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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1297179
Just little tidbits of my life as it happens.
This is my first attempt at the blog thing. I really watched my friends blog on this site and was told by my good friend Bugzy to blog. So here I am. I tend to wear everything on my sleeve so who knows what i may talk about.

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September 29, 2007 at 9:55pm
September 29, 2007 at 9:55pm
Dntdknight here and I have just got the most shocking news in Blogville that I have to share. I wish I could take all credit but unfortunately the credit all goes to Justin Time the illustrious and accredited news reporter. Let's go to him and get the scoop...
JT: Hi everyone JT here and I have been doing some research these past weeks and I have a few valuable interviews to share and when you find out the real reason behind Ski's "work accident" you will be amazed. First I want to say that it really was no "accident" and I will turn you to our first interview I had. The beautiful yet punchy Bugzy who is a real close friend to the man named Ski...
JT: So uhhh. Bugzy it is so nice to see you now that we have put the past behind us. I came to you because you have some very valuable info on Ski's injuries. Now you told everyone that he had a "work accident" but that is not entirely true is it?" His gaze becomes intimidating but after one glance at her fiery eyes he loses all courage.
Bugzy: Well it is true. Why would you say otherwise. You're such an ass JT.
JT: Not feeling the love Bugzy... Ok well here is the deal my camera crew were hidden real well the other day and we saw (whispers in Bugzy's ear "you eating a philly cheese steak with cheese, chili fries, and a hot dog. You better fess up or we will let the camera's show everyone your RAW facade and how you don't really eat that crap") Knowing that her gig was up and still in denial about RAW being lousy she gives in to his terms. That JT sure is smart...
Bugzy: Fine, he basically spent a lot of time gambling at casinos and owed like hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Russian Mob. They don't take kindly to welchers and so they roughed him up a bit.
JT: A bit? His face looks like hamburger. That is fascinating news anything else you wish to share?
Bugzy: Fuck off JT you are a piece of slime....
JT: Well there you have it folks I give her fame, and fight for her honor and that is the reward I get...sigh... That is exciting news but wait I have one more interview to do. Now let's roll the footage from earlier when I interviewed Vladimir Potonski the Russian crime boss himself....
JT: Hello Mr. Potonski! Or can I call can you Vladi? The evil glare is is answer. Ok. Mr Potonski it is. I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Ski. Is there some sort of message you want to leave for other bet welchers out there?
Vladi: Yeah, if they welch on a bet they will meet with my two gentlemen here Boris, and Yalkin aka "Cranium Crusher", and "Knee Cracker". JT looks over at the too Russians and notices that they are both 6 foot 4 and about 300 pounds of muscle. They grin toothless smiles at the sound of their names being mentioned and they look over at JT then to their boss then back to JT as if waiting for the command. JT tries to ignore the sweat on his forehead and the sudden smell of armpit juice emanating from his under his shirt.
JT: So what is the process that a welcher goes through?
Vladi: Well first we call them and make arrangements for payment. If they agree to an agreement and then don't pay then we have a face to face conversation. Ski was an example of this. He promised to pay us then tried to hide out as his work. His downfall was that he doesn't work in a building that has good security so we walked right in, and waited for his lying ass to show up in the bathroom.
JT: Wow! So you kicked his ass in broad daylight?
Vladi: Well Boris and Yalkin did. I just watched and did a little Q and A with Ski. It is amazing how other patrons will leave a bathroom and their co-worker at the first sight of blood and the noise of a knee breaking. hahahaha
JT: hahahha yeah....(sweating nervously) The two Russian enforcers grinned and nodded like bobbleheads. What did you find out in your Q and A?
Vladi: Well he squealed like a woman and then quickly gave us the following names of "friends" of his who could give us some money if we asked them nicely on his behalf...
JT: Really? What names
Vladi: Let's see...Deb W, Barb, Thea, Fleck Girl and Bugzy.
JT: Wow he just sold them out just like that. What are you going to do with the info?
Vladi: We are going to keep it for future reference but we won't fuck with Bugzy. She is one tough lady..only an idiot will piss her off.
JT: Ok great (JT is thinking he must be that one idiot). Ok well thanks so much for the astounding info.
Vladi: No problem I hope this serves as a lesson to all welchers and above all don't trust Ski he will sell you out in a heart beat.
JT: Well thank you so much it was very enlightening. This is Justin Time for Blog Action News and thanks for being her for the breaking news....
DntdKnight here... that was some incredible shit. I think Ski has some explaining to do. That is all I got thanks for reading.

