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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1429588-The-Chronicles-of-Ropa
by 'Ropa
Rated: 18+ · Book · Educational · #1429588
I've never been Chronicled before.
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It's my Chronicles!! *Bigsmile*

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February 3, 2009 at 9:34pm
February 3, 2009 at 9:34pm

The floorboards were yelling out "STOMP STOMP STOMP" for aaaaaaaaages. Finally I got up and went to the toilet, and had to sit there listening to the washing machine in the laundry going "Hi, I'm a dumb washing machine" over and over. I think that's the only thing it knows how to say. The toaster in the kitchen screamed out "F*** YOU!!" which started off the bread screaming "ARRRK ARRK ARRK" while it was being scraped with a knife.

The back door shouted "BOO!!" at me when I walked back through the kitchen, then the bloody tv in the lounge right next to my room started yapping "Minna minna minna" or some shi'.

Tough crowd.

It starts makin' sense
It ain't so bad
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The Spaceman says "everybody look down"
It's all in your mind

- Spaceman, The Killers

January 26, 2009 at 7:00pm
January 26, 2009 at 7:00pm
Stargate Atlantis Fav Quotes. God I *Heart**Heart**Heart* Stargate Atlantis!!

Ronon: [regarding a specific Wraith] You kill him before I do, I kill you.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: What if he kills you first?
Ronon: Then you kill him.

Dr. McKay: [staring at Beckett] What?
Dr. Beckett: What?
Dr. McKay: Well, it's that look. That's the same look I get when I have a brilliant idea.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: How would you know how you looked?
Dr. McKay: 'Cause it's happened more than once in front of a mirror, okay?

Dr. McKay: You shot me!
Lt. Col. Sheppard: (visibly upset) Yes, Rodney, I shot you, and I said I was sorry!
Ronon: You shot me, too.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: I'm sorry for shooting everyone!!

Dr. McKay: One more time: mysterious energy pulse from a device created by the Ancients. I mean, who knows what kind of long-term effects I could be in for? I mean, there’s gross mutation, giantism, invisibility...
Lt. Col. Sheppard: That would be cool. I turned into a bug.
Dr. Beckett: Alright. Like I said, as far as I can tell, he’s as healthy as a horse. I’m clearing you for active duty.
Dr. McKay: What are you insane?! Look, I need to be put under guard. Who knows what I could become?
Dr. Weir: What are the chances it could make him more pleasant?

Dr. McKay: It's like the video game 'Asteroids'.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Whatever works for you.
Dr McKay: I was terrible at 'Asteroids'. I think I actually scored zero once.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Well, there's only one way to go and that's up.

Lt. Col Sheppard: Looks like one of those toys you play with as a kid.
Dr. McKay: Commodore 64?
Ronon: Triple barrel shotgun?
Lt. Col Sheppard: A kaleidoscope.

Dr. Kate Heightmeyer: Now based on what's been described to me, the personification of Colonel Sheppard in everyone's dreams, is behaving much like a sociopath.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Did I have a goatee?

Dr. Keller: Dr Brown. I see you've brought my number one patient.
Dr. McKay: What? Oh, no, we're not here for me this time.
November 26, 2008 at 10:40pm
November 26, 2008 at 10:40pm

Today's tribute goes out to Futurama, one of the best cartoons EVAH.
Hilarious stuff.

I've just watched the two new feature length movies - Bender's Big Score and The Beast With A Billion Backs.
Note to all: If you're gonna watch them, watch Bender's Big Score BEFORE you watch Billion Backs, they end and start respectively in the same place.

I watched them with a friend the wrong way around, dammit, and right at the very end of the one we SHOULD have watched first we clicked, and I looked at him and he looked at me and we both let out a yell *Bigsmile*

Best quote of the movie:

"Don't tell me how to do what you tell me to do! I don't tell you how to tell me to do what you tell me to do!" - Bender, the best robot EVAH *Bigsmile*
November 20, 2008 at 7:55pm
November 20, 2008 at 7:55pm
Have you ever seen such a lovely duck?
With the spiffs of a fur as we build them up
Shout the water on the wall cause it's fallin' again
Plug the flower in my vein cause it's pumpin' again
Through the cracks in the grave spills the dust of a frown
Shrivelled ghosts of a life that was burnt to the ground

*a demon jumps out and bites your head off*
November 19, 2008 at 10:50pm
November 19, 2008 at 10:50pm

I embarrass my friends too much in town, I think.

I'm the one walking along the crowded street exclaiming to my friends, "Oi! What Christmas decoration am I being now?!!"
They have to look at my shadow on the ground in front of us and guess what Christmas decoration I'm making with me shadow, as I walk along with my arms out at slight angles and my hands pointing in towards my body to make a giant walking bell *Bigsmile*

November 18, 2008 at 10:21pm
November 18, 2008 at 10:21pm

These are my favourite burger names from Burger Fuel.
(BTW, Burger Fuel is the BEST burger place on the planet. The burgers are amazingly big and yum).

