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Take a look into the world as I see it. |
Size: 700 Entries
Created: February 7th, 2007 at 11:14pm
Modified: June 22nd, 2008 at 4:27pm
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Blog header made by my good friend ~*~Damiana Returned~*~ 
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
---Edgar Allan Poe
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Traditional Gemini Traits
Adaptable and versatile
Communicative and witty
Intellectual and eloquent
Youthful and lively
On the dark side....
Nervous and tense
Superficial and inconsistent
Cunning and inquisitive
I walked into my bedroom earlier and found Max giving the kitten a bath. It was so cute, I wish I would've had a camera. The kitten was just purring away and being all happy. I really need to get a job so I can buy some new toys and pay for my bills. That would be really nice. |
I just want my monthly visitor to arrive and be over with. It looks like my cycles are going back to their 28 day cycle instead of the 24 day cycle like they have been the last two months. Maybe it's because I had two of them last month. Who knows. I am just in a lot of pain right now. I hate water retention. |
Sheila went out again lastnight, but didn't drive her car.....a friend must have picked her up. I also noticed a big ass bottle of Vodka in the freezer and a 2-liter of diet coke in the fridge. I thought she was going to go easy on the booze. I guess that talk that our grandparents had with her didn't make a difference. I am pretty sure that she's pissed at me for even saying anything to them. I really don't care. She didn't come home until 4am this morning. Which means she got drunk off her ass again, but at least she wasn't the one driving. Even if a friend drives her it's still a risk if the friend has been drinking. One of these days, Sheila is going to wind up dead, either from her own stupidity or a friend's stupidity. I guess the best I can do it pray that nothing happens to her. |
Grandma and Grandpa talked to Sheila about her behavior with her going out and getting herself plastered. They told her that they didn't want her to end up like dad, with being pulled over, thrown in jail for DUI, having to pay a $1,000 fine, having her license taken away, losing her job, or losing her life. Then grandpa added that she has a little girl who needs her. I am sure Sheila will give me the silent treatment as usual for telling our grandparents about what she's doing. I don't tell on Sheila to be mean, or because I am just a nosy person getting her into trouble. I am worried about her. I don't want to lose another family member to alcohol. If she's mad at me, she's mad at me. Someone had to say something about what she's doing. Grandma told me that Sheila's friends talked to her about the drinking, or Sheila talked to them, I don't know which, but she claimed that she's never going to get drunk and drive ever again. Yeah right, where have I heard that before? Oh, I know. When I told her about dad's autopsy results when I found out that he died from excessive ethanol abuse. That's when. She told me about 6 months back that she was never going to get drunk again because of what happened to dad. And 6 months later, she's still doing it. We will see if she holds up to what she's saying now. |
Police officers are now starting to slap fuel surcharges on speeding tickets. As if traffic tickets aren't expensive enough. They will find any excuse to raise prices. I think that it's pure bullshit. Cops wonder why they aren't respected. It isn't just cops, it's also other companies, raising prices on merchandise anywhere from twenty cents to a whole dollar. It's ridiculous. At the same time I understand, because of the ever-so rising prices of fuel. I guess we should be blaming Bush because he isn't doing a damn thing to relieve any of this stress. America is descending into Hell and really fast too. |
A few days ago I went to throw something in the trash and I notice this movement, I peered in a little closer, and it was infested with these huge black ants! I screamed of course......I hate any kind of bug that bites. Ants are one of the worst. I don't know what caused the infestation in the first place, but I have a pretty good idea that they got in off of the roof and in through the sliding glass door from the balcony. Plus I live next to a forest, and debris always get blown onto the floor of the balcony everytime a storm moves in. I was going to tie up the bag and take it out to the dumpster, but I had no such luck because the ants were moving into attack me. So instead, I grabbed the entire trash receptacle and hauled it out to the dumpster. I had to drop it a few times because the ants sensed that something was going on. I finally got it out there and dumped the whole bag in there and took the can back inside. The great majority of the ants were in the can, so it was an easy fix. Ever since that day, I have had a bad case of the creepy crawlies and felt sick in the pit of my stomache. |
A lot of people have been reading one of my old pieces about my extreme shyness growing up. Some have suggested that I have Social Anxiety and have even suggested that I seek treatment through therapy and drugs. First of all, I don't believe in taking drugs to feel better, with the exception of water pills to lose water weight of course. I think most medications are a scam anyway to make us my opinion anyway. Most of them cause more severe symptoms than what they are supposed to treat in the first place, and some may even cause cancer or leukemia in some people after long-term use. And some of them contain unecessary garbage that people shouldn't even consume. I really don't trust the drug companies. As I was saying before I got into all of this drug talk, I really think that if I do have Social Anxiety, that it's probably just a mild case of it. It used to be really bad when I was in high school. My grandpa has Social Anxiety disorder, but I don't think that he takes anything for it. Maybe it's a heredity thing. It's not that bad anymore, for me anyway. I can go out in public and have no problem socializing with total strangers. I am not one of those people that stay indoors all of the time because I am afraid of people, lol. |
I am tired of cleaning up after Sheila the sow. She has six bags of laundry from five days ago that she hasn't put away yet. She never takes her own garbage out to the dumpster, and never does the dishes. I just want to get a job so I can move out and get my own place. This whole situation is driving me nuts. I feel like I am going to literally lose it. I mean it. |
Sheila didn't come home again lastnight. Hey, maybe it's not my business, but I am worried about her and my niece. What kind of mom runs around 4 out of 7 days bar hopping and boozing it up? I guess I can say that she did the smart thing by not driving home drunk lastnight like she did Thursday night. This is not the kind of life she should be living. She has a 3 year old daughter that she needs to be thinking about instead of her own selfish needs. I feel that she is spinning out of control and will wind up like Belinda, or worse. |
I started on the water pills. Hopefully this will help with all of the discomfort that I am going through with my feet and ankles. It's always worse in the morning. I am supposed to take 4/day for 10 days each month. Maybe I won't have so much breast pain per month either. |
Just reminding everyone.......
