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Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #1109488
What I have to say...do you want to comment...
Come and support all my favorite Raffles, Contests, Activites, and my Ramblings of anything else I have to say.

I will be adding a banner to this journal as soon as find one!


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June 6, 2014 at 2:21am
June 6, 2014 at 2:21am
Come support these groups:
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Love Always to all,

Roni aka Lucasmom2000

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February 27, 2009 at 9:23am
February 27, 2009 at 9:23am
Uncle Mike is back in the hospital at Lutheran Intensive care. He went to the nursing home for 4 daus than had to be rushed to lutheran hospital by ambulance 2 weeks ago yesterday. I went on the ambulance with him and stayed at the hospital all night with him. Talk to you later. I love you.

Tell the kids I said hello and I love them to.

This email was on 2/25/09 from my mom. What has been told to me it sounds like a stapph infection and with almost no immune system and allergic to penicillan, they are having problems with trying to find what can work for him... HE is fighting everyday!

He is still paralyzed on the left side of his body from the stroke in November...We are praying for a miracle that they either find a medication that works or God will just cure him!!! Preferably the miracle for God!!!

Love Always to all,

Roni aka Lucasmom2000

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September 13, 2007 at 1:03pm
September 13, 2007 at 1:03pm
I am just glad that I found WDC!!! I have been enjoying the whole time I have been here. In a few weeks I will be getting into more as I work on getting my computer back.

I just need to find a good sale on one that I can just go and purchase, and not rent out from Rent a center or any other place.

I hope that everyone else is having a great day! I am off to the doctors!
September 12, 2007 at 6:14pm
September 12, 2007 at 6:14pm
330,800gps, I just would like to report that on behalf of everyone, I have so far won 100K pitcher to give to Angel Army from the Lemonade Stand, and over 24k from the Birthday Bingo too!

So that leaves just under 200K gps left to give back for everyone who helped out with this and the person leaving and wasting the gps for the awards that were given and the upgrades that were given on behalf of all the gps.

I feel that I need to earn them back since I asked everyone to help con tribute to the whole Raven Mess. I hope that everyone feels like this has been taken and put to rest. I will feel better that it is given to Angel Army for helping out so much...
September 12, 2007 at 6:00pm
September 12, 2007 at 6:00pm
Premium, and not happy becauser My computer died. My Premium is expiring Saturday. I have a few new cnotes collections to add, ok like 6 of them! I am using one for each for the charities I support.

I will have 15 days of an upgrade after that. I am also doing alot of writing while I have no computer too. I am not sure how i am going to add that too. I already have 170 items of 250 and that like I said does not include all the cnote shoppes.

I can't buy it until the 3rd of the month to get my premium for a few months. So I am going to go free for a few days. Which means everything that i have been working on to help with gps for charities are not going to be able to finish since i will not even have an upgrade to work with.

Ok so I am feeling sorry for myself. I guess I am entitled to have a day once a month to feel sorry for myself. I go home and have nothing to do since my computer died. DO not get my wrong, bubby will only let me play for so long with him. hehe....

I am also having a bad week but life goes on with that. I have to go to the DR tomorrow. I have more stuff going on than what I want to put in here for now.

I just hope that everyone is having a great day tomorrow! Hopefully I will be on for a little bit sometime tomorrow.

September 8, 2007 at 2:23pm
September 8, 2007 at 2:23pm
I found out in my email today!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!
September 7, 2007 at 4:19pm
September 7, 2007 at 4:19pm
Going until 11:59 or 1000 tickets are sold!!!

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Common everyone, who cant use at least 198k in gps?

Since I never win, that is better chance for everyone else!! Why not buy tickets for a charitiy? Or RAOK? Or an upgrade group?

September 5, 2007 at 6:31pm
September 5, 2007 at 6:31pm
As you look at my handle you will see that. I have a feeling this year is going to be interesting since I am having to come to school to get on my account. I think that it is going to be a slow birthday, since I am not friends with a lot, or atleast I think so that is.

It seems like everytime I am trying to help with someone to raise gps for something that is important. The whole thing seems to collaspe.

I am taking some time now to figure out what I am going to do to get my Premium paid for atleast one month. I sure hope that when the 13th comes I will see a cnote or two from my friends for my birthday. If not, I know that they are all busy and having a WDC birthday after the 7th birthday of WDC! Well I will truelly understand!

I have entered Kiya's Contest that is Pictures worth a 1000 words. I could not resist from the prompts. THe second was so cute. I can really relate to this. I also added it to Kids Korner too. I doubt if it will place in either but I will get hopefully get reviews from them.

I have two of my short storie collections that I am working on in RAOK Reading list. I also have my Momma's a clutterbug story to get some detail reviews on this so i can revise it. I am also getting ready for the NaNoWriMo in November. By next month I will have a new computer.

