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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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May 25, 2011 at 12:34pm
May 25, 2011 at 12:34pm
Even after a respectable 3 day waiting period, it looks like the world is going to hang on. No one left me a fortune when the end was imminent so guess its stay poor for me. So suck it up folks and keep paying those bills!!

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May 22, 2011 at 4:10pm
May 22, 2011 at 4:10pm
After yesterday, I looked around and all the people I don't like are still here!!
May 21, 2011 at 1:04pm
May 21, 2011 at 1:04pm
Some say the world will end today. If you are making plans for the end with last minute preparations: Please sign over to me all real estate holdings, bank accounts both foreign and domestic, stocks, bonds and the like, and oh yeah, leave clear direction to any buried treasure you might have stashed along the way.
Thanks in advance

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May 18, 2011 at 9:13pm
May 18, 2011 at 9:13pm
Here is the jacket blurb for my latest E-book at Amazon and Barnes and Noble

"Kindred spirits: An unexpected Love"

The words in this book tell of an erotic, but very romantic, tale of a not so bad Vampire. Instead of the blood and gore the legends have bestowed on him, he constantly battles between good and evil as all men do and understands that the one he allows to have the most freedom, will be the one that rules him. However, if provoked and he allows the powers of the ancient evil to come forth, he can rapidly clear a room full of mortals by fright or a good fight, if they so choose. His search of each new generation, for his reincarnated soul mate, takes him on many adventures. In this story, as is often the case, she is already spoken for by the time he finds her. This time he was slow to hear her call and had to travel a great distance, so she is already married and heading west on a wagon train. He is sad that he can't hold her and decides to go west as well so as to at least be near her. However,his need for darkness makes it hard for him to stay near her but the forces that brought him this far, once again, intervenes and his travel is secured. His natural charm and a time learned method of mind control, usually assures he doesn't have to travel alone. As his wagon rolls across the country he finds more wayward souls and decides he should apply for sainthood, instead of practicing his usual talent of placing fear in the hearts of mortal man.
May 17, 2011 at 10:39pm
May 17, 2011 at 10:39pm
Hello Fellow writers! I hope all is well and many best sellers have been written while I was away!?!
July 30, 2009 at 7:21pm
July 30, 2009 at 7:21pm

I have been on this site for quiet a while now and must say it’s been a lot of fun and very educational, to say the least. I have met a lot of interesting folk, no doubt. When I found this site, I was just surfing around and after reading a bit, I realized it looked as though anyone could post something.

Even though I had no aspirations of ever becoming a writer and still don’t, I decided, what to hell. There was also the key factor to consider, I had never written anything longer than a short E-mail. I might have been guilty of sending out a little trash to the opposite sex, as most do, but sure it took them a while to decode it. Well, maybe not, it was pretty basic, “Stuff”

I recall the first thing I posted on here; it was like one long, unbroken page. I do not remember the guy’s name that first read it, but he was very kind in his review….lol.. Basically, he found a very diplomatic way to say “You suck!”

I would think if my first review had been from one of the more superior, super talented writers on here. I would have given up on my little string of words within the first week and missed a lot of fun. I also have to offer, a standing applaud, of appreciation to many of the patient ladies along the way, who offered a helping hand. So from my last Blog, I will say a big: “Thank you,” to all.

The only few words I would hope to leave: Be kind in your reviews, many of us write the words, with our fingertips, many write the words with their heart.

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July 25, 2009 at 3:40pm
July 25, 2009 at 3:40pm
Earlier in my life, I did a lot of different thing for work, just to see what it was like. Even after settling down for marriage and children, I still was lucky enough to find something that was interesting as a career. However, before settling down, buying the dog and picket fence, I worked in the oil fields of West Texas and the off shore oil rigs, along the gulf coast of Texas and Louisiana. I sent a little time on a ranch or two in Texas and New Mexico, just to see what that was like.

I wondered what it would be like to take a big rig down the road, so I did a little of that and tried a few other things along the way. I am not sure if I was exploring, or searching for happiness. I think maybe a combination of the two it seems. I think in regards to the happiness, I have always been a happy person for the most part. Like many folks, I can get inside myself with heavy thoughts at times. So along the way I have learned to take the advice of something I may have read in a hall mark card, like taking life in moments, instead of lumping it all together.

I suppose since most of my port is erotica, one would expect me to write my happy moments as kisses in the moonlight and the love and touch of a good woman. I suppose a little of that along the way may have been sweet icing. However, today I chose to write an experience with just me, a truck, a warm summer night and a steep winding road.

The winding road

Though hundreds of forgotten miles were traveled, one particular night stands out as moments to remember. I recall a short, but sometimes complex run which entailed dropping down out of the North Carolina Mountains, to pick up a load down near the Georgia line. The load was always over the legal weight, so it was pulled late at night when the weigh stations along way were most likely to be closed. The traffic was lighter also, because the truck and trailer was for sure a road full on the steep winding mountain road.

The trip down the mountain was simple enough, just gear down the truck and let the engine hold you back, allowing you to stay off the brakes. A few hours earlier a dip in the cold river below might have been nice, but not this night, so keep the brakes cool at all cost.

