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by Anyea Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1526919
Sometimes it is Dark before the Dawn
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No one should Laugh at Life! That's Life's Job - Laughing at us.

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According to Chinese Horoscopes it is the YEAR OF THE TIGER! G-R-R-R

Here's a writer that will make you laugh! I swear she is Erma Brombeck reincarnated! Take a look!
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March 15, 2010 at 8:19pm
March 15, 2010 at 8:19pm
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This is to say good-bye to a fuzzy friend of mine. My critter, Dewley, died on Sunday, March 14th. His lungs had become surrounded by fluid, and both lungs collapsed. His end was so quick, so unexpected and excruciating for me. I was with him at his end and watched the vet try everything to save my Grey Ghost. His attempts failed and Dew quit life with me. I want to picture him running full out in a field and having the fun of other animals. He loved animals. He loved to run. I loved him and miss him. CC and I grieve, each in our own way.

Good-bye my friend. May we meet again and I will be wanting some of those special puppy-breathe kisses you were so fond of giving. *Heart*
February 10, 2010 at 3:54pm
February 10, 2010 at 3:54pm
As I sit, sipping my chocolate cappuccino, I read about all the snow falling across parts of the U.S. I don't know about Europe, and I'm fairly certain the Pacific Islands are okay, but dang there is a ton of white stuff falling. This leads me to think about warm stuff. Like a hot cappuccino, warm puppies, and the ever famous snuggle blanket.

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In olden days, some may even remember these days, before polyester, there was the QUILT. Ladies, mostly, I believe, would get together and sit around this huge wooden frame. They brought scraps of cloth with them, from the seat of pants torn while tending a bull, ripped off by barbed wire or even cut off the unsuspecting back of a farmer. These scraps would elicit much talk and memories, both hilarious and sad.

"Elsie - member when Jacko was trying to castrate that bull? Dang that boy sure was stupid. Grabbing a full grow'd bull by the balls and yankin'. <insert a sigh and a giggle> This be all he had left of his clothes from that!"

Ah yes quilting. Needles and thread sewn onto a backing and stuffed with whatever was available, goose down, peacock tails, dog sheddings, and the result was a heavy warm blanket with memories attached.

Can't get that from the "Allergy Free" down comforter can you? Most memories there would be the stain from where the cat hawked up a fur ball, but I suppose we get our memories from where we can.

I just hope all that are weathering through this snow make memories of warmth and joy to last until May. Well isn't that when that groundpig said winter would last till? Something like that anyway!

February 6, 2010 at 10:52am
February 6, 2010 at 10:52am
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There are wild critters and W*I*L*D critters. The two above happen to own me. One, the Mountain Lion, seen competing for rare and exotic food with a human child, had a horrible experience lately. During a vicious rain storm, I had risen from my desk to go check out the weather, the stability of the patio door and any flooding. Since I live on the 2nd floor I wasn't too concerned about flooding except the coolness of watching water rise and cover everything. The glass patio door was another story. I opened the patio door, rain hit me in the face and I told the Lamb we had better not go out to investigate further. The Mountain Lion usually seeks shelter in the commode area during such down pours.

I shut and locked the paio door, closed the blinds and reseated myself at my computer. The Lamb, instead of lying back down, started pacing. I figured he was nervous and kept reassuring him even with the noise of the glass door to the patio banging.

After two hours (yikes) I decided to head to bed - where upon I could not find the Mountain Lion! Frantically I ran from room to room calling her and looking under everything and in every closet. No Mountain Lion. The Lamb kept running back to the patio door and it hit me. I HAD LOCKED HER OUT. She was indeed outside in the wind and rain. She had taken what shelter she could find under the chair on the patio but was soaking wet, shivering and in total panic.

It took me over 2 hours to get all that fur dry, stop her panic attack and calm both of us down. I kept apologizing to her. What kind of benevolent owned human was I that I had no idea one of my critters was out in a horrible storm? She, of course, now acts like it never happened. I cannot get the image of that bedraggled critter out of my mind. Poor crit.

CC (alias the Mountain Lion) did come down with stomach problems for a couple of days and my penance was cleaning the carpets. Dewley (the Lamb) just grins at me every time as if to say, "Mom - you gotta learn! When I tell you something is wrong you need to listen to me!"

Critters. Whatcha gonna do?
February 4, 2010 at 5:45pm
February 4, 2010 at 5:45pm
...a sign that the Gene Pool is way overcrowded!

How many news stories list wild animals kept in a zoo, killing someone so stupid they deserved it, then being slaughtered?

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Let us go over the stats shall we? I mean it's raining, there is nothing much else to do today. No one called to request/beg an interview.

Employees at a zoo in Erfurt (somewhere in Germany) illegally killed animals and sold them as food. The zoo director has been fired as a result of the scandal.

A seven-year-old boy has been filmed going on a rampage at a popular zoo in Australia, killing rare reptiles and feeding live ones to a crocodile.

A lioness was fatally shot after breaking out of its enclosure at an Australian zoo and forcing visitors to hide in nearby buildings...

