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Just my zany thoughts.
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To my beloved husband, and very best friend Eric Wharton Author Icon
You are my greatest treasure and I love you. *Heart*

I am happily married and my life has been abundantly blessed with a wonderful loving family. My blog is about the tapestry of two lives that God has permanently woven together by His love and our journey through our many trials, triumphs, and the God-size miracles we have witnessed throughout our daily lives with our strong faith in Christ.
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October 13, 2013 at 7:43pm
October 13, 2013 at 7:43pm
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for handwritten love letters, notes, and cards. I fear that with the modern day changes in our current society with our present way of communicating by emails, cell phones, text messages, FaceTime, and Skype that handwritten love letters are a dying art and may end during this generation.

To receive something actually handwritten in the mail is very special to me, much more so than receiving an email or something generic. Knowing someone took their time to write me a special note means so much. It shows that they put a lot of thought into sending it. I cannot imagine anyone not enjoying receiving this in his or her mailbox.

I think my love for handwritten cards and letters all began when I was a teenager as I witnessed the exchange of love letters between my parents. For a few years, daddy worked away from home on the railroad and was only home about 7 days out of each month and I can remember mama’s excitement when the mailman delivered her a special letter. Although I never read any of their letters, it was from just seeing the sheer joy on her face as she read them, I could only imagine what sentiments they contained.

Perhaps that explains why I am one of those sentimental people who saves every card, note, and letter I have received from my loved ones. I have a large box filled with precious memories and endearing love letters that I have received over the years.

Before we were married, my husband Eric Wharton Author Iconand I dated long distance for about 18 months and we exchanged many handwritten love letters and cards throughout that time that I will always cherish. Today we have a book that we take turns writing to each other love letters in it, and one day when we have passed on. I am sure our children will read this and can know the deep love we cherished and shared.

In passing this tradition on to my children reminds me of a time when my youngest son was in the Army, we wrote weekly to stay in touch. Those letters somehow served as a lifeline support during his hard times in while serving 15 months in Iraq and kept us in close contact.

Occasionally I will spend time taking a trip down memory lane re-reading my cards and letters reminiscing over them. It never fails to bring smiles to my face and tears to my eyes when I read certain ones.

I think it’s time that I need to turn my computer off, I am sure there is a someone somewhere who is in need of receiving encouragement from a handwritten card.

January 1, 2013 at 7:58pm
January 1, 2013 at 7:58pm
Listening to the consistent sound of the steadily falling raindrops outside the window reminds me of the different cycles of life and its constant changes. Usually in a few hours the rain will stop and beautiful rays of sunshine will be out in abundance. That is what it feels like at the start of a new year. While there will be many unknown changes ahead, I know I cannot worry about what they will be, but take each day at a time trusting God.

Reflecting back over the past year and the challenges, heartaches, and blessing that my family has experienced makes me actually glad to see 2012 behind us. What an incredible year it was, not only for us, but also for many others across the nation. They will never be the same again and while there were numerous things we celebrated there were others painful struggles we overcame.

Let me give you a few of the highlights from 2012. We were blessed with a beautiful new grandson named Alex. He is so precious holding his ears instead of his eyes to play peek-a-boo. Since he lives 1,000 miles away, we have to visit with them on Skype whenever we can.

We had to spend a month in the hospital as my husband Eric Eric Wharton Author Icon went into rejection from his liver transplant and twice had to be airlifted three hours away to the Memphis Transplant hospital. It was a very critical point in his life and I cannot say enough about how blessed we both feel now that he has recovered completely and that so many prayers were answered. I am always amazed at what a fighter he is, and the strength he embodies.

I lost my precious father who I adored after a sudden 8-day illness. He married my mom when I was six years old and raised me as if I were his own child. Although he was legally just my step-dad, to me he was my true father in every sense that counted. I will always be grateful for this special man in my life. I miss him daily.

After five years of being at home, I made the decision to return to work. I worked part-time for a bank for 11 months, but I am presently working in administration for another type of business now.

