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My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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February 3, 2013 at 5:23pm
February 3, 2013 at 5:23pm
February 3rd, 2013.

Mr. Rainbowapple is whipping up a bowl of chilli (not cherries), so it must be Super Bowl time!. I've not written much here recently -- not because there hasn't been a whole lot happening here -- yes, there has. But, rather, writing had slipped amongst my priorities. And, without sounding too full of myself, writing is something that comes to me fairly naturally and easily.

We've been a bit proud, I guess, of our ability and stealth to survive pretty well as a single income family, even through this so-called recession, and during the subsequent re-build. Moreover, we understand the implications of the economic factor that whenever unemployment numbers remain high, wages have a tendency to stay proportionally low. Yet, as many of us appreciate, those cost of living conditions are only so bearable for so long. Something gives. So it is, that we are turning inwards even further and are hanging on by teeth and toenails.

A couple of weeks ago, as I was getting ready for work, and Beanie was getting dressed for school, Mr. R collapsed right in front of us and had a massive seizure. At that moment, all that I could think to do was call a colleague and friend of mine who's an RN in the ER. Anyway, long story short, he spent all day in bed, refusing to be moved, nor to be medically evaluated -- 'AMA' or, 'Against Medical Advice', as we say in the health profession. I took that whole day off. Since then, he's been insisting that he feels fine.

Ms. Beanie is doing well, although she contracted a virus of some description, quickly followed by two nasty guinea pig bites.She's with my MIL right now. She's almost touching me at the shoulder in terms of height, so she hasn't stopped growing any (as yet).

Work is what it is. Some of our patients rally and sometimes surprise us all, whilst others fade fast, and we all know that the vast majority will die in more or less time. They are out of their minds with despair, yet are kind and dignified, too. I'm hoping to write more about my work, soon. I'm the only 'original' staff member on our medical team, now, aside from Dr. A. Our 'new' RN announced last week, that she is now looking for other employment options. This work has taken a terrible toll on her physically and mentally, and wrought havoc in her home life. I can understand that. Meanwhile, a palliative care physician has joined our ranks. Always something happening.

Well -- that is what is happening in the Rainbowapple household. More soon !. Happy Writing !.
September 2, 2012 at 11:38pm
September 2, 2012 at 11:38pm
September 02. 2012.

Well-let's see how long I can keep up these blog writing appearances, shall we?. Another lovely, late Summer's day up at the Mountain House, surrounded by nature's sounds and an altogether different way of being. Of breathing. A little bit of time snatched rafting upon the river, although the shadows had already begun to beckon and darken the waters cascading beneath. Still more time afterwards to sun-bake ourselves thoroughly, and to eek the river gravel from out from between our newly polished toes.

Much of my late afternoon was spent lamenting missing pretty objects. Namely clothing and home decor. Silliness, really. Still, I miss Liberty of London and Laura Ashley vintage fabrics. I'm completely hopeless at sewing, unless I'm re-fastening a button, or mending a seam(or a sock). 'Even' my mother, who was considered to be only a reasonably proficient sewer by post-colonial standards, could 'sides to middle' a flannel sheet on her old Singer, treadle sewing machine. My MIL, by contrast, sews perfectly stupendous quilts, and has long harbored a love of textiles, embroidery, cross-stitch and sewing.

I suppose that a part of me finds myself wishing for a less complicated and simpler time, and a way of life.

I'm tired of synthetic fabrics. of so much being imported from Asia (for better or for worse). Back in the day, to have something tailored, rather than buying right off the rack, really meant something. Even if you paid the price of a chair for a suit or a dress. Or, for shoes, for that matter.

Anyway, that's today's little snippet of Nostalgic Noodling. It'll be back to the City, tomorrow-day. Work, day after that. I'm betting that all of the same sights, sounds and smells will set back upon me like a punch in the face. Till then, I might actually find a real book to read.

September 1, 2012 at 10:06pm
September 1, 2012 at 10:06pm
September 01. 2012.

Shortly, as soon as I've pulled up my proverbial shorts, that is (as opposed to pulling up sticks, per se). I'll be beginning a new blog here on WDC. A continuation of here. Well, duh!. At the moment, I am continuing to work for a Medical Oncologist/Hematologist, in a hospital outpatient clinic. He's a really pleasant, high-functioning physician. With incredible wonderful patients, who, almost all, without exception, meet with extremely shitty sets of circumstances and even shittier deaths (despite our best, combined efforts to orchestrate them with 'good' deaths-a cruel oxymoron, if ever there was one). Meanwhile, Mr. Rainbowapple-true to his own nature of "Just Deal With It" has most supportively embraced House Husbandry in all of its various guises, colors and quandries. Beanie, in her own manner (manners-wot are those?) will be quick and eager to tell you that not having Mummy around full-time anymore, sucks big lemons. However, she is liking second grade, as her new teacher was edamucated in New Zealand for 15 years and knows how to negotiate toxic cupcakes, whiny kids and School District homework policies with perfectly straightforward and pragmatic aplomb.