September 19, 2007 at 11:13pm
September 19, 2007 at 11:13pm
Some of this is inspired by actual events and actual people. The names have not been changed to persecute the guilty......

Wow! This is sooo freaking amazing. I have just heard from JT that there is a new story breaking. I am speechless at what has transpired. I wonder what has gotten into JT? To find out what I am talking about let's get JT live at the Houseboat Management Office close to Bugzy's house....
JT: Hi everyone I am absolutely pissed off right now. We have our beautiful and sometimes mouthy errrr talkative Bugzy who is making some nice money off her recent success at WWBD merchandise and we have some losers at her managements office trying to drag her down into the dregs of society where these landlords errrr scumlords dwell. They have given Bugzy three tickets for her vehicle and now through my sources I have heard that they are trying to blame her cute little anklebiter for shitting all over the place. Now that just burns me up because as you know Miss Bugzy and I are tight (or we sure were in that van he whispers) and I will not stand for someone trying to prevent her from succeeding. I am heading down to the management's office right now. Let's go! A mob of people follow JT down to the office which is a little trailer which screams for repair help. RAP RAP RAP Justin Time knocks loudly on the door.
A forty something hippy dude answers the door with a smile plastered on his face. His hair looks extremely greasy which he tries to hide by putting his hair in a pony tail. His gait is odd like he has a board up his ass.
JT: Hi This is JT from Blog Action News and who or what are you?
Greaser: Great I am on tv. HI Mom! JT rolls his eyes. I am David and I am the all around maintenance and security. He puffs his chest out like he is important. And I am single...he winks into the camera....
JT: Yeah listen you can hook up with one of your cousins at your family reunion I am curious as to what happened to Biff and his uncle Lester. Weren't they running the place?
Greaser: Yeah well they were too nice. They were like giving free things especially BIff he would go to this Bugzy womans place and be in there for like hours and then not bill her. I have no idea what happened but this is not the sort of place we run around here. So the higher corporation bigwigs sent us here to clean the place and get some revenue back.
JT: Ok...so you guys have no compassion and only care about the almighty buck. So why have you been singling out this Bugzy lady? All of a sudden you have her with three tickets and yur saying her dog has shit on the lawn. Do you know for a fact that it was her dog's shit?
Greaser: (deer in the headlight look followed by the sound of crickets)errr.....rolls his eyes upwards like he has a prayer of having a thought.
JT: Ok listen hippy freak. I have a quarter bag of weed if you give me the answers i need.
Greaser: Oh the tickets. You have to ask Carol she is the boss. I just do what she says. Ummm Can I have my weed?
JT: Yeah the thing is we are live on tv and I am sure you don't want a ton of cops coming down here and frisking your tight ass and finding the weed i gave you. Then you would end up in prison being Big Bubba's playmate for a few years. I think you can just go away and hope I don't decide to plant my foot up your ass.
Greaser: (the light bulb dims a little) uh ok good point. Carol a gentleman is here to see you. He's from the news. Just like that greasy haired man walks away his stupid smile resurfacing on his ugly face.
JT: He tries to hide his shock at Carol's apparent ugliness but still he utters.. Good God that's ugly. Um... Hi Carol Justin Time from Blog Action News. He offers his hand which hangs up there for an awkward minute unshaken. OK then..
Um Carol I was wondering about these tickets issued to a Miss Bugzy????