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I just bought some Diurex today to see how much water weight I can lose from them. I am betting that at least half of the weight that I need to lose is water-weight. When I get up every morning, it hurts to walk because my ankles are so swollen and tender, and it isn't just at that time of the month either. It's all of the time. There are other areas on my body that I know are retaining water, like from my feet all of the way up to my fingers. I also picked up some arch support inserts for my athletic shoes. I have been having heel and arch pain. I had to take yesterday off because they were bothering me so much. It was even worse the day before. I pretty much limped home on Wednesday. I went for my walk today and it wasn't as bad, but they slightly bothered me, but not to the point where I was in mind-blowing pain. Hopefully all of the things that I bought today will put my body back on track. |
I am seriously getting tired of this blog. I think I might stop at 700 entries instead of going up to the 725 limit. I am almost finished with the layout of the new one. I can't wait! |
This thing with Sheila getting drunk 3-4 times a week is getting out of hand. Sheila came home around 1:30am drunk off of her ass. I knew she was drunk because I heard her in the bathroom twice puking her guts out. She works two jobs and has a three year old daughter. I don't see how anyone could juggle two jobs, a three year old, and being an alcoholic all at the same time. She has inherited all bad things from both Belinda and my dad. Belinda drinks all of the time and is always drunk from what I hear. My dad was an alcoholic, and it killed him eight months ago at the age of 49. Belinda sleeps around, which is one of the things that Sheila has inherited from her, along with mental illness, which Sheila refuses to admit to. Jill told Molly that Sheila sleeps around, and Molly told me. I hate talking about Sheila behind her back, but she's out of control. Jill, Molly, and me all see a side to Sheila that's very familiar with Belinda. All of us have tried talking to her about it, but she won't listen, she just more or less flips out and screams at us. Which is also a Belinda trait. I know that one of these days, Sheila is going to come crashing down out of control and something terrible is going to happen. I fore-see many scenarios unfolding; one of them being that she gets pulled over by a cop and thrown in jail for DUI (she drives home drunk all of the time), she will end up killing someone and get thrown in prison, she will get killed while driving drunk (which will leave Jazlyn mother-less), or she will simply have liver failure like my dad did and she will die at a very young age. Alcoholism is the leading cause of death in my family. Looks like Sheila is next. I almost wonder if she has a death wish or simply likes leading a destructive lifestyle. Either way, she will regret it one of these days. I don't want to be around when she unravels. I hope that I am moved out and living somewhere else when this happens. |
I am tired of coming home and finding lights left on in the house. I have talked to grandma and my cousin Melissa is fashionably late! about making her pay more than half of the electric. Both grandma and Melissa agree with me that she should pay 3/4 of the electric bill since she keeps leaving lights on. I got the electric bill today, it is $105 for this month, no thanks to Dan and Sheila both. Every time I would come home, pretty much every light would be on, no matter if they were home or not. They are stupid and careless, like always. My bills would be so much cheaper every month if I lived on my own, well, at least the electric would be. That's why I was kind of hoping that she would move out and I would never have to deal with her again. Except for maybe at parties and stuff. She is still the same lazy slob that I moved in with. She doesn't take the trash out, she won't do the dishes, she never cleans the bathroom, or cleans up after herself. I hate living with her and wish that she would leave. I am almost tempted to go down to the leasing office and file eviction papers on her because she is such a slob. I am tired of this, and I am worn out. I can't be relaxed and happy if she's living here. I can't date or have a normal love life with any man because she's here. I do everything for her. I feed her kitten, I feed her fish, I clean up after her, and take the trash out, along with Jazlyn's pissy pull-ups. If you're never around, what's the point in having pets? Just seems retarded to me. I don't feel comfortable and having her around is putting a damper on my life........Sheila is my black cloud right now. |
I ordered one year of Cat Fancy magazine, and because of this, I am now getting unwanted subscriptions to other magazines. Sure, they are free gifts and there are a couple that I actually like. Among the ones that have nothing to do with my race, gender, or personality are...........Latina, ESPN, Working Mother, Parenting, and then I get the newest unwanted magazine, called, Maxim. I am not hispanic, I am not a mom, and I am most definately, not a guy. You would think that these subscription companies would pay attention to at least gender and race, but apparently not. The only ones that I actually like that I am getting for free are, Good Housekeeping, Oprah, OK, and US Weekly. I have called the company and tried to ask them if they could at least send magazines that I would actually read instead of tossing them in the trash. The lady said that they don't really pay attention to who ordered the magazine and that they just send them out as a free gift to me because I made a purchase from them. I give the Parenting and Working Mother mags to Sheila because she has a child, the Latina goes in the trash, and MAXIM also goes in the trash. The ESPN, I just give to either Dan or some other guy. I like sports, but not to the point where I will actually read a magazine about it. I wonder what new magazine I will get next. |
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