#1 - Ring Burner (my ultimate favourite burger name *Bigsmile*)

#2 - Bacon Backfire

#3 - Bastard

#4 - Flame Thrower

#5 - Peanut Piston

#6 - Studnut Stilton
November 13, 2008 at 9:23pm
November 13, 2008 at 9:23pm
Hello. *Cool*

Some people are so rude.
I hate when people never ever take their sunglasses off and are all like frick I'm just too awesome to be polite to you while I'm talking to you, and then I'm gonna stand here and not even listen cause you can't really tell if I am or not anyways.

Now, in saying that, I'm one of those people who is pretty much permanently attached to her sunglasses. Well, I sort of have to be, cause I'm on meds at the moment which not only make my already very fair skin MORE susceptible to the harmful rays of the sun, but it makes my eyes very weak against and sensitive to the sunlight. Yay me.
Anyways. That's not really the point.

I was thinking.
And I decided I'm not so bad, because I try to be "polite" and take my glasses off when I'm talking to people. I take them off whenever I walk into a service station to get a drink, for example, or into a cafe or something, because the people I'm interacting with there are doing me a favour of sorts, they are doing something for me, and to me it's a sign of gratitude, friendliness and general human respect.

Sometimes I talk to people with them still on if I just really can't handle being outside without them on. But even then I almost always take them off especially if I'm the one who has initiated the conversation, even if it means I have to squint at them like a dipshit *Bigsmile*

Although for some people I guess it's a confidence thing. It does actually make you feel more invisible or shut out or something when you're wearing them I guess.
But jeez, people, don't be rude *Bigsmile*
November 9, 2008 at 4:05pm
November 9, 2008 at 4:05pm
[Yes, I'm still addicted to it]

On the side of each bottle of V it says: "1.5 bottles max. daily"
(Cause it has crazy-person levels of caffeine and guarana and hypo-energetic stuff in it).

But come on, one and a half bottle per day? What the frick am I going to do with the other half of the second bottle? Just leave it in the fridge until tomorrow?
Why don't they just make bottles either containing the full amount you're allowed in one day, or in half amounts so that you don't end up with part of a bottle being left over?

Come on, PEOPLE!! *smacks her forehead*

And yeah, I guess you shouldn't have two bottles of V right before you go to bed. You end up having crazy dreams about ex-boyfriends who didn't ring you up to let you know their new business plans, and Church goers who need to run for half an hour before they're allowed into the Church *Bigsmile*

I *Heart* V. http://www.v.co.nz/assets/img/general/vRed_bottle_can.gif
November 9, 2008 at 12:59am
November 9, 2008 at 12:59am
I saw an ad in the paper today that I LOVE.
It's titled: How to speak New Zillund.

It shows pictures of building blocks with the letters A - H on them.

A is for Arm.
Uttered when thinking.

B is for Bull.
What you're charged for the meal.

C is for Cuds.

D is for Donut.
Long version of don't.

E is for Ear.
What we breathe.

F is for Fush.
Sea creatures.

G is for Guess.
Used for cooking or heating.

H is for Hull.
Land which isn't flat.

November 4, 2008 at 10:23pm
November 4, 2008 at 10:23pm
(You have to read this in the alphabet sing-song way to get the full effect!)

November 2, 2008 at 5:04pm
November 2, 2008 at 5:04pm
Yeah, who would call a kid Bruce anyway?
- lyrics by Rubicon

And they have a good point.

What 'Ropa wants to know is, WHYYYYYYY (WHY WHY WHY!!??) would you write a children's book about a poor, little, friendly, good-spirited elephant with BIG EARS and then call him, of all names, DUMBO!!

Elephants already have big ears, but come on, giving this one EXTRA BIG EARS and calling him DUMBO?

OH. EM. GEE. *Bigsmile*

How freakin' mean.
No wonder there's so many mean people in the world today - we're taught at a young age that it's ok to call an elephant who gets picked on for having big ears DUMBO!!

Oh God, that's just insane.
October 30, 2008 at 9:23pm
October 30, 2008 at 9:23pm
Mum: Steph... time to get up now.

Flatmate: You're up early this morning Steph!
Me: Drugs.

Flatmate: Good morning!!
Me: Nah it's a f*****g joke.

Flatmate: Morning Steph.
Me: Oh f**k. What the f**k? [looks out the window] WHY THE F**K IS IT MORNING?! WHO THE F**K KEEPS DOING THIS TO ME??

Flatmate: Hey, what time do you have class this morning?
Me: Why do you care? [trips over the step up to the toilet] F**k, is it tomorrow yet?

[Yes, I have a foul mouth in the mornings. I hardly ever swear except for if you speak to me within the first 20 minutes of my waking up].
October 27, 2008 at 3:16pm
October 27, 2008 at 3:16pm

There are some "little kids words" that I really hate. I mean, I don't just dislike them, but I actually physically feel gross whenever people use them, and it's not because of what the word means - it's actually somehow on a lexical level - the word itself.

Tummy and wee-wees are examples.

(Yes, I know it's hard not to laugh, I'm actually grinning myself, but I'm being totally serious here!)

They are just such horrible words!!! On so many levels!!

