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Rated: ASR · Book · Emotional · #1292405
my blog, for me to get out my views, ideas and emotions.
This is my blog; a place for me to put down my views, emotions, ideas, rants, and pretty much anything else I can think of put down while I'm typing. Enter at your own risk, I may be rather emotional, pessimistic and angry one day and downright giddy the next...You never know with me!
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July 6, 2014 at 12:20am
July 6, 2014 at 12:20am
So there I am, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor and conveniently hidden from view by the cabinets, eating the filling for my homemade zebra cakes (Marshmallow whip and powdered sugar! My blood sugar is doing a spinning dance of dizzy delight right about now). I look up from the spatula that I have been shoving into my large mouth and think, "Hmm, I wonder if this is why Mom never wanted me to help her bake?"

Then the though, much like waist line, was lost to the wonders of junk food.
June 30, 2014 at 1:35am
June 30, 2014 at 1:35am
As a single mother there have been a lot of things that cause me issues. For example...I haven't had an official date since the FIRST date I went on with my daughter's sperm donor. That was almost 4 years ago. Needless to say...I'm due.

Not only that, but I don't often leave the house without the toddler in tow, and rarely even with her. I have been to 2 movies in as many years, and rarely even get to eat my own plate full of food without interruption (among other daily occurrences).

But none of this is really news to you is it? If you aren't a single or stay at home parent, you probably know people who are and you see the struggle almost every time you go out somewhere. One woman wrestling a tiny terror, or the man almost brought to tears as he chases the suddenly winged child he was trying to get out of the toy section.

The point here is not that I am lonely, borderline depressed (cus I'm a loser!), or that I need to get away from my little ****** angel. The point here is that I watch a lot of HGTV. A LOT!

That borderline obsession with HGTV has now led to a new and wonderful pseudo-celebrity crush on the cute, adorable, and smart mouthy twins...Drew and Jonathan Scott: Better known as the Property Brothers.

SO here is my plea....Fellow authors and bloggers. Fellow lonely people. I need a date...they probably need dates...hook a sister up?!?! Who wouldn't be happy cuddled up to one of them in a dark corner booth? ;)

I promise, if I ever meet your celebrity crush, I'll probably faint. BUT then I'll pass on your name and number and send you a selfie with him/her. Cus we're just that close and I'm just that sweet.
June 24, 2014 at 12:57am
June 24, 2014 at 12:57am
I have received word that two of my fellow Wordpress bloggers are going to provide me the opportunity of being interviewed for their spotlight on authors posts. I am so excited...each of them has thousands of followers and, while I love my 205 followers fiercely, getting the word out to new readers will be amazing.