We had many special times with the family and our friends enjoying cooking out, visiting, swimming in the pool, riding four-wheelers, game nights, and just great quality time together with lots of laughter involved.

I rarely try to do New Years resolutions, but this year Eric and I have committed to taking the challenge of reading thru the New Testament in 90 days. It is something I believe we can both accomplish. Even though change is inevitable for those creatures of habits like me, I am eagerly looking forward to what 2013 has in store for me.
July 28, 2011 at 8:05pm
July 28, 2011 at 8:05pm
Since partyof5 Author Icon wanted to know more about what's happening in our worlds I thought I would sit down and take a moment to explain why I've been so busy lately.

It’s taken ten years, but I can happily say my life has finally come full circle. I am once again living in my quaint little hometown that I grew up in and it’s better than ever. Whoever said that you couldn’t come home again, I believe, was wrong.

If you are old enough to remember the television show Green Acres that ran during the late 60s, you might understand how my husband Eric and I can relate so closely to the characters of Oliver and Lisa Douglas. Yep, that's us today! We are thrilled that we’re no longer residents of the large suburb of a huge melting pot and multicultural area. Gone are the days of noisy traffic jams, million-plus population, multi-ethic foods, and a metropolitan skyline where everything is outrageously overpriced.

During my ten years of being a Southern Belle living in a large northern city, I have been fortunate to experience many incredible things: a limousine ride in Manhattan, the breathtaking view from the top of the Empire State Building, being photographed in front of the Twin Towers, and enjoying a romantic horse drawn carriage ride through the streets of Philadelphia. I have wonderful memories of hours spent on the boardwalks of Atlantic City and other New Jersey shore points, as well as snow-covered ski resorts in the low rolling mountains of Pennsylvania.

Today however, we have traded the city life to become residents in the deep rural South. We have returned to the beautiful magnolia state of Mississippi where we have downsized and can bask in a simple life of quiet two-lane highways, southern hospitality, small country churches, homegrown gardens, county fairs, where you know everyone, and a person’s word and simple handshake are almost all you need. An added bonus is that we now live seven miles away from our only granddaughter plus many of my other relatives and friends, so our visits are frequent.

So much has changed here, and yet some things have remained exactly as I remembered. While I loved everything about living in the north, of all the many places I’ve been to my small childhood hometown will always remain the most impressive and interesting place I have ever lived and I’m finally back home and could not be happier.

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If you’re ever in the area stop by and enjoy an ice-cold glass of sweet tea with us.

February 24, 2011 at 9:47pm
February 24, 2011 at 9:47pm

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Storm chasing meteorologists astound me at the risks they are willing to take tracking hazardous weather phenomena. They eagerly do this to keep the public informed and forewarned of impending dangers while doing their jobs.

Being raised in the Deep South, I am familiar with the usual springtime tornado seasons. I learned quickly to pay close attention to weather conditions, and seek shelter whenever imminent storm warnings are issued. Each time we are awakened to the startling sounds of the civil defense sirens wailing we immediately begin to take necessary precautions and our eyes are glued to the television for continuous updates.

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The stormy weather today has brought back reminders of a frightening situation we experienced last spring when members of my family and myself were caught in the mist of a killer tornado. I was driving down the highway when unexpectedly we heard the warning sirens of a looming tornado. Immediately I pulled into a nearby department store where we took cover inside until it was safe to leave. From the storefront windows many watched as the skies grew darker and the swirling winds increased howling louder as it intensified. I was terrified and reminded myself to breathe. Help us, God!

Funnel clouds were spotted nearby and developed into multiple twisters with torrential downpours; constant loud claps of thunder, and streaks of lightening were seen dancing and lighting up the darkened skies.

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That particular tornado was an F-4 with winds of 170 mph that left 10 people dead in Yazoo and Choctaw County, Mississippi. Hundreds others were left homeless and numerous buildings were demolished into toothpick splinters as its strength ripped a path of deadly destruction.