Her face is nothing but hostility. She has grey hair that is short manlike, and a beeked nose. Her face is like a hardened piece of leather and looks like she has got more cracks in it than you would see in a plumber convention.
Carol: Crosses arms ooozing attitude. What about them?
JT: I was just wondering wondering what they are for? And how do you know it is her dog's shit?
Carol: They are parking tickets asswipe. And I know it is her dog's shit because I am management...
JT: Oh ok the "management" card. Since I have this camera rolling and your ugly face is getting worse by the minute I am curious as to these claims. Where was she parked illegally?
Carol: Right down the road and we are about to issue another one. She is one stubborn lady but so am I.
JT: Oh you mean the spot where her car broke down on the road. Yes clearly she deserves a ticket for that. His voice drips sarcasm.
Carol: That's right we at Houseboat Management don't put up with any shit.
JT: Right thanks for bringing the subject up Carol! (God If I have to keep looking at this ugly hag I may just vomit...Do it for Bugzy) he thinks to himself. So you have witnessed her dog shit on the sidewalk?
Carol: Well no peckerhead. I just know she thinks now that she is famous that she is above everyone. Well I aim to bring her down a peg. (She is kind of smoking hot though) Carol thinks to herself and allows a quick dreamy smile to surface on her face.
JT: Well I am wondering about all the shit in your yard? That is not her dog's shit cause the shit is really huge and there is no way her precious little ankle biter could produce something like that. I could practically canoe with that thing.
Carol: Well I assure you I have no dog....WOOF WOOF Ponytail David lets in this big great Dane. His stupid smile disappears when she gives him a disapproving look.
JT: Right no dog. Hmmm do I need to play your statement back to the viewing audience Carol? You know we could get forensic people down her and investigate Bugzy's dog shit and your dog shit and all the dog shit and it would look really bad if it turned out to be someone else's dog. Bugzy could sue you for defecation of character. errr I mean defamation. ooops. Her face turns beet red as she knew she was had.
Carol: Fine I will remove the dog shit citation from her file. But the parking tickets will remain. The old battleaxe waggles her wrinkly finger. Her crooked nose fails to contain the slimy booger hanging from it. It drips down into her mouth. She seems not to notice.
JT: Ok well that is fine. I will just have to have my friends from code inspectors to take a look at your establishement here. The smell of weed drifts up from the back room as David must be making himself happier. Since you have nothing to fear I will send them over right away. If they don't find anything wrong Bugzy will appear shortly to pay her tickets but on the other hand if they close this shit hole you call an office down. you won't be collecting any money from anyone. I am sure you can be reasonable in front of all these tv viewers? He holds back his smile that says "Screw you! You old crotchety need to get laid hag." Fuming and turning redder by the minute Carol decides not to tempt fate. She knows her business couldn't pass an outhouse inspection let alone a buidling inspection.
Carol: Fine you little fucker. I will leave her alone. Now get the hell out of here. JT is glad to get out of her presence. So there we have it folks. I really went into the fire for Miss Bugzy. Maybe this time we can bury the hatchet... er nm I still don't trust her with one of those... JT signing of from Blog Action News...
Holy Shit! JT defending Bugzy and coming to her rescue. Who would have thunk? Maybe now Bugzy will see Justin for the kind considerate guy that he is.... That was some great stuff I hope you all enjoyed the story today. Have a good night.


