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Rated: XGC · Book · Experience · #1442055
I have always been told that I am a mystery and a tough one to figure out.
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Birthdate: May21-June20
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: The Twins
Lucky Numbers: 5 & 9
Special Color: Yellow

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"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."
---George Carlin

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April 1, 2011 at 5:02pm
April 1, 2011 at 5:02pm
I have been having one of those weeks. I have been weepy and stressed out all week. I think yesterday was the worst day that I had in the week. I keep having recurring nightmares the past few months. They always seem to occur around the time PMS sets in for the month, and sometimes I get them on the first or second day of my period. My hormones must be the culprit behind them. Being under tons of stress doesn't help either. Most of my nightmares are full of darkness and completely black. The first nightmare I had was in late February. I was laying in bed, and I saw this dark figure come up behind me, he grabbed me and tried to asphyxiate me. I tried to let out a scream, but nothing came out of my mouth. It was pure silence. I knew it was a dream, and I tried to wake up and force my eyes open, but my brain kept me trapped inside the dream. The second dream I had was the second week of March. In this dream I saw a little toy dog barking at me. I turned the other way, then looked back at the dog, but the dog had turned into this large vicious dog with huge teeth that was barking and snarling at me. I couldn't get out of that dream either. I was about to start crying and screaming, until my guy friend texted me. The chime from my phone broke the dream and I was able to snap out of it. Then I had another dream yesterday morning, that practically paralyzed me. I can't remember what the dream was about, but I felt suffocated. I tried to open my eyes, but my body wouldn't let me. I remember screaming and crying because I was frustrated that I couldn't open my eyes. I was trapped in complete darkness and couldn't escape. *Cry* Later on that day, I prayed to God to release me from these horrible dreams. I also asked him for a sign that these horrible dreams would cease. I had another dream lastnight, but this time it wasn't a nightmare. It was actually quite strange. In the dream, I was fretting over a sore that I had....I thought it was something major, but then I got another look at it, and it was just a harmless blister. I think that God was just telling me that I have been fretting and worrying over things that aren't serious, and that everything will work out to my advantage, and I will find my way in life. I admit that I have been worrying a lot about things lately, and these things might be the cause of my nightmares. I think the lack of exercise, sleep, and being overwhelmed with everything else has caused all of my troubles. I have started eating right again, and exercising almost everyday, and have been getting more sleep. I suppose that it's going to take awhile longer to get my body as a whole back on track. Hopefully, the nightmares will stop, too.

I have been having issues with my cat, Max. He has been improperly defecating outside of the litter box since October. It has gotten worse. I've had him at the vet, and found out that he has two chronic conditions; Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Herpes Viral Infection of the eye. Lovely, huh? *Rolleyes* I can give him eye ointment that helps a little. I also have him on Prednisone for the IBD, but if I want to treat his eyes, I would have to put him on Interferons. I am not sure how much longer I can care for a chronically ill cat. It's too expensive to keep up with. It seems more expensive to take care of a sick cat, than it does to take care of a sick human. That's just ridiculous. I think Max being sick is getting to me and causing a lot of the stress.

On another note, I have been having issues with an old man downstairs that plays his music too loud at night. I don't mind that he listens to music, I just wish he would keep it low enough that I can fall asleep and not wake up from the noise. My friend who was in town visiting his family stayed over night with me, he heard the noise and told me that I should call the cops on the guy. My guy friend also battles with insomnia like I do, only his is worse than mine. He gave me one of his sleeping pills, and we both fell asleep at the same time. A couple weeks ago, I called the cops on him. Doing that made it stop for a few days, but now he's back at it again. *Rolleyes* This gives me the impression that the old coot doesn't give a shit about the feelings of other people. I filed a report a week before my friend came into town, and the leasing manager said he would talk to him. I told them which apartment it was coming from, and they said an old man lived down there, and had a hard time believing that an old man would listen to loud music that late at night. I told him that the music is being played between the hours of 10 pm & 7 am, these are also the hours that you are supposed to keep noise at a minimum and not disturb the peace of others. If I have to call the cops so many times that the old fool gets evicted, it won't be my problem. Since the leasing office won't do anything about it, I have to take a stand and get his ass thrown out. The law doesn't recognize age as a factor to get away with anything a person damn well pleases! *Angry* Although, some people believe they are royalty and should get away with anything including murder.