God is Good!
June 23, 2014 at 2:49am
June 23, 2014 at 2:49am
I love the rain. The way it just washes everything and even dirt looks cool and new after the storm is over. The scent, the sound, the feel of rain...it all creates an amazing and one of a kind experience...this storm will never happen again. This story chance is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Be inspired, be creative, and don't worry if in the process you also wind up being a little damp. It's all a part of the big, grand design...and the world needs your story more than you need a dry t-shirt!
June 20, 2014 at 12:52am
June 20, 2014 at 12:52am
I’m sitting here watching the Discovery Channel’s Mermaids: The Body Found and the follow up of New Evidence Found. Now, I want to lay my cards on the table right from the start of this one: I believe in Mermaids. I don’t know if they are still out there, hiding in the depths and migrating with whales like this show is asserting, but I believe that at some point in the history of this vast and ever-changing planet that God created for us there were mermaids. I will also defend to my death the belief that dragons and unicorns existed at some point in our history. Fairies, leprechauns, giants, even magic…I believe that something of those is true as well. Do you know why? Because there are accounts of these beings from across the world in times that were early enough to preclude vast amounts of exchange between peoples.
That being said, I am finding a lot of this ‘evidence’ to be highly suspect…and a lot of it makes total sense. Deep sea fishing mermaids (spear heads found in animals have been documented for hundreds of years. Perhaps they aren’t all human made??), a few videos that are fairly believable, etc. What does it for me is the singing, though; mermaids and whales with similar patterns but different pitches and vowel movement in the song. This seems legit.
Mermaids singing with, and migrating with, whales. Whales would provide protection from their Orca kin and other predators, for smaller creatures who theoretically have newly birthed/young offspring with them. If these aren’t mermaids (and I am not certain that these are true mermaids) then they are almost certainly a new (or newly discovered) species that has several traits which could be mistaken for ‘aquatic humanoids.’
I know that several of you will read this and think I’ve gone looney tunes. I am ok with that, I know I’m a little off the rocker (I believe most authors are, if you want the truth) but I am also a skeptic at heart so my take on the matter is that we shouldn’t force the issue, we shouldn’t search them, if they exist and want to contact us then let it happen. Right now it would seem as if mermaids either don’t exist in today’s reality, or are in deep hiding. But hear this, there are many areas of the deep sea that haven’t been fully explored yet and new species of creatures (both aquatic and otherwise) are being discovered each year. Two new species of whale have been discovered in the last decade or so, so it seems completely plausible that something like this could be hiding. Whether a true mermaid, a throwback to the ancient dinosaur type ages, or a new merger of manatee and seal (my idea..love manatees!), these creatures are causing a big uproar. We are fearfully and wonderfully made…and so is everyone and everything else! God does what He wants to do and I don’t get a real vote here.
For now I will leave my total belief to the stories and legends of the people before me, and the Disney version of The Little Mermaid (Hans Christian Anderson’s version is incredibly depressing). I will write of them when I begin to hear the voice of a mermaid character, and that is all I will admit to at the moment!!
How do you feel about these types of programs? Do you believe in Mermaids? BigFoot? The MothMan? I look forward to hearing your opinions! Have a blessed and mysterious day. :D
June 18, 2014 at 2:03am
June 18, 2014 at 2:03am
I have been groaning and moaning for two weeks over the seemingly endless pile of copies that I need to make, color, and cut for my classroom calendar...not to mention the other TON of things to do.

Well, today I finished getting the pieces ready to laminate AND prepared the 3 ring binder and Ziploc bag combo that will hold them (duct tape the edge of the bag and then three hole punch it! The duct tape stabilizes the bags and you have a simple, easy, and convenient method of storing calendar bits together but separate).
On top of that, I set up folders with specialty projects for my students to create for the first three months of school (1 major project per month...there will be little things added along the way to make the class load more interesting and, hopefully, retainable).
Oh, and I also painted a chair...a really cool Inspiration Station to go in my classroom. Of course, I still have at least a dozen dozen things to do, but being able to mark those off of the list really boosted my morale today.

How is your week starting out?
June 11, 2014 at 12:13am
June 11, 2014 at 12:13am
This is just a quick reminder to go check out my full time blog, Here There Be Dragons @ www.alaynabellesmom.wordpress.com

AND our Facebook page at
June 7, 2014 at 2:38am
June 7, 2014 at 2:38am
Want to know what the definition of embarrassment is?? Realizing that the guy you favorite on Christian Mingle the other day is actually the guy leading class at camp...and making eyes at the cute little touchy/feely (way too young for him!) skinny chick in the next pew. Is there an unfavorite button?
June 5, 2014 at 1:57am
June 5, 2014 at 1:57am
I had forgotten how much sleep I don't get during singing school...The good news is that if I can remember the goings on, I'll have a fabulous narrative later on! We even celebrated a member of our church family tonight with a parade put on by the camp kids and including a police escort, fireworks, a tuba march, a kazoo band, and a camel...top that! ;) May you all have a wonderful week!

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May 31, 2014 at 3:27pm
May 31, 2014 at 3:27pm
In little more than 24 hours there will be 6 girls invading our home. No, we're not adopting or having visitors over...our church has a 'camp' each year in which the basics of choral singing and song leading are taught. The various students are farmed out and live with church member from Sunday evening through Friday night's choir performance (when they go home). This is a great, Christian, environment and a fun experience for the campers...but I'm 29 with a not quite 2 year old living and we're living with my parents right now...so 6 new girls is a little bit of a stretch for my imagination.

Send good thoughts my way this coming week please!

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