Now, they claim humans are high on evolutions list of warm blooded critters right? Oh, just go with me you anti-evolutionists. Sheesh. Yet, when faced with 'untamed' creatures, humans freak out and go with the basic instinct - kill. Okay that seven-year old is a psycho but other than that - oh all right fine, who would want to buy dead zebra meat?

Zoos are becoming strange places are they not? Makes one re-think visiting them. Z-Balls-Man is to blame for this entry because he had the stoopid video which made me laugh so hard. I know, I know. I am so sick. Blame Po5 for no apostrophes then.

and on the most endangered species list we must add the Olympic trampoline event for bears and apostrophes for writers.

February 2, 2010 at 10:59am
February 2, 2010 at 10:59am
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I never do this. What you ask? Well, write two blog entries consecutively for one thing, and the other is gossip. I don't especially like gossip do you? I have worked with more women than men and let me tell ya both love to gossip. I have no idea who started the myth that only women love gossip because men are just as good at it.

What shall we gossip about today - hmmmm.....

Oscar Nominees? I see that inanimate actors are making their way down the red carpet again. Jim Henson would be proud. The newest rage in racial bigotry is blue I guess or is it trees? I didn't see the movie.

Newton the Groundhog? I think this animal needs a life. The highlight of his life is to pop out of the ground? What is fear of one's shadow called? goes to look it up sciaphobia Anyone else out there afraid of their own shadows?

Colts vs Saints game. I dunno. I think the Saints are going all the way in this game and that's just a random guess. I see it being a boring Super Bowl with stupid ads this year. The gossip is that two of the Front Ends are dating. IT'S GOSSIP.

Taxes and the U.S. Deficit. Now there's the stuff of gossip right? I think an Urban Legend is called for here. Hm. Okay let's tell other people that because of Nuclear exposure, the Federal agency in charge of paying off debts is currently hallucinating and giving money away to ground hogs for new underground homes. They have also provided them with HD televisions to watch blue trees.

Jacob Zuma's 20th child - okay this one I won't even go into as my blog isn't rated XGC.

Neanderthal teeth were discovered. Okay my question is where is the rest of the guy? Gossip states that he left his teeth to his T-Rex or that his T-Rex ate everything except the teeth.

Gossip - whatcha gonna do. Spread it around.
February 1, 2010 at 1:44pm
February 1, 2010 at 1:44pm

No Man Is An Island!

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To this I state emphatically - DUH! What is 'man' (everyone chill - we will use the generic pronoun to indicate BOTH sexes okay? *Pthb* )

Man is;

*Clock* but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes

*Clock* are good in one way, but bad in many

*Clock* is made up of seven billion subspecies each consisting of one specimen

*Clock* the only creature that refuses to be what he is

*Clock* is rated the highest animal, at least among all animals who returned the questionnaire

*Clock* is the only kind of varmint sets his own trap, baits it, then steps in it

*Clock* a creature made at the end of the week's work when God was tired

*Clock* a being in search of meaning

*Clock* is the only trained animal who expects his reward before he does his trick

*Clock* Man is a strange animal, he doesn't like to read the handwriting on the wall until his back is up against it. ~Adlai Stevenson


The only quote I attribute an author to is the last one. For the others, well you all know how to look stuff up on the web right? This will lead you to other writers, philosophers, great thinkers, as well as comedians to assist you in your endeavors to write. Yes, I said write. Oh you know what I mean. Where you use your imagination, put fingers to keyboard and start tip-tapping those keys. Me? Oh I'm just here for the inspiring. *Laugh*
January 23, 2010 at 1:08pm
January 23, 2010 at 1:08pm
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Did you know that an Astrological "age" lasts 2,000 years? I didn't. The Age of Aquarius began in 2000 AD. It won't end until 4000 AD.


Now how is it that the song was produced in the 1960's? The 1900's were the age of Capricorn - the Ram. Okay I can understand that one can't you? Think what occurred between 1000 AD until 1999 AD. Cap's are probably one of the more conservative signs so that fits with the '60s right? Uh, hm, well - okay I'll go with all those Astrology types who do the math, plot planets and figure out who is what, when, where and of course, why.

The Chinese Year of 2010 is, as previously stated, the Year of the Tiger (okay Po5 not until February 14th, 2010). So how do Aquarians and Tigers get along? Air and Fire my dears - air and fire. Lots of smoke!

***Aquarian Tigers flout rules and regulations, and convention, and take a dispassionate view of the world. They have a knack of bypassing emotions in order to get to the heart of the matter. This ability to rationalize their feelings makes these Tigers come across as emotionally distant.***

This combination sign provides the world with many innovators. Aquarius/Tigers go crazy for modern methods. They are purveyors of all sorts of new ways of accomplishing old tasks. They are into everything from the dernier cri computer software for pet training to obscure relaxation techniques developed by astronauts in zero gravity. Aquarians are the weirdoes of the zodiac. Tigers are not exactly known for their stability either.