I was scared and praying asking God to watch over us while reciting Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid I will trust in him repeatedly. Once the storm had passed I knew without any doubt it was by God’s protective hand that we were unharmed as the tornado’s path changed directions right before it got to us and we were spared any harm.

Not all of the storms I have faced have been weather related but I do know that God is always present, safeguarding and bringing us through them when we head the warnings and turn to seek shelter in him through prayer.

Tonight as another bad storm that is raging outside of our home I once again say a silent prayer, and pay attention to the meteorologist on TV and smile because I know God is the ultimate storm chaser for all of my life’s storms and that I am safe.

March 17, 2010 at 1:43am
March 17, 2010 at 1:43am
I am on the biggest emotional high I have ever been on right now. I am thrilled to let you guys know who don’t already know Eric has received a liver transplant on Sunday and is doing outstanding. He’s off of the ventilator, and is still in the Transplant Intensive Care Unit, and we are expecting he will be moved out into a regular room tomorrow.

He has had ONE Percot for pain since his surgery, and didn’t have to have ANY blood transfusions. Talk about answered prayers!
I’ve been posting about this on facebook so everyone could follow along with me as I don’t have my laptop with me at the hospital and its difficult trying to write this with an iPhone.

Sorry this is short, I promise to write more of the details later on about how the transporting helicopter almost could not land on the hospital that was bringing his donor’s liver to us due to the strong winds, and about how his surgery got stopped right after they got him in there to do a second biopsy on the liver, and the over anesthesia he got – lots to tell ya’ll…. STRESSFUL on my nerves.

Hope all is well with you, and let me leave you with this. Don’t ever stop praying for your miracle five minutes before it happens. God has certainly answered our prayers.

Love ya’ll *Heart*
February 20, 2010 at 2:46am
February 20, 2010 at 2:46am
I rarely blog anymore, and have had some dear friends help me through a crisis this week, and ask that I consider blogging about this. I promised I would to let our other friends here who care know what is going on.

I’ve recently learned all the difference that a just few minutes and hours can make in someone’s life. Today as I sat by my husband Eric’s hospital bedside I am so grateful he is alive as I am reminded I could have so easily have lost him due to serious complications from the terminal Liver disease he suffers from.

This past Tuesday Eric slept in much later than usual, and I had difficulty trying to get him to wake up. When he did, I noticed he wasn’t his usual cheerful self instead he was in an odd mood, doing things he typically wouldn’t normally do, and was saying odd phrases that didn’t make any sense. That was my second clue number that something was off.

Within seconds, I detected his whole demeanor was strange, and I immediately suspected that he was having complications from his hepatic encephalopathy therefore causing this behavior. This happens when his ammonia levels gets too high, and the bloodstream isn’t filtering out the poisonous toxins, and they go directly to his brain. I had previously learned about this dangerous condition, and knew I needed to be observant for symptoms of any problems.

Eric insisted he was ok, but was just extremely sleepy. A few minutes passed and he was becoming more lethargic, and his speech was slurred. He wasn’t oriented, and couldn’t remember my name, the correct date, year or even his whereabouts. Fear and panic was setting in me.

It was time to call for help.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the Emergency Department at the hospital where an EKG revealed bradycardia, as his heart rate was abnormally low and beating erratically at only 35 per minute (the doctor wanted it at a minimum of 80) and his oxygen levels were dangerously low. He had shallow respirations along with extremely low blood pressure. As suspected his lab work confirmed that his ammonia levels were highly elevated.

He was getting worse by the minute and becoming more unresponsive. Within seconds; the nurses and doctors immediately began working on him trying to increase his heart rate, oxygen levels, and blood pressure, nothing seemed to be working. He was fading fast, and for seven long hours he was completely out of it, oblivious to the world around him.

His doctor said he feared Eric could fall into a hepatic coma as his failing liver could not filter his bloods. He explained that 85% of liver patients who went into a hepatic coma did not wake up, and would not survive. This was something that I knew already, but hearing him say it aloud was upsetting.