On the homefront-the cat gets deafer and dottier by the day, the guinea pigs are down to 10 and positively hating carrots, and we have two 'temporary' bunny wobbits. Very temporary if I have anything to do with it.

We are up at the Mountain House at present, for some Labor Weekend un-laboring, after I told (not asked) my Manager that I needed a day off, or else fur would fly. One purpose of this trip is to do some soul-searching and re-establish my grip on normalcy, however momentary. Another, is to start to write and read, again. Finally, to re-connect with what I and my family considers to be of significance in our little bit of our world. All very lofty, isn't it?.

That's me-lofty and fluffy!.

So, I hope that some of the old crowd might stop by for a look-see. See you in the blogs!.
April 29, 2011 at 6:58pm
April 29, 2011 at 6:58pm
April 29, 2011.

*Laugh* Well, I had my PG Tips tea and bread pudding all lined up, this morning, and watched the highlights of the Royal Wedding. I do so love it when America gets out-flag-waved, out-romped and out-pomped: it's utterly refreshing. Even if the Windsors are getting a bit crusty and dusty in their dotage. No need to bet on what Elizabeth II wore. Always steady, safe and secure. Oh, BUT, did you see some of the ghastly abominations that were passing as ladies ... HATS?. Thought that Catherine's dress was suitably a bit of ooh and aah, and thank-goodness she didn't have a meringue topping, nor a toe-tripping train to have to contend with. She was there to get married, dammit-and, besides, the media were creating quite enough extraneous BS for everyone as it was. Katie Couric with her dupe for a Lady Di hairstyle about made me gag, but anyway...I do so love a good wedding! *Sniff. I'm also extremely glad that the vows exchange was streamlined down to two minutes. It'd just have been their extreme bad luck if some old priest got up there and gabbled on ad nauseum about the sanctity of marriage and how God is an all-loving, all-knowing God (sentiments which likely would have made Charles squirm). No, they are a young, modern couple, who are living in a much more secularized and straightforward society.

*Sad* "Beanie" is home sick again, today. Same issues. Last night was awful. I ended up phoning R at work, which I rarely do, and he came rushing back home. Poor Beanie was in absolute agony. What to do?. Take her back to the very same, solitary ER who misdiagnosed her in the first place?. On a Thursday night?. So, no, we kept her home and pushed fluids, instead. We're in watchful, waiting mode for the rest of this weekend. Nothing exciting planned. Just keeping everything as quiet and relaxed as possible.

*Smile* On a plus side, despite what *some* may think from some of my FB status updates, my own health is good at the moment. I put it down to a 2,000IU intake of Vitamin C every day, in combination with getting more exercise. Far less of the general viral symptoms that so commonly featured in my daily life and blog updates throughout 2009/2010. My foot has healed beautifully, and is now unrecognizable compared with my foot prior to surgery (cosmetically and functionally). Booyah!. Besides, I would never have passed my recent required physical and medical exam for my Health Verification for my externship, if I wasn't fit and well.

*Wink* It's a sparkling, glowy, sunshine-filled day outside. Don't be fooled though. It's nice in the sun, but that stern coastal breeze sucks all of the warmth right out of you. Inside Friday!. I like!.
April 27, 2011 at 7:42pm
April 27, 2011 at 7:42pm
April 27, 2011.

*Flower2* So, what's been Happening in the Rainbowapple Household, since, er, October, 2010?. Your very best guess would be as good as (if not better than) mine, lol. However, if you're unfortunate enough to have been following me on FB, not a whole LOT has changed-just a variant on same-old, same-olde. Anywhoo, we are still situated in the same, old villa, with the 17 guinea pigs, an ever-increasingly senile and vague cat, and the odd guppy or two (or seven). Oh, and up until recently, temporarily caretaking three baby ducks and nine baby chickadees. Thank-goodness that the aforementioned ducks were re-homed-as Hughie, Louie and Spewy were so, unbearably smelly!.

*Flower3* "Beanie" has endured a rough few weeks, while bravely battling a viral illness that she picked up from school. She's still a little fragile, weepy and not as active and thriving as usual. Poor kid. I'm worried that there is something a little more serious happening with her, rather than just a virus, but time will tell if my instincts on that pan out.

*Flower4* I recently completed my Clinical Orientation for my Clinical Rotations, including a Professional Rescuer certification. I'm just waiting on an email, with the next steps and set of instructions.

*Flower5* R right royally pipped me off on Easter Day night, by working from 5pm-1:30am. He earned an easy $400. But, I really, really hate being home alone at nights at the moment, particularly with Beanie being so below par. Still, I have spent a bit of money lately, in lieu of a more stellar than expected tax return, this year-three new pairs of pants, a new shirt, a new sweater, and something...Chanel. Oh, and sparkly new paint plans for the landing and the porch room *Wink*

Off to read and comment on some blogs. Not being upgraded is like losing the keys to the community....
February 11, 2010 at 12:09am
February 11, 2010 at 12:09am
February 10, 2010.