September 8, 2007 at 3:57pm
September 8, 2007 at 3:57pm
At work on the ICU I get to come across all kinds of people. Sometimes they are there for a quick observation and then other times there are the ones that are gravelly ill. The majority of the time people this sick never leave the hospital and die in a hospital bed. It is the people that are here the longest (some do get better and move on as well) that I get to interact with on a daily basis. We have one patient in particular which (due to hippa an organization that states we can't use patient names and identifying features) i can't name and I will be so far as to even name my hospital. Well she is 700 pounds and this to me is something serious not laughable. And then I also come to the conclusion (stupid me) that we are no longer in high school and don't need to be laughing at overweight people. But like I said stupid me this infantile and rude behavior still exists. Don't people have hearts anymore? Don't they realize that there is a human being there? It infuriates me! Let me get to what I am talking about. Apparently, (don't know how if the laws say it is not supposed to) rumor went around the other units that we had a "700 pound patient". My job in case you don't know by now is to help the nurses turn, lift, boost, transfer and etc. other patients. I pretty much the hired muscle to save on their backs and I had just gotten done doing her linen change and when I came out from around the corner there was a PCT from another unit. She has no business being over here and so I asked her what she was doing. Here is how the conversation went.
ME: What are you doing over here?
IDIOT PCT WHO I WANT TO STRANGLE: I heard you have a seven hundred pound patient over here?
ME: Yeah so?
IDIOT PCT WHO I WANT TO STRANGLE: (Has stupid grind on face which I want to remove) Can I see her? Is she in there?
ME: Yeah she is in there. (getting pissed)
IDIOT PCT WHO I WANT TO STRANGLE: (trying to look past me and through the curtain which was there for patient privacy) Can I see her?
ME: No not unless you want to turn her yourself. (As expected she wanted no part of that) And Actually (I continue trying to use my professional voice when I really want to scream at her) if you come over here again just to look at her I will report you to management as a hipaa violation. You have no business being over here and no buisiness being in the room. She quickly scampered away. It is an automatic firing offense for any Hippa violation. Hippa is Health Insurance Portability and Protection Act. Pretty much serious stuff and it is designed to protect patients from those not in their family. It pisses me off that that PCT was viewing the patient as some sort of freak show, or side show. The patient is ill and does not need others adding insult to injury. I know not all peeps are lnot alike that but there were plenty of "caregivers" that have laughed at her or made fun of her. Get a life!!!!

September 4, 2007 at 9:54pm
September 4, 2007 at 9:54pm
Tonight's blogg is about a sad event and yet sometimes you have to look at your life and wonder why me? Ok Sadly this morning our pet bunny died. She was three years old and when we went to feed her she was on her side gasping for air. Before we could even get her in the car to go to the vets she had passed. Being of course a macho man I only cried inside but I did tell my stepson that he can cry it was ok. So then I am left with the dubious task of burying the poor bunny in the back yard. A one time thing is not so bad but I have had numerous accounts now where I have been the designated animal body remover. Early on in my early twenty years (won't tell you how long ago that was) my cousin was very attached to her very precious ankle biter named muffin. She was really having a hard time dealing with the whole concept of the animal dying that to think she would have to bury it was unfathomable. So here is where I came in. The little dog died on one of the rainiest days of the year. There I was up to my ankles in mud, digging the grave for the poor dog and thinking how much I must really love my cousin.... So take another trip down memory lane and we have me when I lived in Maine. My stepdaughter had mistakenly sprayed the cat with windex. Eventually and slowly the cat ended up with pneumonia which eventually led to her passing away. Obviously we never told the girl that she killed the cat cuz that would just not be nice but as the cat was laboring with its breath I drove the cat to the vets and they informed us that the cat had an pneumia, her lungs were unsalvageable and we could watch her suffer or we could put her to sleep. Any guesses on who the designated person was to hold the cat while it got its shot and watch it die right in front of him.....going once...going twice... yup you guessed it ME!. So now we add the bunny to my resume. I am just wondering if my lot in life is to buy animals and watch them die. Is there a sign on my back saying "Dead animal? Dying Animal? Pick Me! Pick Me! So there it is folks. If you have a dead or dying animal and don't have the heart to do the deed or bury them just post a message in my WDC box. I will be right over.

That's all I got tonight. sorry if it was boring.