I was told the heartbreaking news that he was too sick to survive a transplant then and I began praying even harder. Sitting alone sobbing in the hospital witnessing all of this was extremely frightening, especially seeing him attached to all those machines with so many tubes and wires coming from his body. I blamed myself that perhaps I didn’t do all that I could have done for him, maybe somehow this was my fault. I felt trapped in a living nightmare.

I was so thankful to have had my cell phone with me, and for having so many good friends and family members calling, texting me, and on facebook starting prayer chains supporting us, and keeping me sane during this difficult time. I was glued to his side holding his hand, with tears streaming down my face earnestly praying the doctors would come in to give me some good news that he would recover from this. They all said it would take time, and we had to wait.

I wanted him to fight, to pull through this and he did.

I am humbled and grateful for answered prayers as Eric has bounced back and has fully recovered from this episode and he is doing so much better tonight. His MELD scores have increased to 22, therefore raising him up higher on the transplant list, hopefully getting closer to a transplant. We were visited by two transplant surgeons today to learn more about what we can expect.

I know it’s truly by God’s grace that Eric is alive today and was discharged this afternoon from the hospital, and is home resting comfortably now. It’s been emotionally draining, and physically exhausting past few days.

We’re counting our blessing and not taking a single day we have for granted. Make sure you tell your loved ones how much you love them today, as life is so fragile and you may not have the opportunity tomorrow. We are learning this first hand.

I love you all dear friends. *Heart*
January 4, 2010 at 12:29am
January 4, 2010 at 12:29am
Our Christmas was extraordinary this year for us thanks to an unexpected surprise my husband had for us to renew our wedding vows. I couldn’t help but smile when he proposed to me again on Christmas Eve, and placed my engagement ring on my finger, minutes later we reread our original wedding vows, and added even more promises to them in a memorable private ceremony. It was a very special time for us both. I don't know who was crying more, him or me.

I just know how much God has blessed my life with him, and I love him so very much. We have been through so many personal trials this past year and we’re determined this year is going to be our very best in our lives and in our marriage. It was exactly what we needed, and I am so happy he thought of this.

Later that night we spent Christmas Eve as Santa’s elves helping assemble toys together for our granddaughter Kyndall. I had forgotten what hard work it was in building toys that are in bazillion different pieces. We now know how to put together a Cozy Coupe car if anyone needs one built.

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We spent a wonderful Christmas day with all three of my children, our granddaughter, my mom, step-dad, sisters and their families. This was the first time in four years that we’ve all been together for Christmas due to us living in different states over 1,000 miles apart, and one son off serving in the Army. The food, family fellowship, and the laughter from us playing board games was something I will cherish forever.

I am so thankful we all live in the same state now. My only regret is not being able to spend the holidays with Eric’s two sons and our two grandsons Zachary and Owen who live in PA. Hopefully next year they will visit us and we can be a complete family then.

Fast forwarding to today, so far it’s been three days into the New Year, and I can only imagine what obstacles we’re going to overcome together and the amazing adventures we are going to have.

I truly believe that we’re going to get the miracle of Eric receiving a liver transplant in 2010 that we’ve been praying for. We’re holding on to our faith, and believing this is really going to happen soon.

His surgeon has requested that he lose 50 lbs, and so far he’s lost 25lbs in just a few short weeks. And I’ve lost 16lbs. We’ve been going to the fitness center at our apartment complex and are working out on the treadmill. It feels good to get back into the habit of exercising again, eating healthier, and we’re both looking forward to being able to play golf again, going canoeing, and doing all the things that we’ve miss and want to learn how to do.

So what happened over your Christmas holidays that I missed?

(edited to add -- I posted this at 11:30 CST on 01/03 not knowing it would actually post for 12:30 EST on 01/04, oh well so much for my blue month. *Bigsmile*)
January 3, 2010 at 12:20am
January 3, 2010 at 12:20am
What happened to the days of running into a store, selecting the items quickly that you needed, paid for them, and leave?