I just wish I could break the lease without penalty and move the hell out of here. I am miserable here, and want out. When I renewed my lease, I should have just signed up for a six month term or month to month. *Rolleyes* I guess I can get a temporary job and save up enough money to break the lease, save up for a new place, and save up enough money to do the moving. This complex has so many issues, and the people who live here are trashy and ghetto. Not only that, there always seems to be a hornet infestation outdoors every spring and summer, and some find their way into my apartment. I am not sure how they get in, but they do. I live on the very top floor, and rarely open my window and screened balcony door because of the nasty smokers who live in my building. I wish I could find a complex that has non-smoking buildings, so I don't have to be tortured by their disgusting habit.
March 25, 2011 at 5:50pm
March 25, 2011 at 5:50pm
Today marked the end of my career as a student. I feel a great sense of accomplishment, and can't believe I made it this far! *Bigsmile* I now have my associate's degree in Criminal Justice. I am glad it's over with, but at the same time, I will miss it. I was going to go for my bachelor's degree in the same field of study. But the Michigan and federal government have cut Pell grants and other financial aid money to students. They have also cut off EBT benefits to students. The only way students are eligible for food stamps is if they have children. To me, that's discrimination! *Angry* Politicians are bastards, what can I say? I am lucky that I got my degree in just in time for them to pull that sort of stunt. I got lucky, that's for certain. If down the line, I need to get an upgrade in my studies per the rules of my employer, then I will go back if they help me pay for it.
September 15, 2010 at 10:02pm
September 15, 2010 at 10:02pm
Summer term is finally over with! Thank God! I am so wiped out and drained. The entire summer was stressful for me....I switched providers for my telephone, television, and internet to AT&T...that was a living hell for a long time. Almost two months of hell. If our country wouldn't outsource its jobs to third world countries, fuck ups wouldn't happen in the first place. After so much time passed and they couldn't establish a land line for me, I just said 'fuck it' and went with a cell phone. Then my classes were overwhelming because there was so much work to do, more than what I am used to. But today, my summer classes are finally over with! *Bigsmile* I don't have to go back until October 4th! Time flies so fast that it's unbelievable! I just have one more semester to go, and I will be graduating in December! *Bigsmile*
September 14, 2010 at 4:40pm
September 14, 2010 at 4:40pm
I am back! *Bigsmile* It has been a long time since I have been on here, because school has kept me insanely busy. I hope to get back to my roots on here and start writing again. I still have a few days of school left before break starts. Then I will be in my last semester and will graduate this fall! I am so excited about that. There is also a possibility that I might move out of state again. We will see what happens with that. Hopefully I won't have any problems finding work in criminal justice field.....I do not want to be a cop though. I don't know why anyone automatically assumes that I want to be a police officer just because I study criminal justice....it's so annoying! *Rolleyes*

I also became an aunt again! My sister Jill gave birth to my new nephew on August 24th! His name is Blake and he has red hair. He is a handsome little guy! *Delight* I am so happy for her and my brother in law!

But anyway...it's great to be back, and I look forward to writing again!