September 1, 2007 at 6:31pm
September 1, 2007 at 6:31pm
DntdKnight here! We are going to send you to JT in one minute. As usual he has
outscooped the competition and given us another Bugzy exclusive. If I didn't know any better I would say he is obsessed with her....Well it is her own fault. Last time we heard from Bugzy she wanted to do things to him in a van. Well I can't say what they are but if you've read her comments well errr JT is sure one lucky guy. Ok anyways lets get you live with Justin Time and see what is shaking...
JT: Here I am after recovering from a very long yet satisfying experience in my van.
That Bugzy she is really one nice.... err NM I am on the air aren't I? heh heh ok.
I've discovered that Bugzy really knows how to reward a guy when she is mad so I figured I would do yet another Bugzy story. If it aint broke don't fix it right? hahaha For an update I will say the WWBD supplies are still flying off the shelf. People are getting into the stuff. Miss Bugzy is always accusing me of not doing any research so here is a little commercial I put together based on actual research. Let's listen.....Roll it!
Boring Announcer voice starts
"Fig Jelly Cups....$4.95 for 1.75 ounces"
JT: Hey I am interjecting for a second so I an explain things. Fig Jelly cups are a RAW item they are a "trinity of delicious figs made into a sweet jelly ecompassed by our dark chocolate" He motions for the video again.
Boring Announcer Voice: "The RAW Transformation Book....24.75."
JT: Great! That is the recipe book for all those yucky errr yummy RAW foods."
Boring Announcer voice: "Organic Wild Noni Juice (Fermented)....41.95 for 2 lbs."
JT: Holy Shit it is expensive to eat virtually nothing....err ok Noni Juice is hand
picked ripe Noni from the trees and they process the unpasterized raw Noni juice and puree after 2 months in the fermentation vats. Good on the shelf for two years and it must be refigerated after opening. If you ever get the time to look at the Noni plant it really looks like a big snotball. uggh no thank you. Points to tape.
Boring Announcer voice: "Wild Mountain Bee Pollen 64.95 for 5 lbs."
JT: Fuck! (bleep arrives too late) this is getting even more expensive. It does
sound really appetizing though. It is a special type of pollen in Northern British
Columbia that contains every known vitamin and nutrient known to science. It is a
special pollen in that it is 100% mountain wild flowers and fruit trees given us high
protein and low sugar. Ok Eating flowers is a stretch and I can see how you can not gain weight cuz you are only eating flowers. yikes! oh goody coming up to the last part...
Boring Announcer voice: "RAW Newbie Starter Package....704.93"
JT: BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP ...ck... Now I know why Bugzy didn't have a phone, or calculator. She can barely afford her new diet plan. I am kinda of curious how they came up with the 93 cents? Aside from the odd number this is a rather expensive beginner kit. It comes with Excalibur 2900 Teflex sheets, Solostar Juicer, VIta mix Blender and a recipe book. I would bore you with the details of this item but you can go to Rawguru.com to find out what it is plus the other appetizing items
are there. ok. so without further interruptions lets listen to the commercial in its
Boring Announcer voice: "Fig Jelly Cups....$4.95 for 1.75 ounces"
"The RAW Transformation Book....24.75"
"Organic Wild Noni Juice (Fermented)....41.95 for 2 lbs"
"Wild Mountain Bee Pollen 64.95 for 5 lbs"
"RAW Newbie Starter Package....704.93"
"To see Bugzy eating a double cheeseburger with greasy fries....PRICELESS!"
"You can enjoy the fine taste of life and for everything else there is MASTERCARD"
JT: Well that's a rap for now. I just hope she appreciates this and takes me to the
van again. This Justin Time for Blog Action News.

DntdKnight here. Wow that was an incredible commercial and very well researched JT. What can she say about this I wonder...time will tell but for now see you all later.