These days it seems the stores and malls are being made larger and the customers must trek over every acre of the stores just to get the bare necessities that you were shopping for while spending an hour doing it, thus making the shopping trip less enjoyable.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a woman on a mission when I am out shopping alone, just give me some car keys, a good pair of sneakers to walk in, a credit card or some cash, and I can usually hang with the best of them during shopping mania times. In fact I love shopping, even watching home shopping channels on television, and shopping online.

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In the past, I have even wondered if I could even start my own business of being hired for a Personal Shopper. I could get used to spending someone else’s money for them.

But after spending several hours at the Wal-Mart Supercenter tonight purchasing groceries, and household items, I’ve reconsidered this possible career choice. Perhaps it’s got something to do with me getting older and no longer enjoying the thrill of the chase of the almighty bargain. Perhaps it’s just the excessively long checkout lines.

From now on, maybe I could just send someone else after the items that I need. I’m exhausted; I seriously have shopped until I have dropped.

January 1, 2010 at 11:33pm
January 1, 2010 at 11:33pm
Today marks the two year anniversary of this blog and I’ve been neglecting it for quite some time. I plan on working on getting back into the habit of blogging this year. Like everyone else I’ve had too much going on in my life to even write about anything readable. Hopefully all this will change.

I just wanted to wish each of you a Happy New Year that is filled with lots of blessings of happiness, health, peace and happiness.

December 23, 2009 at 11:24pm
December 23, 2009 at 11:24pm
Nothing newsworthy of writing home about tonight, it’s been a strenuous day as we spent it shopping and getting our cell phone numbers changed.

We decided to renew our memberships on this site for another year and I have now completed that task.

I had a nice dinner out with close friends, and we went shopping afterwards and were pleased to see the stores were not too crowded with last minute shoppers. Sadly, what I wanted to purchase wasn’t sold at the stores we visited. Hopefully I will have one last chance tomorrow morning to pick up that last present.

I am looking forward to leaving tomorrow to spend the next few days visiting with my family. This will be the first time in four years that my entire family has been together for Christmas. I am sure there will be lots of presents, bows and gift wrapping tossed about, filled stockings, plates of delicious food, laughter and giggles, not to mention the many photographed memories that are yet to be seen but will be enjoyed in the years to come.

What about you, do you ever look back at your old holiday photos and remember the warm memories from years gone by?
December 20, 2009 at 10:31pm
December 20, 2009 at 10:31pm
Today at 5:00 the world stood still and we lost a special friend, and an amazing writer.

Carolina Blue Author Icon you may be gone but will never be forgotten. *Cry*

Rest in peace dear friend. *Heart*
December 19, 2009 at 10:41pm
December 19, 2009 at 10:41pm
Dearest Friends, I have some very sad news that I have been asked to share with each of you. Our dear friend Ken Carolina Blue Author Icon is still alive, but is soon to be taken off of the life support system. God has heard our prayers but has different plans for him. *Cry*

It has been discovered from all of the testing that he has severe brain damage, with only minimal stem activity at this time.

It was also found that he DID NOT have a heart attack as originally suspected. From earlier in the evening Ken had eaten dinner, and was coughing very deeply just moments prior to his collapse. During his violent coughing episode he apparently coughed up a small piece of food and it got lodged into his lungs blocking his airways. This caused asphyxia due to a lack of oxygen, thus causing him to lose consciousness so quickly. Sharon’s attempts at CPR were unsuccessful to revive him.

At this time his teams of doctors are rapidly trying to find suitable recipients for his organs to be donated to; therefore they are continuing to keep Ken on the ventilator until then. It is believed they will remove him as soon as early tomorrow or at the very latest on Monday.

Sharon has read all of our facebook comments to him, and knows how important all of his friends were to him. She has asked that for anyone who is interested in writing up a tribute/eulogy for Ken to please email it to me at DebiWharton@writing.com so that I can get this to her to be read at his funeral.