May 23, 2010 at 6:15pm
May 23, 2010 at 6:15pm
I am still alive everyone! *Laugh* I have been extremely busy with school and everything. I just got done planting flowers out on my balcony. I finally got a futon sofa for my livingroom. It's starting to look more like a livingroom! *Laugh* I also bought a bed frame, a nightstand, and a dresser for my bedroom. So now my home is starting to look like someone lives here. I also bought new towels and rug sets for the bathroom and new accessories for the kitchen. It's just me, so I really don't have anyone to impress. *Laugh* On the other hand it makes me feel more comfortable, and that's what matters most. I have so much more to do this summer. I have a few more weeks of school before the term lets out, and then I have two more semesters to go and I will graduate this fall. I am also planning my sister Jill's baby shower for next month. I found out last month that she's having a baby boy to be named Blake Alan. I can't wait to meet the little guy. I am truly looking forward to August! *Heart*
March 28, 2010 at 6:47pm
March 28, 2010 at 6:47pm
Winter term is finally over with and I have until the 7th of April off, then it's back to school. I will be graduating this autumn. *Bigsmile* My final grades were two A's and a B. I am a bit disappointed in myself for getting a B in one of my classes. Every term except for this one and winter term of last year where I got another B. I should have gotten an A both times. *Rolleyes* I guess I will have to try harder so I will get perfect grades from here on out.
March 23, 2010 at 6:29pm
March 23, 2010 at 6:29pm
I am pissed off over the new healthcare bill. *Angry* It's a stupid mistake. This is just going to plunge our country into more debt.....our national debt is already in the trillions, if we go any further, our national debt will be so high that the numbers will be too big to count. *Rolleyes* I was against this when they first started talking about government controlled health care a few years ago. This bill is unconstitutional and goes against our free rights as Americans. This is no longer the "Land of the Free." It's hard to be political when we have men and women fucking up our country! I don't have any reason to trust our government anymore. I haven't been political in over a year. I have seen both republicans and democrats screw up our country. I no longer have faith for our politicians. Most of them are a bunch of hypocritical jackasses with no morals and only dollar signs in their eyes. This health care BULLSHIT is just another scheme to screw the American people out of more money.
March 21, 2010 at 6:47pm
March 21, 2010 at 6:47pm
We went through a bit of a cold snap yesterday. The temperature dropped 30 degrees from what it was on Saturday, and it was shock to the system when I went outside to walk.*Laugh* Now it's back in the 40's and is supposed to climb back up into the 60's by tomorrow. I don't mind the cooler weather actually. I hate the hot and muggy weather...hell, I don't even like it outside when it gets above 70. I am sensitive to heat and get rashes from it.

Molly was over for the weekend and didn't make an attempt to call or visit me. She visited everyone but me and Sheila. I am a little pissed off over it, but oh well. *Rolleyes* I will remember that if I ever move out of state again and come for a visit. *Smirk*

I am working on an embroidered baby blanket now. I finished embroidering 2 quilted bibs last week that I will be giving to Jill at her baby shower this June. They match with the embroidered blanket that I gave her for Christmas for her baby that's due this August. I have been doing embroidery for 18 years now. I do it to relax, and it's something for me to do on my down-time. Some of my work is posted in a photo album on facebook if anyone wants to take a look. *Bigsmile* Here is the link if you want to friend me on facebook, if we aren't already. *Smile*

March 19, 2010 at 10:17pm
March 19, 2010 at 10:17pm
It was such a beautiful day in Michigan today! *Bigsmile* I even had my windows open today, until someone stepped outside their balcony to smoke, and then I had to close them. *Rolleyes* I really wish they had buildings designated for non-smokers at my apartment complex. I swear that I must be the only non-smoker in my building. Oh well. At least I was able to get some fresh air into my apartment a few times today. *Delight*

Finals are next week, and I will be so relieved when they are over. I had a rough go of it for awhile after winter term first started because of a tough teacher, but everything has been resolved. I only have three more terms after this, and then I will be graduating this fall! *Bigsmile*

On another happy note, my sister Jill has asked me to be her bridesmaid in her wedding next year! She asked me over a month ago, I have just been so busy with my classes that I haven't had time to announce it. *Bigsmile* I am so excited as this will be my first time being a bridesmaid in my whole life. I will also be designing her floral bouquets and other floral arrangements for the event. I have designed wedding floral arrangements twice before this but that was in 2002 & 2003. I am sure I will do just as well if not better than the last two times. *Smile*

Oh, I have also lost a total of 84 pounds in the last year and a half since I have been back home. I only have 46 more pounds to shed before I reach my target weight. My goal is to lose those 46 pounds by August of this year. I figure I will lose 20 or more pounds by June and the other 20 by August. We will see. I may have to make some modifications to my diet and exercise routine. I have been doing so well, and I am so proud of myself too! *Bigsmile* After I reach my target weight by August, I will then have an option to lose another 20 pounds if I want. If I don't lose more than 46 pounds after I reach my target weight, I won't be upset at all.