August 28, 2007 at 11:32pm
August 28, 2007 at 11:32pm
DntdKnight here and I have just heard word from my good buddy Justin Time. He has been laying real low (although Bugzy says he is lower than dirt but that is just her biased pissed off opinion) and has finally told me about some exciting news. Let's go visit him live at an undisclosed location.
JT: Hello folks here I am live at Duncan Mall and there is absolute pandemonium. I mean seriously this is mindboggling. In front of me is a big sign that says WWBD and lots of screaming fans. They are chanting over and over "Bugzy, Bugzy, Bugzy" so I am going in for a closer look. I see someone l am going to interview...
JT: Hello sir I just have to ask yo)u why is everyone screaming for Bugzy?
Stranger: Oh you don't know. There is this really sensational lady that lives near here and i heard she is starting some sort of cult and is eating things RAW. That sounds sooo cool. So we are hoping she sees us on the tv and will let us join her blogging cult."
JT: I see....(rolls eyes) umm you do know that she doesn't really watch tv and will probably kick your ass while the cameras are still rolling?
Stranger: Well yeah...(being this close JT can finally smell the odor of weed and sees the red eyes of the stranger) but that would be sooo cool to meet her.
JT: Yeah ok whatever buddy. What do those signs mean WWBD?
Stranger: Dude have you ever heard of the popular saying WWJD?
JT: Well yeah it is What Would Jesus Do?
Stranger: Well yeah so the signs mean What Would Bugzy Do? It is the latest craze sooon to sweep the nation. We are going to all start going on a RAW diet and watch ourselves turn into living skeletons.
JT: Great that sounds totally logical (the stoner fails to grasp the sarcasm) so that's it just go on a RAW diet?
Stranger: Dude you need to get high or something if you are that stupid. WWBD is the crux of humanity. We can fight off the swarms of flies that surround our RAW food. We can also cause our children to wither away as they too go on the awesome diet. Plus we have a new boardgame which ask you hard hitting questions. You have to answer what Bugzy would do and if you're right you eventually win the game. Soooo coool.
JT: Ok so you have all pretty much made a mockery of Bugzy. I myself being a reporter of fine repute has merely brought attention to the beautiful yet sassy and totally out there in thinking and you buffoons are idolizing her. I hope" JT sees a familiar figure in the crowd and leaves the stranger.
JT: Devann? What are you doing here in all this chaos?
Devann: (swallowing Big Mac and drinking Soda) well i figured these freaks errr i mean my friends will make my mom see how insane she is and maybe actually go back to a real diet.
JT: Interesting daughter betraying mother.... sounds great. So have you played the WWBD game yet?
Devann: DUH! who do you think gave them the correct answers to begin with. Oh there is my boyfriend talk to you later.
JT: I have to tell you DntdKnight I have never seen such an insane mob such as this. They are really nuts about Bugzy. Well when she is popular and rolling in the dough cuz I put her in the spotlinght I am sure she will remember me Justin Time reporter Extraordinaire....
Wow! Great that is sensational stuff. Well fellow cult members errr i mean bloggers there you have it. WWBD is sweeping the nation. Perhaps with enough GPs you can buy your own copy of the game and play it at home. If you ask nicely Bugzy may even autograph it. See you later that is all for now....

