket of oppression, Parmatma toils—thirsting
cupped hands bring shiny offerings; jars of hope overflow
under the same sun, young minds seek wisdom, opportunity...

a sijo

Each year, our elementary building holds Pillar Pride Week in which students and staff focus on the six pillars of character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship). Throughout the week, students bring in donations for a worthy cause. I was delighted this year, when our building chose to support one of my favorite charities—Heifer International.

Parmatma is an eight-year-old boy residing in an impoverished village in India. The gift of a water buffalo has enabled his family to earn money by selling its milk, and as a result, Parmatma is now able to attend school. A female calf, recently born to the water buffalo, will be given to another family in need when it matures. That family in turn, will pass along a female offspring to another family and so on — The gift is perpetual.

Please take a moment to learn more about this wonderful organization and consider donating your own gift.

September 6, 2009 at 9:55pm
September 6, 2009 at 9:55pm
Here is the original text: from Maya Angelou's Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now...

Some people who exist sparingly on the mean side of the hill are threatened by those who also live in the shadows but who celebrate the light.

It seems easier to lie prone than to press against the law of gravity and raise the body onto its feet and persist in remaining vertical.

There are many incidents which can eviscerate the stalwart and bring the mighty down. In order to survive, the ample soul needs refreshments and reminders daily of its right to be and to be wherever it finds itself. (91 words)

...and the verse:

meagerly, they exist.
amongst the shadows—all hunger;
but some—
like a mangy stray
begging for scraps—
fear the light and its warmth;
by those who dare
to bask in its glow.

for the defeated
it is less burdensome
to lie prone—death
preceding life—
than to press
against gravity's law;
erect and withstanding,
like the resolute oak.

menacing hailstorms
eviscerate the stalwart
and fell the mighty; but
the ample soul—
determinate and sustaining—
restores its courage;
persuaded of its right to be—
and to be wherever
it finds itself.
August 22, 2009 at 2:12am
August 22, 2009 at 2:12am
she, an emerald plumed bird
of paradise — enamored;
hovering amidst empyrean dreams

come Arenal, sip my nectar

he, an incandescent force
of nature — eruptive;
surging forth ardent desires

come Ruby, perch upon my summit

The prompts were hummingbird and volcano offered by alfred booth, wanbli ska Author Icon.

author's note: Arenal —one of the world's ten most active volcanoes — is located in Cost Rica.


August 18, 2009 at 11:20am
August 18, 2009 at 11:20am
I don't have to spell it out for you, but you'd recognize the letters if I did: W-A-L-K. Lacing up my New Balance walkers can only mean one thing and you dance in anticipation. Chugging along determinedly, you huff and claws clack — a furry black locomotive; Only, trains don't zig-zag on rusty tracks. Sniffing anxiously, it's not the fragrant aroma of white pines you seek, but the curious scent of another. Canine tails wag in greeting — one a tiny stub, the other a wispy curlicue. Weaving back and forth, you make your mark on the world. "NOT THERE!" The gentle hands that tend this garden would not appreciate it being reduced to a public outhouse. I didn't notice the cottontail camouflaged amidst the clover, but very little escapes your keen nose and you give chase; My shoulder burns and I scold, but liquid brown eyes melt my heart. Gradually, your gait decelerates and you pay no heed to chattering squirrels in maple trees. Chickadees scatter — their bathing ritual disrupted — and you lap up remnants of the weekend's rain. As we approach the doorstep, a feline friend awaits and suddenly, you get your second wind.

Roscoe and I just returned from our morning stroll; At some point, I'll write a poem.
August 12, 2009 at 1:17pm
August 12, 2009 at 1:17pm

sleepy moonflowers greet morning sun
Belladonna proudly postures
flaunts voluptuous pink petals

steadfast sisters also bask
spirited brown-eyed Susan smiles
Heather serves sweet nectar to the drones

succulent Stella spreads her canopy
bashful Lily-of-the-valley retires
seeks seclusion in cool shade

nearby, red-cheeked finches twitter
ruffled cardinal flushes before vexed bride
even peeping Jonathan's blush

days grow short and summer wanes,
the naked ladies of August
delight admirers, dawn to dark

August 8, 2009 at 6:27pm
August 8, 2009 at 6:27pm
Recently, I've enjoyed participating in poetic challenges presented by friends here on WdC. Belonging to a community of writers has several merits. We can encourage, challenge and learn from one another. We can offer and receive constructive criticism and ultimately, develop and grow in many different directions.