October 27, 2008 at 6:50am
October 27, 2008 at 6:50am
What do you get when you cross an apocalyptic circus with some musical talent?

THIS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmPU3hUcjj8
Interesting song. Interesting how the music style changes slightly throughout. But I'm really loving the apocalyptic sounding circus music.
October 22, 2008 at 9:31pm
October 22, 2008 at 9:31pm
[talking about how lazy she is]

'Ropa: I wish I had a benpan or something *Bigsmile*
Gothie: What's a benpan? *Laugh*
'Ropa: It's a pan that you pee in and then Ben has to go empty it *Bigsmile*
Gothie: Ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
'Ropa: Ben gets paid! I don't see anything wrong with it!
Gothie: You wouldn't....
October 19, 2008 at 6:11pm
October 19, 2008 at 6:11pm

Welcome to NaNoWriMo
This is my first time ever doing NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month, for those who don't know.
Hey - some people actually don't know.

In previous years when people had it plasted all over their handles I had no idea that this is what it was. In fact, just to let you all have another glimpse of how lame I can be - I thought that it was wrestling.
This is the first time I'm admitting this in public, by the way, so be kind *Bigsmile*
Yes, wrestling.
Come on, in my defense - there was a viable connection to that interpretation. 'NaNoWriMo' TOTALLY sounds japanese. When I think Japanese, I think Sumo-wrestlers. And there you have the connection.
Ok... so not sure how writers would be wrestling all month, but I figured maybe it was like some kind of role play writing thing, where there were competitions where writers had to 'face-off' with each other and eventually there would be one ultimate winner at the end of the month.

Do not laugh at me people, this totally makes sense.

So when I saw that Mark 's handle had changed to say "NaNo WINNER" or something like that, I was pretty impressed *Bigsmile*

'Ropa's NaNoWriMo
If any of my friends would like to know what I plan to be doing for NaNo - here's a little info JUST. FOR. YOU. *Heart*

I have called my novel "Nightdreams and Daydreams" to begin with. Quite likely that will not be what it is called at the end, but at the moment I like that title.

All I will say is that it is about the tales of an adventurer, albeit, a very weird adventurer whose tales you probably won't believe are actually possible. A lot of the strange/unusual stuff that is going to appear in it is based on some CRAZY dreams that I've had and remembered. And it looks to be that there are going to be some very philosophical parts to it as well, which is sort of scary because I feel like maybe we will ALL finally discover the real ME. But the best part is, that it's a novel. If there's anything in it that I think is too revealing about me and my true nature, then I can just claim that that part was made up based on one of my dreams *Bigsmile*

I've got all my bases covered *Bigsmile*

Itching to begin writing it, but I am determindely delaying my start until November the 4th, when I finish my last exam. So at the moment I have a little notebook with a jumbled list of words that really don't make any sense at all on their own or together. But to me, it's gold.

Now I just have to trust that I will be able to put things down as awesomely as I can see it all in my head!!

October 17, 2008 at 10:28pm
October 17, 2008 at 10:28pm

Do you guys have the pre-teen/teenager/young adult clothes store 'Supré' in America? I don't know these things, but assuming you do... {commences mini rant}

I can't actually fit into ANYTHING in that store without feeling horribly uncomfortable, stupid, or overly-exposed and under-dressed. Actually, I pretty much can't fit into anything in there fullstop. And I'm totally proud of that fact. It makes me feel quite normal - they should put in their name somewhere that it's a clothing store for incredibly teeny-sized people!

I'm thinking of getting a t-shirt printed: "I can't fit into anything in Supré."
October 15, 2008 at 7:36pm
October 15, 2008 at 7:36pm

"Did you have a fight with the colour box this morning?"
"Um... yeah."

"I'm colourblind, but I can still figure out what some colours are. Like your pink top and the orange bit in your hair. I can see pink and orange."
"It's red."
"Oh, I can't see red."

"No, you will not be marked down too much in the exam if you give the case the wrong name." (lecturer)
"Oh, good, cause that's the sort of mistake that I would do."
"Well... perhaps if you could come to the exam with the blonde half covered up somehow..."

"And which Stephanie do we have this morning? The blonde one or the black one?" (lecturer)

"Oo, I like your hairclip!"
"Yeah it's not a clip... there's actually an entire headband in there somewhere."

October 15, 2008 at 4:22am
October 15, 2008 at 4:22am

Note I wrote to myself in one of my draft essays for one of my Media papers:

"Someone-a-rather MacCabe seems like someone I’m sorta supposed to be quoting about something in this essay..."

I mean, that is REALLY gonna help me out the next time I go back to that draft *Bigsmile*
Shot Steph. You have your best interests at heart, obviously.
October 15, 2008 at 3:50am
October 15, 2008 at 3:50am

You know, it has only been in the last year of my recent life that I found out it's not true that if you eat raw cake mixture it gives you worms.
I can't believe my Mum lied to me about that for so long!!

Ugh, it hurts. I feel like I've been denied one of the great pleasures in life all these years.

And the stupid thing is that I understand with full claritynow that I couldn't get worms from eating raw cake mixture, but it has been ingrained into me from such a young age that I really DID believe it.

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