It's been a rough year for a few reasons, but I won't go into that. I had a good day today and don't want to drag this entry down. I will save my complaining for another day and another entry. *Laugh*
March 16, 2010 at 8:03pm
March 16, 2010 at 8:03pm
When I was getting into my car lastnight, I noticed that someone backed into my car and drove off. This moron left huge dent that covered the entire driver's side. The people that live across the street from my grandparents know that I leave at night and probably figured that I wouldn't notice it right away because it was dark outside. I notice everything right away. Of course this happened while I was out on my two hour walk. *Rolleyes* They didn't even leave a note or attempt to contact my grandmother who was probably home at the time. People are just stupid idiots that can't be trusted.

I had a slip and fall accident on some black ice out in the parking lot at my apartment complex a few weeks ago where three people had seen me. Neither one of these people bothered to ask me if I was okay. I guess I will remember that when I witness them falling and nearly busting their asses as well as their skulls. I wound up with two sprained ankles and two sprained wrists. I also ended up with bruising from the shoulders down, and neck pain that radiated up to my head and caused a headache.

This just goes to show you that people are cold-hearted and evil. What can I say, people are bastards. *Angry* *SIGH* I am losing faith in the integrity of human beings. We live in a world full of dishonesty, disrespect, lack of humanity, and overall ugliness.
March 14, 2010 at 11:03pm
March 14, 2010 at 11:03pm
Tomorrow. I should have asked for help sooner. *Rolleyes* My membership expires tomorrow at noon, and I am worried. I will return the favor when I can. I have posted a request for help with an upgrade in two different forums, but haven't heard anything as of yet and I am getting a little worried. I am probably going to cut and paste my poetry into a Word document so I won't lose them. I am still holding onto hope that someone will help me. I will even settle for a regular upgrade and not a premium. I have photo albums, but I suppose I will survive without them, but I worked so hard on those, especially the one with my dad. I pray that I get some help before it's too late. *Heart*
December 26, 2009 at 4:55pm
December 26, 2009 at 4:55pm
On Christmas Eve, I found out that I am going to be an Aunt again. My sister Jill is expecting her first baby in late July or early August! *Bigsmile* I am so excited for her, and I pray that her pregnancy will go smoothly and she won't have any problems. *Heart*
December 11, 2009 at 11:04pm
December 11, 2009 at 11:04pm
*Angry* There is this guy on MySpace that started contacting me early in the year. The first time he contacted me he told me that I was a very beautiful lady and he would be interested in getting to know me. I kindly told him "thank you" for the compliments, and then apologized and politely told him that he was too old for me and was not interested in dating him. He never responded back. One to two months later he contacted me again, this time I just ignored and disregarded the email. Three weeks later I went to buy flowers for my dad's grave from the Meijer garden center and put them in my car....I had to go back into the main part of the store to get a few groceries (a huge mistake). I probably spent about 45 minutes or so in the store. After paying for my purchase, I headed out to my car. Just before I got to my car, this guy in a black convertible pulls up alongside me. He asks me how I am doing, introduces himself as "Calvin" which is the name of the weirdo that contacted me those other 2-3 times on MySpace. Panic filled my entire body because I recognized his face and name from MySpace. He stated that he saw me in the store while I was shopping (which means that he was following me the entire time that I was in there, otherwise how would he have found me in the parking lot?). The word "PSYCHO" popped into my mind. What normal person would trail a someone in the store and then follow them all the way out into the parking lot? Normal lucid people don't do things like that. He asked me if I would like to go out with him to dinner as friends, and I politely turned him down. He drove away. Less than two months later he comes up to me in the store again and introduces himself and asks me out on a date. He asked if it would be okay if he gave me his phone number and email address. I told him "no" once again, and he said okay and walked away.