August 23, 2007 at 1:17pm
August 23, 2007 at 1:17pm
Bless me father for I have sinned...it has been 36 years since my last confession...errr ooops this isn't the confessional and I am not Catholic. Sorry it has been soo long since I blogged I forgot where I was. That was a close one I almost confessed about..... err never mind. hahahha ok then. Moving on.
Well I have had a busy week and there are many topics I could touch upon.hmmm ok to start with I guess I could say that going to a class reunion is about as useless as going to a weight loss clinic when you are an anorexic. My wife had her ten year reunion and I was present for it (I didn't get to have a say in the matter). Needless the say it is amazing to see how after ten years and supposed maturity that the clicks are still in place. You had various peeps only talking to the same peeps. The jocks were with the jocks and the geeks were with the geeks. GAWD can you peeps grow up and act like adults and mingle with one another. Seriously, They also had a "DJ" who was a complete dumbass cuz if you do a reunion shouldn't you at least do music only from that era. Theirs of course was the nineties music and he was playing 2000 + crap or eighties. HELLO? DUH? He sucked royally. I am contemplating making my wife come to my 20th reunion in four years just to torture her. hahaha. ok oops shit fine. I am 36 my wife is 27. It is ok right now as we met five years ago but doing the math well she would have been nine while I was 18 and the thought of me back then dating a nine year old is creepy, and sick. YIKES!
Moving on to the next topic so my good reputation (although being associated with JT is soiling it lately) Speaking of soiling this next fun topic is all about soiling. Ever get a new but older dog? Well ok I have to tell about the history of the dogs first cuz it is kinda eerie. Our first dog is named ABBY and she is a german sheppard/lab mix. Her owner died and his fiance gave her to us for free in a magazine called the "penny saver" (basically your run of the mill want ad/classifieds for locals). So then we get the next dog found in the penny saver who is nine years old (4 years older than Abby). Ok so the lady calls us and the first thing of note is that the lady had many peeps called but she was looking for a family for the dog and she had prayed and when she got inside our number was first on her machine. She calls us and tells us it is a pure bred German and german pure and our half breed should be a good mix. Then she says this dogs name is TABBY! Great good lucking calling only one dog. Then she says her fiance had died and it was his dog. We got chillls at the similarities. ok so now I am actually getting to the story (sorry long winded making up for lost blogs I guess) On the second night of being in our house Tabby had apparently gotten extremely nervous (she for some reason has yet to go up or down our stairs) cuz she couldn't see us at night. so I wake up to the whole dining room, kitchen and entry way being covered with diarrhea, vomit, urine and drool. I have a strong stomach and my wife who is a nurse has a weak stomach for smelling vomit, so I of course took care of the matter myself. I tell you seeing the dog food still intact after being ingested then regurgitated made me think of a kewl RAW diet I heard about. So I have had a boring yet interesting week all rolled into one.
JT does tell me he has some more investigating to do and maybe an interview or too. I think Devann is going to tell him how the new diet is working out for her and her mom. stay tuned. hahahaha

August 15, 2007 at 2:20am
August 15, 2007 at 2:20am
Alrighty I am not going to get into a rant about my past cause if you've read my porfolio crap you know what it's about. But it does contain a common issue from my past and I guess I feel the need to address something so here we go...
Ok so I get an im from a friend of mine that was with me on an abuse site we frequent and I am an assistant manager of' and she is telling me about how she is christian and how she should forgive this animal (my words) for abusing kids. It really did remind of me when I felt brave enough to finally tell my family about my abuse and instead of warm sympathy all I got was that I was a liar. I was making it up (yeah I really want to admit that shit with a pretense). I was told that certain family members were going to let my abuser keep watching their kids since they don't believe me. Ok enough is enough! Since when in this supposed society ("where we care about others") are the victims being not helped. It is ludicrous to berate and be unsupportive to people in a time when they are the most needy.
Then they throw the christian angle at the victim. You must forgive it is the Christian way. Ok I am a Christian and I forgave my abuser before I was a christian and it is not fucking easy. At some point does the person need to forgive the abuser? Maybe at some point. Right away it is too much to ask. Come on! I did offer that they should pray for their abuser as that is being a Christian throw it in God's hands. God does say forgive your trespassers (enemies, transgressors, abusers, etc)as he does forgive you. But we also know that Jesus (for those that are Christian if you don't believe what Christians believe then read the stuff you accept i mean no offense to anyone of any religous belief) died for us and for all of our sins. So if you don't forgive someone does that make you unChristian? No it makes you freaking human. We make mistakes. It is why He sacrificed himself for us so we can make mistakes, repent and live our life as best we can.
I did not by any means want to make this into a religous discussion but in the convo I had it was some of the basis for the attack against the victim. Listen victims need validity, they need hugs and they need support. Just give them that in their worst moment in their lives. Sorry if it was a rant but life isn't always good and hell Bugzy needed a break from JT.