*Flower1* Still sick. Stayed in bed till 1:30pm. Not sick-sick-just that achy, non-specific run-down feeling. Run down from what exactly, you may ask?. I'd like to know, too, since I've been doing sweet nothing much at all, lately. Maybe that's why. I'm wasting away while in this wheelchair. Can't wait to be up and around a little more. Baby steps.

*Flower2* Back to maintaining "A's" in school, again. It takes consistency, rather than smarts.

*Flower3* Wrote to my half-sister in New Zealand. That'll wake her up. The last time we exchanged emails, was last Summer, and we were in Thermopolis or thereabouts.

*Flower4* For purely amusement purposes, hubby and I have been watching Hulu, again. It's either that, or read my textbook on anatomical positioning. The resultant excitement level is enough to lift my blood pressure to 'registering'. A serious case of 'bedhead' isn't helping my morale, either. Still, I'm warm, dry, fed and watered, so my actual needs are few.

*Flower1* I'm terrible at responding to comments. I'll get to them.

Any plans for Spring??.
January 29, 2010 at 2:08am
January 29, 2010 at 2:08am
January 28, 2010.

*Flower1* Off my head on pain meds and pigging myself on herb Brie cheese and Saltines-with apple juice chasers. What do I have to look forward to tomorrow?. An at-home facial, with the works, followed by our earlier postponed shopping trip for Beanie and I. She has a PJ Party at school and an after-school library visit with Grandma, tomorrow, too.

*Flower2* Why is the general populace so suitably surprised when it's revealed that politicians are far from perfectionists-and are just as prone to lying, cheating and extorting as the ordinary masses are?. People hold politicians to a higher moral standard, so that the greater the transgression, the farther that the politician falls.

*Flower3* My foot must be making healing noises, because I can touch some of my toes without hitting the roof at the mere thought of doing so. Each toe still takes turns at registering pain complaints, but my tolerance is better.

*Flower4* I was downgraded from an A in my Strategies course to an A-. Now, I dislike all general education courses, just because I can. It's that b of an instructor. My new Mosby's Medical Dictionary was delivered today. My highlight. It weighs 21.2lbs. Not exactly intended for easy commuting, is it?.

*Flower2* Films I've seen recently that I've loved-"Whip It" and "My Sister's Keeper"

I wonder what would happen if I cut my ponytail off?. My husband would be pretty distraught. As would "Locks for Love".
January 28, 2010 at 6:10pm
January 28, 2010 at 6:10pm
January 28, 2010.

JD Salinger has died-author of "Catcher in the Rye". He was 91. He died at his home in New Hampshire on Wednesday. Source: Reuters.
January 19, 2010 at 1:11pm
January 19, 2010 at 1:11pm
January 19, 2010.

*Balloon5* I'm going to take more pain medication shortly and go back to bed. One of those days, when I need to hit 'Rewind' and see if there's an improvement. Lots of pain, and these meds are seriously messing with my mind. I've tried my best to get to various comments, but I'm truly lagging behind. Give me a couple of days, and I'll be back-brighter and more lucid, I hope.

*Balloon4* It's still pimply sissing out. At this rate, I'll need Dora the Explorer flotation devices for my wheelchair. We swim, er, drive to Stanford tomorrow.

*Balloon2* Superb overnighter with Beanie, last night. My kid is such a cool child!.

See you in the wind...or rain. *Heart*
January 17, 2010 at 7:44pm
January 17, 2010 at 7:44pm
January 17, 2010.

*Flower1* Yet one more day of disorientation-it took me all afternoon to pull myself together sufficiently to do anything too constructive, beyond mellowing out in my chair (my now constant companion). Now, as I'm cautiously moving from out of the fog, and into the sunlight, my general awareness is a little sharper. I suspect my moodiness has something to do with the drug cocktail that I've been consuming- that, and the fact that I have only been outside once since my return from Stanford. If you've experienced the layout of my internal and external home environment, as Kare has, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for that, too: inaccessibility. Further, it's been 'pimply sissing' down and blowing up half or more of a hurricane outside, this morning. While hubby was at work, this morning, two loud bangs shook the whole house, all of our windows rattled, and the power flickered three times. Something fell. As to what, where, whom or how, I don't know. No idea. I'm still sitting here, so I don't really care that much. If it was important, I'll discover it later-not now.

*Flower1* Camping out on the downstairs living room floor is a rather pleasant part of my recuperation. A film highlight has been seeing, "Julie&Julia". Cute.

*Flower2* My desk needs cleaning-something that I can do.

Happy Sunday!.

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