I just seem to be down this month since my computer died and that was like my other lifeline to everyone.

Well I am off to take the little one home. We need to get the house done so i am happy with the way it looks. Will write aboout my moms visit another day!

Happy Birthday WDC!!!!!! Have a big celebration!!!
August 30, 2007 at 7:06pm
August 30, 2007 at 7:06pm
Here are a few of many celebrations going on for the week!!!

All are Supporting Angel Army below:

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Click above for all the activites going on for the birthday week!!!

As I see more I will add them here to celebrate when I am on!!

Due to not having a computer it is getting really hard to get back and forth for the computer at school.

August 20, 2007 at 12:56pm
August 20, 2007 at 12:56pm
be the lucky one that may win the 25% for the friend? I have 3 nominations for the friends spot.

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#1220973 by Not Available.

We have over 500 hundred Tickets sold between 7 people!! Remember 50% GOES TO ANGEL ARMY, in honor of everyone who has donated to the raffle that I helped with Raven.

Of course the friend amount if I win the nomination, by all the ones who nominated me, will have to go towards my premium... Not allowed to give a way them to anonye. pouting...meanie Kiya, cementary kat, and Sapphy...handscrossed like my bubby does.

Limited access to the laptop as I am sitting here outside. No connection inside my house at all. Stephanie Grace Author IconMail Icon will be checking my email for me via me on the phone.

All auctions that I have donated to or won, please give me some time, I will be back online on the 1st with a wireless router after all my bills are paid!! Plus my mom will be down labor day weekend, so maybe I can get her to put in half for a late birthday early christmas gift!

Well I am off to get the raffle taken care of again. Lost the connection after I got it all done..
August 16, 2007 at 2:20am
August 16, 2007 at 2:20am
Well lets see this hasn't been the best month so far. In a matter of 3 days, my computer bit the dust, had to go and rent a new one, Lost a blank $100 money order with the receipt attached. as soon as i gave the guy the money for the laptop, I knew something was wrong.

I had just been looking for the MO and thought it was just at home, and tore my house up looking for it. Now short on my electric bill. Shutmy cable off and was dumb to pay my prepaid cell phone before my other bills were pad. Therefore my cablemodem was shut off too.

I am now relying on anywhere that will keep a good signal and keep online for more than 5 minutes. I have to bring clothese to the laundry mat to use their wireless connection. Sapphire Pines has been helping me too with emails so I am able to take care of business I need too.

Infact, I was surprised by a new siggie in my port. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

July 31, 2007 at 8:31pm
July 31, 2007 at 8:31pm
I do not get that many people visiting and or commenting on my blogs. I know that I reapt alot in both of these but that is to inform the ones that do not read my otherr journal.

Of course you know I live to inform great contests, raffles and other activites on here.

Please comment and let me know what could be better.

Have a great day!!
July 31, 2007 at 6:41pm
July 31, 2007 at 6:41pm
Sure seem like forever since Beyond the Cloud9 Author IconMail Icon was enjoying her wedding and honeymoon!!! Havn't checked for pictures yet but will do!!

Now on to my Favorite part!!! Spoiling my secret pal!! I could do double the fun since I have extra from last year!! I was going through emails and I rememberd Black Willow Author IconMail Icon had made me some Secret Pal cnotes!!! As soon as I get them added to my port, I will let the Best Secret Pal know....sssssshhhhh, she does not know yet....

This way there are a few choices in cnotes. Fyn had a great gift giving to her with a secret pals collection to for a gift!!!

Well I am off to spol my secret pal!!!! THis is going to be so much fun!!! Secret Pal if you read this..hehehe... . Guess waht you are going to have lots of spoiling like my others!!!!!

*hugs* to all!!!!!!

July 28, 2007 at 9:00pm
July 28, 2007 at 9:00pm
LOOKIE, LOOKIE, LOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PURDY, PURDY, PURDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to my Butterfly Patch! Open in new Window. (E)
Hope you enjoy visiting the serene walk with the butterflies fluttering everywhere!
#1213957 by Ronis brain tumor is gone! Author IconMail Icon

Now I am going back to crying! Thank you Kiya... You are truely an Angel and one of my Favorites too!!!

July 28, 2007 at 5:30pm
July 28, 2007 at 5:30pm
I am sitting here with no caffiene.. I have no soda at all.. I am eatting frozen dark cheeries. I am broke until Wedsneday and I have the kids all next week. That means i will be going from this past Wednesday until the first with NO Caffien!!! I feel for my kids...

I do not even have $1 for the bus to get ther and back for returning something I can't have because of the extra iodine. My alllergies and sinus are acting up. So I do not know if I am going to be ok enough to walk anywhere. I really need to though. I need some millk, bread and soda. Mainly hte milk and bread.