August 13, 2007 at 11:16pm
August 13, 2007 at 11:16pm
Well I have great news folks. JT had a siesta (had to increase his life insurance policy due to recent threats on his life) and well he is turning over a new leaf...at least this one time. Let me have him tell you all about it...
JT: Well hi everybod! JT here for Blog Action News I think I went about this whole Bugzy thing the wrong way so I Justin Time do solemny (fingers crossed behind back) apologize to Miss Bugzy, and of course her daughter (who really should be thanking me for the McDonald's gift card) and her mother (god another loon). To make amends while I was hiding...err I mean on vacation I did a little research. I am a fine reporter so doing research is a wonderful thing in my line of work. Anyways as a result of my research I have devised a great list of wonderful RAW dishes people eat all around the world. I had no idea it was sooo popular...Bugzy you're a genius. So here is my list and Bugzy don't forget to thank me for finally supporting on live tv. This list is in no particular order....
1. ROE You can't get any more natural or RAW than fish eggs. This yummy treats looks better than it tastes but hey even though it looks like wierd maggots it sure is healthy.
2. MONKEY BRAINS This is truly a RAW experience. Rather horrendous if you ask me but hey it definitely is raw. You also have to be in great shape to crack open the skulls of the poor helpless monkey's but at least you have your RAW diet intact. I hear it is quite a delicacy.
3. EGGs Rocky personified RAW by putting raw eggs in a glass then drinking it straight down. Kinda slimy going down but it is definitely RAW and we know it is healthy for ya.
4. OYSTERS this is even slimier than the eggs and looks like a big mess of brown snot glued together. I am sure it is a savory treat maybe Bugzy can weigh in with a comment on how this tastes...
5. SUSHI This is truly a popular treat and is steadily rising. Who can resist raw uncooked salmon, trout, squid, eel, seahorse, starfish, tuna. I am salivating just thinking about it (not really but let's pretend for Bugzy's sake).
6. LOCUSTS John the Baoptist was known to eat locusts so I figure that has got to be a good healthy RAW meal. I can imagine they taste good when you first hear that crunch of that yummy little body. mmmm
7. Pig's Feet Hey everyone loves pigs feet (i eat them cooked myself) and when you eat them raw they don't taste as salty. Just have to pluck out the hairs from your teeth and you have a truly amazing RAW experience.
8. ESCARGOT This is truly yummy a wonderful slimy snail yours for the eating. They are a bitch to get out the shell but once you do a truly delectable RAW treat.
9. FROG LEGS This is a very popular treat. Just grab a wonderful cute frog rip off its legs and put in your mouth. yumm the webbing can be a little tough but don't worry it's RAW.
Well i couldn't find ten for this list but hey what more do you need after these options? So if you're interested in RAW after seeing these menu options email bugzy at bugzy@writing.com. Back to you DntdKnight for Blog Action News this is JT.

WOW! Amazing JT see you truly do have a caring heart. I am sure that Bugzy will heap tons of praise and thanks upon you after this research. Well I am done thanks for reading...

August 12, 2007 at 10:23pm
August 12, 2007 at 10:23pm
Ok since JT is taking a break (mainly because he can't stand seeing poor Bugzy in tears from all the abuse) and i have been off or work (paid) more than i have been at work I don't have much to contribute. But I was online the other day and I was discussing with a friend of mine (woohoo I have ONE friend) and well a question came up well two I guess; and I am not sure what the answer is. Maybe a consensus is in order?
Whatever happened to make-up sex? Or is it still being done just not talked about?
I know about ten years ago my sister in law had always said she would cause shit with my brother to get him to argue with her so she could have make up sex. Now personally I think it is a little wacked to do it intentionally but not sure. So there we have it my not so profound question for the masses.
In other news since the blog world loves to talk about food i figured I would share what I made for dinner. I fired up the gas grill and loaded on some yummy juicy pork chops and lathered on the bbq sauce. THen I made some mashed potatoes and corn. yummm! As I ate I could feel my arteries clogging and I said "clog away I know it still tastes good. I wonder how that RAW diet is working for Bugzy? Maybe JT will do some more snooping when she is no longer on guard. That's all I got today. Sorry nothing exciting.


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