The return trip however, was what I choose to remember as a pleasant moment. Once the empty trailer was dropped for reloading and the tractor hooked to the heavy load, the mountain was waiting to be climbed. Under the extreme weight of the new load the handling of the tractor would dramatically change. When the heavy springs and tires beneath the tractor absorb the weight, the ride would smooth. The gear changes with acceleration of the load must be quicker, so not to lose momentum when the clutch is pressed for the shift.

I suppose what I write here would offer little interest for most, just another work night. I however, have always taken an interest into how things work. So when the tractor heads up the steep incline of the mountain, I cannot help but think of what all is working in unison within the tractor, to power the 70 to 80 thousand pounds or more up the mountain.

Even with the powerful engine and gearing designed to do nothing else but move a heavy load, this particular mountain was so steep, even in the lowest of gears it took everything; the huge power train of the tractor could deliver.

In low gear and straining against the load, often times the tractor would be moving twenty miles per hour or less. So needless to say, the fifteen or twenty mile pull was going to take a while. This warm summer night I recall pulling the hand throttle fully open, with my foot now free from the floor accelerator and no other traffic around; I opened the door and stepped partially out of the cab on to the fuel tank step.

Along with the simple pleasure of the cool night air touching my face, I can hear all of the sounds of the truck working hard to climb the steep grade. With the throttle pulled inside, the injector pump out on the engine is wide open, feeding the fuel to the engine intake. With the injection of fuel, you can hear the engine air intake drawing in the supply of oxygen it demands for the combined mix to allow the huge pistons to fire at full power. When the generated power is transferred along the drive train to the tandem axles, you can hear the gritty sound of the tires seeking their traction on the pavement below, to move the heavy load upward.

The two chrome stacks behind the cab serve to muffle some of the sound of the engine as it works to provide the needed power. In the darkness of the night and the engine running at its maximum power for a long period of time, you can see the base of the exhaust stacks glow red from the escaping heat.

I suppose the slow moving truck is seen by most as a hindrances along the road way and is even for me if I am I a hurry. However, that night with all that power at my fingertips, the cool breeze on my face, the scream of the engine echoing off the surrounding mountains, telling me it’s giving me all it has to give, is one of those unplanned, simple moments I choose to remember.

July 24, 2009 at 8:52am
July 24, 2009 at 8:52am
This came across as a forward to one of my mail accounts, so the author is unknown. I thought it pretty funny.


A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the
stranger turned to her and said, 'Let's talk. I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike
up a conversation with your fellow passenger.'

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and
said to the stranger, 'What would you like to talk about?'

'Oh, I don't know,' said the stranger. 'How about nuclear power?' and
he smiles.

OK, ' she said. 'That could be an interesting topic.
But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow
and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass - . Yet a deer excretes little
pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces
clumps of dried grass.
Why do you suppose that is?'

The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence,
thinks about it and says, 'Hmmm, I have no idea...'

To which the little girl replies, 'Do you really feel qualified to
discuss nuclear power when you don't know shit?


July 23, 2009 at 10:09am
July 23, 2009 at 10:09am
No Blog today. Standing on the corner with my sign: WILL WORK FOR SEX. Well, not really hard work and dependent on the weather.

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July 22, 2009 at 9:23am
July 22, 2009 at 9:23am
One of the things that I enjoy in life is watching people and their reaction to certain things. Some of you may have seen a bit of it in the crap I write on here. Like starting out with something that is kind of serious, and then just lead off into left field. Kind of like the Badger thing in my blog yesterday. All that was a strange outlet for a badly warped sense of humor, I think. People that know me, know its just meant to be funny, but I bet someone somewhere was thinking “A badger” how stupid is this guy..

A working friend of mine and I would travel together a lot and boredom sets in after a while driving on a long trip. So we could usually come up with some crazy scenario to entertain our self for a while. With each of us adding a line, we could have wasted an hour of highway time on the Badger ideal. Such as what does one wear to impress their badger, or what you would tell the paramedics you were doing when they show up. Anyway, small minds are easily entertained, I suppose.

He and I both have deep dragging southern accents, so when we talked to customers or people we did not know very well; we had a tendency to raise the pitch of our voices. I think we felt it would help to ward off the need for an interrupter. So we would bet on each other in a meeting, to see who would drop the first good solid southern word.

Speaking of a southern drawl: We were in a club one night drinking a beer, when a couple of ladies came in and sit at a table close to us. We noticed right off, when they came in they were the type that felt they were gods greatest gifts to man kind. Normally we would have just let them be and drank our beer. However, the band was decent enough and I thought a dance might be in order. Pickings were slim, so I asked one of them to dance and talked the usual trash and they ended up over at the table.

When they were at our table things went well enough, but it was not the comfortable alliance, where you can just drink a little, dance a little and have fun. I think they were hoping for a vet in the parking lot and we of course had a road weary pickup truck. So there you go. Anyway, we decided to make the best of it, so we dropped down to our best southern drawl and let it ride. We told them we were goat farmers and raised a few coon dogs on the side. We even gave them the option of a good deal on a great tracker dog if they had the need. Well, needless to say, there was no erotic story to write that night, but the expressions were fantastic.

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