I have no chocolate either to eat inplace of the soda. I just do not know what I am going to do....Not just that. What am I am going to do to get the kids some food monday and tuesday. Tuesday I need to make sure that they eat really good since they go with their dad to bible study. He gets a cheesburger from McDonalds and some water and they do not eat again until the morning. Then they are starving by the time they have lunch here.

It was enought that Brianna actually got sick and was tired and just not her. I asked what she asked last night and she told me, and I about lost it. But I Did not say anything to Ben. I will just make sure they eat more!! I will not have my kids getting super skinny bvause of not eatting. They ere also told that they were get fat if they ate pot pies everyday!!!!!!!! Do they want my kids to have eatting disrders!!!

UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH, atelast at school they will have breakfast and lunch! I am so scared to see who much she weighs when we go to her checkujp. It is really scaring me. I know they are going to be skinngt becuase of Their dad and myself when I was younger. I do not remember being that skinny at a,,. Brianna is getting taller too, But she scares me. I am affraid to pick her up sometimes because she is so skinnny.

But of courrse saying anything to their dad is like talking to the wall because there is notthing wrong with them. Ben really needs to open his eyes up sometimes.

Well I am off to see what I can do. Hope everyone is having a beautiful Saturday!!
July 27, 2007 at 5:05pm
July 27, 2007 at 5:05pm
Raven has now left I see even after proving that she does have leukemia. I am not sure why since she has proof. I will say one thing about this.

For everyone who had helped with donations and and Raffle tickerts for helping Raven. Raven did give me the rest of the gps to put towards a Month of my Premium so I had time to earn more. I want you all to know that Precious Gifts Benefit Raffle will be donated back in everyones name that contributed to the raffle I did to help!!!

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I would like to have everyone to email me who were part of this so that I can make sure I have you all on the donation letter to Angel Army! This is my way of Saying Thank You for all the help!!!

I will also being doing several other Activities to make up for all the gps that were lost in the awards given to her too. Including A-1 Academy for their scholarship, and anything else that has been done!

Thank you eveyone!!!

July 27, 2007 at 4:28pm
July 27, 2007 at 4:28pm
with getting donations for
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#1289406 by Not Available.

So come on everyone Lets get some donatiing going so we have some great items supporting the
The Angel Army

I am on my way to see what I can donate!

I dare everyone to come and checkout the auction items so on August 1st, the bidding can start!

July 25, 2007 at 7:56pm
July 25, 2007 at 7:56pm
Today is the day when I know I get to check my mail....

Today is the day when I know I anticipate for the wait....

Today is the day when WDC mails everyone who waits...

Today is the day when I get excited to WDC Newsletters..

Today is the day when I get to read about Contest and Activities....

Today is the day when I learn about Helpful tips for Authors....

Today is the day when I learn about the Newbies featured...

Today is the day when I learn about Poetry & Short Stories...

Today is the day when I learn about Romance and ooh la la...

Today is the day when I learn about Mystery here on WDC...

Today is the day when I learn about Comedy here in Scrolls and Chat....

Today is the day when I learn about WDC Action & Adventures everyday....

Today is the day when some look forward to the Fantasy they may read....

Today is the day when some look forward seeing what the Drama is for the week...

Today is the day when some look forward of being Scared by the Horror of the week...

Newsletter, Newsletter where thou shall be....

July 25, 2007 at 1:44pm
July 25, 2007 at 1:44pm
on this stupid piece of crap that cost as much as rental house he could be living at instead of living in an over price apartment. He said you have to understand about Mac computers. I have read up on the IPhone. I just do not see why spending that much on it.

I mean he as a son who needs clothes everyspring! Cause he is growing. He could get the kids some learning tools, better yet get them an older computer to play their games on.

Call me crazy, Take them back to TX , to see papa and grandma there. What do I know, I am the one that is the poor one you know. Darn!

All you IPHONE users, please explain why this is just aweosme and so worth the $500 to spend!!!! MAke sure you can validate it with a good reason that will help and not just because it is Cool gadget!

What does everyone else think of the IPHONE idea? Would love to hear reasons!
July 24, 2007 at 2:16pm
July 24, 2007 at 2:16pm
See this is where my OCD/ Hoarding comes in to the way I do this because it was fine last night when I went to bed. I woke up and redid everything becuase it was not what I wanted after spending over an hour on separating everything by size shape and color. All of them were done by different shades of one color.

Now I have made it easier but in my mind it is not like I had it. So it is still messy. The only difference is that the kids have picked to have it this way! So that is all that matters. I did not make it to hard for them. I am happy about that.

Next weekend we are making neckalaces for school to wear. They are so excited about this.

Now on to the art supplies....uuggghhhhh...

If anyone has a easier solution for this, Please let know! I hate dealing with having to redo it again cause it is not perfect!!!

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