A month or so later I spot him in the store again, right behind me. I quickly hurried to the produce section, and next thing I know, he is bounding around the corner on the other side to intercept me. I quickly turned in the other direction and sprinted to the other end of the store to lose him. At that point I was getting really ticked off because he wouldn't leave me alone. I didn't see him again for awhile after that, but then last Monday he comes up to me again to ask me out. He says the same stupid pick up line each time he tries to ask me out. "Excuse me, do I know you?" or he will say, "Excuse me, I have met you before?" He pretends to forget that he has ever met me each time he encounters me. I told him "Yes, you have seen me in here many times." He shook his head and walked away. He's a world class weirdo. Then this past Monday, I hear from him again on MySpace, only from a different account. He introduces himself in the same cliche and corny way he always does and pretends to act as though this is his first time that he ever saw or spoke to me. I am not stupid. I know that he is putting up an act and has discovered a new way to stalk me and probably other women too. I am sure that I am not his only victim. I can't be. Based on how many times he has contacted me on here and at Meijer, he knows damn well who I am. No one is that forgetful or stupid. I replied to his email in a nasty way. Being nice to this guy doesn't do any good. Ignoring him isn't an effective way to deter him. So being a blunt little bitch is the most effective way to get rid of him....maybe. Here is what I wrote:

I am getting tired of hearing from you. I know you from another account that you had on here where you have approached me a number of times. We have nothing in common whatsoever. I have no interest in dating you. I told you before that you are too old for me, and not my type. I also know you from a supermarket that I shop at where you have stopped me numerous times and even on one occasion where you actually followed me throughout the store and even followed me in the parking lot to try to get a date from me, where I have also told you that I have no interest in starting anything with you. Every time you amazingly forget that you have asked me out before. I doubt that anyone on this planet is that forgetful as to how often they see someone and not know who they are. You should know this by now. I am tired of being harassed and hounded by you trying to get a date from me. So, PLEASE STOP IT! If that isn't getting my point across, then I suggest you listen to GODSMACK's "Keep Away" track, and I think that you will get the point. If not, and you continue to bother me, I will order a protective order against you. I have already notified the staff at the store about you. Stay away from me.
Thank you.

I felt that I had no choice to make this guy back off once and for all. He replied back and was a real dick. This is what he said:

"Ok, what ever. This is the first time I ever seen you or talked to you. So, since you are being so rood about it, that is ok. I really am not into SKANKY sluts any. you are FAT an Ugly."

ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!! *Laugh* This is too funny. I just learn to laugh at things like this. It seems my email to him brought out his true character. Plus, he can't spell worth a damn.

All of this after telling me how beautiful I am and all of that. Talk about being a bitter asshole. I prefer men who can actually spell short and simple words anyway. LOL! I printed off the email and the picture that he sent to me. So now if he approaches me in the store again, I will have his email and picture with me. Then he can't try and worm himself out of this not ever meeting me bullshit again. If he comes up to me again in the store, all I have to do is flash that he email that he sent to me and the picture of his ugly mug in front of his face and then he will know that I am on to him. He may try to hurt me, but there will be people around as witnesses. I am not afraid of this bastard. Nothing would please me more than to see him get arrested for harassment and stalking. He sounds like a mental case to me.
December 10, 2009 at 7:09pm
December 10, 2009 at 7:09pm
When the Tiger Woods scandal broke the day after Thanksgiving, I felt so disappointed in him. Here he is, a role model for children and young adults, and he goes and makes a dumb ass out of himself by cheating with several women, some of which are porn stars----*Sick*. Then he had unprotected sex with most of them. Ewwwww!

Being a victim of infidelity myself, I can't have compassion and understanding for Tiger whatsoever. Being cheated on hurts and if you truly love someone, you wouldn't even think twice of cheating on them. Jerry and I had a great relationship in the beginning. I supported him in whatever he wanted to do with his career and did everything I could to make him happy. There was nothing wrong in the relationship and we never had a fight. I never did anything to make him cheat on me. Jerry put me though hell with his sex addiction, not to mention the embarrassment and anger he made me feel. I never cheated on any of the boyfriends that I had since I have been dating as a teenager, and never had the desire to cheat on them. I just don't have it in me to do that to another person.

If Elin clobbered him over the head with a golf club, he probably deserved it. When I found out that Jerry was cheating on me, I knocked his head off because he deserved it. I was angry for many reasons, one, the betrayal, and two, the potential exposure to STDs (which thankfully did not happen).