Our friend, Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon has inspired me, through his observations and insight, to slow down and take notice of the world around me. There is wonder and significance in even the smallest things and so, in poet laureate form, I took notes during my stroll this morning. Anyone reading this is free to select a prompt and go with it. There are no deadlines or demands. I'm just anxious to see what you come up with. *Smile*

Observations from a Saturday Morning Stroll

*Bullet*magenta and yellow daylillies, haggard and mostly spent

*Bullet*a concrete urn overflowing with red and white peppermint petunias

*Bullet*a gaggle of Canadian geese grazing on the library lawn - oblivious to the barn swallow circling them

*Bullet*"God light" pouring through the clouds

*Bullet*raindrops like pin pricks against my skin

*Bullet*a black beetle scurrying for cover from the rain

*Bullet*white ~ daisy fleabane and queen anne's lace

*Bullet*gold ~ black-eyed susans, rough stemmed goldenrod

*Bullet*red and ivory clover

*Bullet*cat-tails, bull thistle and milkweed

*Bullet*shades of violet ~ great blue lobelia and pale purple coneflowers

*Bullet*a downy woodpecker on swaying purple prairie clover

*Bullet*dandelions gone to seed

*Bullet*a subtle scent of pine after the rain

*Bullet*prairie grasses ~ foxtail barley, knotroot bristlegrass, smooth brome, cheatgrass, smooth crabgrass and nodding foxtail

*Bullet*a solitary vine reaching out through faded, gray cedar fence planks

*Bullet*a black locust tree with delicate fern-like leaves, its trunk covered in menacing thorns

*Bullet*a tangerine Harley Davidson with Alabama plates

*Bullet*a 1960 pink Cadillac convertible with a worn white top
August 5, 2009 at 1:00pm
August 5, 2009 at 1:00pm
a benevolent, gentle man,
he is the virtuoso of expression
and a maestro of melody

awakening listless souls
dreams flow, gently cascading,
like glacial thaws in springtime

I laud the troubadour's quill

         attitude en pointe
         sprinkling rose ribbons of stardust
         a stellar beauty dances amidst constellations

         ascending Franciscan hills
         sharing songs of hope and healing
         she strides beside her sisters

         in remembrance and celebration, a supernova inspires others

dot com friends and confidantes
weigh observations and opinions,
keyboards clacking until wee morning hours

lunch for two by the river in June
a meeting of hearts and minds
both knew, it was love at first laugh

best friends and soulmates for life

         young moms in a foreign land
         parallel lives - sharing laughter and strife
         forming bonds to last a lifetime

         adamant women in transition
         our best laid plans, rearranged
         when he came and stole your heart

         some things change, but two friends are better than one *Delight*

his nature is nurtured by strolls in Missoula
sketching folks and refuse, so easily discarded
recognition is scrawled in spiral journals

an egnimatic shadow conceals a genuine smile
plucked, but still vibrant, like blossoms
delicately placed in sun bathed windows

a sensitive soul finds acceptance here

         his gift melts her heart
         like blue crayolas in sunlight
         red roses hang their heads in resignation

         a Mississippi belle, as sweet as tea
         Pennsylvania hills and love beckon
         a bottle of sand unites two families

         never have I heard a more tender love story

busy as a bee, she's gone
boating with Big Pam and the gals
it's her party and she'll drink if she wants to!

she feels just ducky in her velvet crown
cajoling and laughing with consorts
time flies when you're having fun

a toast to da Queen on her burpday

Merit Badge in Poetry
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For excellence showed in the 14 Sevenling Poem Challenge.

Thanks to alfred booth, wanbli ska Author Icon for the challenge, encouragement and my lovely poetry badge. *Heart*
August 3, 2009 at 10:13pm
August 3, 2009 at 10:13pm
brats grillin'
friends chillin'
sippin' Mike's
bongos drum
guitars strum
campers hum

mallows roast
tales of ghosts
cool night to
grown men scared
moments shared
one impaired

a snàmh suad, for Catherine *Delight*

octaves - each line consisting of 3 syllables in an aabcdddc pattern
L4 and L8 must be 3-syllable words

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