I will continue to keep everyone updated as soon as she calls me. Please join me in expressing our deepest sympathies to the family, to honor Ken and celebrate his life.
November 30, 2009 at 11:57pm
November 30, 2009 at 11:57pm
So much to cram into a single blog entry, and not much time to do it.

To try to sum it all up quickly, my life has been a roller coaster ride these past few months. Yet God sure works in mysterious ways. He’s opened doors that only He could have for us.

My husband, Eric has officially retired and we have put our home on the market for sale and we’ve packed up our belongings, rented a 26’ truck and moved 1,000 miles way on Thanksgiving Day from PA to Mississippi. Actually we’re now living almost on the Mississippi/Tennessee state line, and are only three short hours away from my family now instead of 20 long hours away.

Moving was bittersweet, saying goodbye to all of our friends, and leaving our other family members was heart wrenching, especially to leave our two grandsons five-year old Zachary and six -month old Owen.

It was for the best as Eric’s illness has steadily progressed. His physician in Philly has transferred his health care to the transplant center in Memphis, TN, where we’re praying and expecting for him to get a liver transplant hopefully within the next three months or so if all goes well. His MELD score (blood tests) have took a huge jump in the past two weeks, and this isn’t good news. It is good in the sense that it moves him higher up the transplant list, but it also means he’s getting worse. Time will only tell.

There have been so many highs and lows we’ve experienced this past year, and it’s brought us closer together and we are celebrating every day we are given.

I hope you guys all had a Happy Thanksgiving too. I've missed you all, and think of you often. *Heart*
September 10, 2009 at 10:56pm
September 10, 2009 at 10:56pm
Has it really been three months since I have written an entry here?

I still read my favorites to keep up with you guys, I just don’t comment very often. I can be found on facebook for anyone who is looking for me.

I hope you’re all doing well. *Heart*
June 10, 2009 at 5:50pm
June 10, 2009 at 5:50pm
I have mentioned it to a few friends that I was considering taking a much needed break from WDC and after debating it for a long time, I’ve decided now is the right time to do this.

So this post will not be a final goodbye, but rather one to explain my absence from Bloggsville.

The reason behind my decision is that I want to focus more on writing about our emotional journey with my husband’s progressing illness, and our feelings as we deal with it, in a blog that I have created specifically for this.

I’ve not really gotten the courage yet to post very much of my true emotions as I tend to hide them, but I’ve been praying that I will soon be able to do this. I also hope that someday maybe I can connect with others who have experienced similar situations of dealing with the emotions of a loved one with a potentially life threatening illness and be a support system for one another.

Lest you think I’m leaving WDC for good, please know that I’m not. I will be visiting here reading my friends posts. I have been a part of this wonderful writing community for almost five years now, and I’ve made so many good friends that I hold dear to my heart that I can’t leave completely.

For those of you who have supported Eric and myself during his illness, I sincerely thank you.

So for now it’s not goodbye, but rather just a temporarily so long.

I love you all. *Heart*
June 4, 2009 at 3:58pm
June 4, 2009 at 3:58pm
The past few days have been a continuous furry of a whirlwind with lots of friends and relatives coming in and out of our home.

As some of you may already be aware that we lost Eric’s mom on Saturday morning, and have been busy with her funeral. The love, support, food, and flowers from everyone have been overwhelming.

On Tuesday we had a beautiful life celebration memorial service for her. She was a huge part of our daily lives, and we're going to miss her terribly.

Today the kids have all flown back home, and now there are only two of us here, and it is very quiet. It’s the first chance I’ve had to sit down to write out a few lines to anyone.

I’ve missed reading my friend’s blogs, and hope to be able to spend some time getting caught up soon, but I wanted to say thank you for all the sweet emails, c-Notes, text messages, and phone cards. Our virtual friends and those we’ve met from WDC are an extension of our family as well. We appreciate your concern, and support too.

I’m anxious to know what’s been happening in your worlds too.