If a person cheats once, they will most likely do it again. Infidelity is the most unforgivable offense in a marriage or in any relationship, and something I would never tolerate. I tried to make things work with Jerry (I was never married to him, thankfully), because he swore up and down that he would never do it again, but he did, several times over. Once the vows of loyalty and fidelity are broken, all trust and faith that you ever had in that person is broken and gone forever.

I understand that people screw up. Being human isn't a good enough excuse. When a person makes a mistake, it's usually by accident.....cheating is not an accident. You don't accidentally fall into bed with someone other than your spouse or significant other. Cheating is intentional and on purpose, not an accident. Not by far. People who commit acts of infidelity are selfish and self-centered people who don't give a damn about those they hurt. They have complete disregard for their significant other and their children (if they have any children). Those who knowingly sleep with a married man/woman are idiots with low self-esteem who don't care about others feelings. They should be ashamed of themselves. There is nothing that excuses cheating in any case.
November 17, 2009 at 10:58pm
November 17, 2009 at 10:58pm
I haven't decided if I am going anywhere for Thanksgiving this year. My entire family gets scattered everywhere on Thanksgiving, and when it comes to single people like me, I get left behind. I don't mind it. I may be slightly bothered by it, but I will find something to occupy my day with. *Pthb* I always do.
November 15, 2009 at 9:57pm
November 15, 2009 at 9:57pm
I made the President's List at my college last semester for attaining a 4.0 GPA! *Bigsmile* It was a pleasant surprise when I got the certificate in the mail last month. I am so thrilled that I am doing so well in my classes. Fall term ends on December 10....I will be relieved as usual. The great thing is that I will have a whole month off before my second year starts. I am always glad when a term is over with because I get so burned out around that time. Maybe I will make the President's List again in my second year in the near future. I already received my class addendum for Winter term, so I am already prepared for that. *Smile*
November 14, 2009 at 9:55pm
November 14, 2009 at 9:55pm
Thanks to Sherri, I have been extended for another month! I love you Sherri! *Heart**Bigsmile*
November 14, 2009 at 12:44pm
November 14, 2009 at 12:44pm
I hate it when my membership runs out and I am tight on money.......I have 149k in gps, I just need 50k more to be able to afford a 1 month premium upgrade. I won't be getting paid until December 11....so this puts me in a bind. It's really impossible for me to just get a regular upgrade because I have a animated cnote shop and photo albums that I can't get rid of. They have awardicons for one thing, and another thing is that one of the photo albums is of my deceased father. *Worry* My premium membership ends tomorrow at noon, and I would hate to lose everything that I worked so hard on. Maybe my prayers will be answered or I will have sort of miracle happen. Everyone has been so generous in the past, and I would hate to beg for more help. *Rolleyes* *SIGH*
November 7, 2009 at 9:25pm
November 7, 2009 at 9:25pm
Why does society have to put a label on everything? Like the term "cougar".......just because an older girl dates a younger guy does not make her a cougar. I have also heard that women over the age of 30 who have never been married are also considered cougars. Well excuse me, I am not going to take the first retard that walks off the street as my husband. I was engaged for two years, but it didn't stick, only at the fault of the guy that I was engaged to, it was his fault, not mine. Who came up with the term "cougar" anyway? Maybe it was some jealous young girl who was pissed off at some older woman for moving in on younger men, or it was some jealous disgruntled older man because a woman of his age preferred younger men. Why don't they have a name for older men that chase after younger women? I have a word for them.....pedophiles. How do they like being labeled? It isn't nice is it? What difference does it make if an older girl dates a younger guy? Why is it anyone's business in the first place? How is it that men can get away with dating younger women without being labeled, but it isn't acceptable for older women to date younger men? That's just plain ridiculous! *Angry*
October 5, 2009 at 2:22pm
October 5, 2009 at 2:22pm
I will take a meaningless and silly quiz to pass the time! *Pthb*

1. If you could change your name, what would you like it to be?


2. Your dream job is?

Working for the FBI.

3. What's your profession now?

Full time Law Student.

4. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

Still in Michigan, but maybe somewhere quiet near the beach on Lake Michigan or Lake Superior.

5. Do you read more or write more?

I think it's even between the two.

6. Santa's coming! What kind of present would you like?

A million dollars! *Pthb*

7. If you could ban one holliday, which one would it be?

Dead Presidents' birthdays. They're dead, what's the point? *Confused*

8. You're home alone.. what do you do?

Watch a movie, play Vampire Wars on Facebook, hang out with a friend or two.

9. You're running late to an interview and you can only find one blue sock and one striped one. What do you wear?

A nice professional outfit and a pair of shoes that don't require socks, or wear pantyhose.

10. People tell you not to date a specific person. Do you do it anyway?

Yeah. It's my life, I will do whatever I please. *Rolleyes*

11. You're in a store and a girl/guy hits on you while you pick out groceries. What's your reaction?

If he's beady-eyed and creepy looking, I make a nasty face like I smell something bad such as dog shit, and then I tell him to leave me the hell alone. If he's hot, I would flirt back at him.

12. You take a shower and notice that all your hair fell off! What's your reaction?

I usually lose hair each time I shower anyway. But if all of it fell out, I would probably have a nervous breakdown and cry until the day I die.

13. Your neighbors dog just did his business on your front lawn. Your neighbor is hot! You're single!! What do you do?

Hmmmmm.........ask him nicely to clean up after his dog, and then ask him if he would like to go out sometime.

14. You're on a plane in a very uncomfortable seat, next to the guy who just peed his pants... What do you do/say?

Ewwww, I would ask the flight attendant if there's an empty seat that I could move too. I wouldn't want to sit next to a grown person who isn't potty-trained! *Sick*

15. Your in-law's are in town and they want to stay at your place for two weeks. How do you handle it?

Tell them that I don't have any room in my house, and that they will have to stay at a nearby hotel.

16. A woman is strugling with her bags and her baby. She asks you to hold the baby for her, then she runs like hell! What do you do?

Go to the nearest police station and report the baby as being abandoned.

17. You're on the highway and you have to pee but there are not rest areas/gas stations/etc. Where do you pee?

I hate that feeling! I would hold it until I found the next rest area/gas station/restaurant. I am too embarrassed to pee outdoors.

18. Your ex is in town and wants to see you. You're taken! What do you do?

Tell him to buzz off! Then go into hiding or skip town. Jerry is the only ex I will not take back.

19. You jump from a diving board and your top falls off, and ends up at the bottom of the pool. You can't dive that deep. How do you act?

*Blush* LOL! Cover the girls and attempt to slip away and hope no one noticed that my top fell off! *Blush*

20. If you could choose your significant other's profession, what would it be?

I don't care as long as his profession paid well and is legal.

21. If you could change your looks what would you change?

Drop the excess weight, but keep my enormous bra size. *Pthb*

22. Three guys/girls are sitting at a bar, whispering and smiling a funny smile, while looking at you. How do you feel?

Just roll my eyes and mind my own business. Why shoot them a dirty look and give them the satisfaction of pissing me off? *Laugh*

23. You hit a person with your car. What's the first word that comes out of your mouth?

Oh My GOD!!!!

24. You walk into a bookstore. What's the first book you'll go for?

Any kind of vampire book or Shakespeare.

25. If you could be any kind of animal, which one would you be?

A panther.

26. You're sitting in a Caffe and a man/woman walks from behind you, says "Hi, honey," and kisses you on your cheek. you've never seen the person before. How do you react?

I would blush and be too flustered to say anything! *Blush*

27. If you could have a completely different life, what would it be like?

Be an immortal, youthful millionaire, and live forever. *Bigsmile*

28. If your significant other decides you should move away and start fresh, would you do it?

Yes. If I love him enough I will go anywhere with him.

29. The house you live in has a history of ghostly presence. Why did you move in?

The house was gorgeous and I thought it would be neat to meet a ghost. *Pthb*

30. Seeing how ridiculous this survey is, why'd you do it?

Because my college is having first day difficulties and I can't go to class because of technical issues with the school.


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