There is a spirit of revolution here. Aquarian/Tigers want change.***

Yikes! This outta be a fun filled year. Makes you wanna read the ending and not wait for the ending of Tiger to melt into the Bunny! That Bunny Foo Foo will be taking over in 2011. shivers Scary stuff.

January 21, 2010 at 10:52am
January 21, 2010 at 10:52am
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Before ANYONE freaks on me, the company was e-mailed, informed of my ongoing campaign to introduce this AWESOME product and since they haven't responded (in over two weeks) I'm gonna inflict this on you all.


Preface: [after the fact]

When I moved to Texas from Arizona I was afraid that this state would not have any kind of BBQ sauce I enjoyed in Arizona. One requirement is that the sauce not taste like vinegar, which so many do, nor should it taste like catsup, which more do. The basic ingredient I also require is smoked chipoltes. You would not believe how difficult it is to find any sauce that has chipolte in it. Most "hot" sauces use chili peppers. Blah.

While shopping for a Texas substitute one day, I happened on this product line not in the barbeque section but the sauces. Huh? I bought a bottle, took it home and tried it out.

*Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

Yes, it was love at first taste. I shared the experience with Master BBQ'er Chris and he agreed with me. Then all two grocery stores in Temple, WalMart and HEB quit carrying the sauce.


However when I find something I really love, I am not to be outdone by such paltry maneuverings. Nope. I went on-line and researched the product, found their site and ordered an entire case of 12 - six of that pictured about and 6 which also included smokey bacon! HA!

My advice to you all is to go to:

and order some if your local stores don't carry it. After you too fall in love with this sauce, be sure to bug your grocer about carrying it okay? IT IS AWESOME - or as Z.˚rz Author Icon would say, IT'S THE BALLS!

Sheesh I cannot believe I just used that expression. The whole point, nothing but the point is - this sauce is WORTH IT!

January 20, 2010 at 11:27am
January 20, 2010 at 11:27am
Here's the thing. I have experiences with other adults who tell children these stories and sing songs. One such song is about a killing rabbit. I'm serious! The words go something like this:

Little Bunny Froo Froo,
Hopping through the forest
Wacking off the heads of .......

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Maybe I got those incorrect, hang on - OH MY...did I ever get it wrong. The rabbit was killing field mice! Not a bad occupation. The Rampaging Rabbit's name was Foo-Foo not Froo. I got much incorrect except for my initial take on the subject matter - killing.

Now, I ask you, how are children supposed to grow up within the norm of socialized behavior if adults encourage them to picture a fuzzy bunny hopping around killing things? I don't particularly like mice and trust me I've seen them, but when did rabbits get homicidal? Are the Owls in charge of arrest and who judges them? Is there some animal court that hears the case? Who would take on Foo Foo as a client and represent them in court? Where is the animal jail? Do they have computer access? Are they made to shave their fur off? I'm confused and while I could ask Spidie Girl (my 3-year-old Super Child friend) I'm very afraid her answer would give me nightmares for weeks.

"Your Honor Horney Toad, we ask for a continuance. It seems the Good Fairy - who is currently under investigation for Grand Larceny, something to do with teeth, has skipped bail and cannot be here to testify. Since she was the one who originally filed this complaint, we would beg the Court's indulgence while we send out our Vultures to find her."

I mean really, what is up with kid's songs?
January 17, 2010 at 3:07pm
January 17, 2010 at 3:07pm
I know you all are feeling a bit washed out right now. If you stay in the Spin Cycle too long - anyone would feel washed out, wrung out and all wrinkly as well - so I'm here to perkulate you up.

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This site, http://www.hoyboys.net/Cartoon.html has some awesome songs on. One, DON'T SWAT A FLY, by Tom Hoy is one such song. It will Unspin your mind.

Singing along is fun, so I've included the lyrics as well! I'm so nice huh?

I was just a kid when my daddy said to me
Son there's much to learn in this life.
And so there beneath a tree, he sat me on his knee
He said there's dangers in this world

So follow my advice.

Don't swat a fly that's landed on a pitbull

Don't play with your new chainsaw in the tub
Don't give a dozen roses to your girlfriend
Especially if your wife just bought a gun.

And don't ever date your father's cousin's sister
In case she is your uncle's brother's wife.

And don't leave your Grandpa all alone at Hooter's
Unless you got insurance on his life.

And don't ever give Viagara to a Rooster.
He'll cock-a-doodle-doo till he explodes.

And don't ask you in-laws over for a dinner
Unless you're sure they'll all fit in the stove..

And don't take your kids to visit dear old Grandma
Unless they don't mind digging all night long.

And don't swat a fly that's landed on a pitbull
Unless you aren't too drunk enough to run.

And don't ever put pure jet fuel in your tractor
Cause now your cousin Junior's on the moon.
They say he left a trail of anti-matter
and NASA said he won't be back real soon.

And don't take advice unless it's from your daddy
Even if your mother says you ain't my son.

And don't swat a fly that's landed on a pitbull
Unless you aren't too drunk enough to run
Unless you aren't too drunk enough to run.

*Laugh* That should cheer you all up! Plus you got some excellant advice.

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