I’ll be back soon…
May 26, 2009 at 5:25pm
May 26, 2009 at 5:25pm
I don't know who said this, but it sure is true.

"The problems ahead of you are smaller than the Power behind you. "
~ unknown

I hope your day is going well.

May 24, 2009 at 3:17pm
May 24, 2009 at 3:17pm
I’ve got a lot to be thankful for. I have two of the sweetest girlfriends. They know how busy I have been lately, they kindly cooked us a delicious dinner and baked us a friendship bread loaf. I love them to pieces Cindy and Angela, you girls are the best. We really enjoyed your kindness, and greatly appreciated it.

It’s been another chaotic week around our home as our days have been spent at the rehab center, the hospital and the doctor’s office while trying to maintain some sense of normalcy.

Recently, my sweet husband, Eric was feeling extremely weak from the Hepatic Encephalopathy, and because he was lightheaded, he took a nosedive and fell hard onto the hardwood floor causing him to injure his ribs, knee, and right side. Thankfully no ribs were broken, but were bruised and his pulled muscle is very painful. He isn’t one to complain often. But I can clearly see he’s hurting from the look on his face.

He’s struggling to function on minimal sleep. Last night was no exception as he had another sleepless night. I try to stay awake with him whenever possible. There are some nights when we’re both up all night long.

It’s obvious the cirrhosis is progressing, and is taking its toll on his body and his doctor has recommended he purchase a walking cane to assist him. He also has advised against him driving for the time being until his ammonia levels are stabilized into a more normal range. Recently his blood test showed these levels were five times higher than they should normally be, thus causing the sleep deprivation, and light headiness.

We really like his liver specialist he is such a caring physician. He genuinely cares for his patients. Each month when see him, after he has completed his physical exam on Eric, he invites into his office. There he usually spends about an hour with us discussing Eric’s disease and what we can expect, etc. Most doctors I have seen typically do not spend this much time with their patients but this one does and it means a lot.

I am praying that he will soon get a liver transplant and will feel like his old self again. It’s painful to watch the one you love suffer. The emotions we deal with are all over the place. It's difficult to describe it. One doctor has suggested we write about our feeling about his disease, and thought that blogging would be a good therapeutic release for us. So we're going to try to take his advice and let our blogs be emotional outlets for us.

I hope everyone enjoys their long holiday weekend, and gets to spend some time with your loved ones, but most of all to remember our Veterans this Memorial Day.

May 21, 2009 at 6:33pm
May 21, 2009 at 6:33pm
I am thrilled that the latest addition to our family has finally arrived on Tuesday night. It’s a beautiful baby boy, and he could not be more precious. Technically he's handsome, but I can say he's beautiful. *Laugh*

Mommy and baby boy are both doing well, proud daddy Wharton was beaming from ear to ear. Baby Owen weighed 8 lbs, 3 oz. Papaw and I are so proud of all our children and grandbabies. We can’t wait to spoil this little one too. He's a true blessing, and was definitely worth the wait.

My son, Adam has moved back to PA this week, and started back to work today with his former employer. We’re glad he’s here now, we've missed him.

I’m off to help get the grill fired up to cook some pork chops for dinner for my family. We’re going to enjoy dinner out on the deck since the weather is perfect tonight.

Be back later to read some blogs. *Heart*
May 18, 2009 at 10:37pm
May 18, 2009 at 10:37pm
Lately I’ve been a bit bored with my current hobbies I enjoy, and I also have a little more time on my hands while sitting with mom at the hospital each day. So I decided I would venture out to search for something new that might interest and challenge me.

I searched online, and found a local knitting and crocheting class. After doing some research on each craft, I debated which I thought would be more appealing, then I took the plunge and signed up for the knitting class.

After a two-hour lesson, I was on my way. I am so impressed how quickly I have picked it up and am in the process of making myself a pretty cream colored scarf for my first project. I can’t wait to see the finished project.

What about you, what kind of hobbies do you enjoy in your spare time when you’re not online?

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