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WARNING...You Are About To Enter Into ~ MY Thoughts...
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All I really care to be in life is 'contributing'.

A special THANK YOU! to all who have contributed to mine here at WDC.

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For having a nice journal that is an inspiration to others and for encouraging others in their journaling in a nice way.  Hooves

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** C.L. Hanna ~ Lottie *Heart*

REMINDER: Everyday that you can wake up free, it's going to be a great day!

Find Me Here Also:http://www.clhanna.com ~ Visit My Website

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October 22, 2008 at 2:32am
October 22, 2008 at 2:32am
I want my country back!

I want to be able to speak my mind, share my faith, choose where my children are educated, shop with confidence in products made in the U.S.A., travel without fear, put my money in the local branch office of a bank and be able to trust that it will still be there tomorrow, lay my head down at night to sleep without need of a security system monitored by a room full of strangers who are supposed to protect me should another stranger break in and enter my home. I want to be able to work hard for a living and take home what I actually earn - not what is left after the government has taken all that they can find a way to take so that someone who isn't willing to work can enjoy benefits that I can't even afford. I want to be able to believe that I live in the land of the free and home of the brave and feel the pride of being born in the U.S.A.

I don't want a group of people who have been permitted to enter my country and allowed to become residents and citizens of my country, but who do not wish to honor the foundational truths and beliefs of my country, to try to take away the freedoms that the brave heroes have fought and died to give me and my family.

I don't want anyone who was born here and has decided that this country is so unworthy of them and their better ideas and more enlightened ways to stay and make the rest of us who feel blessed to be natural born citizens of this country, miserable.

I want my country back!

I want there to be right and wrong. I want there to be justice and liberty for all, without fear of trivial, frivolous, lawsuits. I want to be able to lovingly discipline my children and have them respect me because I am the parent, not threaten to turn me in to the authorities because they don't like to obey the one who provides and cares for them. I want the good guys to win once in awhile. I want the bad guys to lose. I want the truth to be valued and rewarded. I want it to be "cool" and "hip" to be nice and polite. I want men and women to treat each other with the respect that makes romance a thrill and one-night stands seem only cheap. I want it to be fun to be a kid again. I want grown-ups to own up. I want the weekends to be family time and the family unit to be a reality once more. I want to be able to dream big and feel that anything is possible, because this is the land of possibilities.

I want my country back!

Whoever wins this election - Mr. McCain, Mr. Obama...are you listening? I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!

I want the country that is of the people, by the people and for the people...I want that country back!

Those who are young do not know this country as those of us who are older once knew it to be. I know it wasn't perfect - I know it can't be perfect - but it has been and could still be THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.


April 16, 2007 at 9:50pm
April 16, 2007 at 9:50pm
Well...it's Spring! I think...at least it said so on my calendar a few weeks back...somewhere in March.

And, it is also the time of the year which I keep getting WDC renewal reminders.

Writing.com was a life-saver for me over the past year. I had a lot of fun here and a lot of creativity was permitted to flow with some very encouraging results. I met some wonderful people here. I enjoyed conversation and I enjoyed browsing the blog entries and trying my hand at new writing methods. I will always be grateful for the time I had with all of you.

I have decided not to renew my membership and it expires on April 30th.

If I have helped anyone, caused anyone to have a pleasant reading experience, challenged anyone's way of thinking, or encouraged or given hope...then, I am happy and leave this place with more than I brought to it. That is an exciting possibility!

May God continue to be blessed by those who write for Him, here. May all of you continue to be blessed by God, Who really loves you and wants the very best for you...even for those of you who may not believe that. May WDC continue to be a place for writers to find themselves, explore their talent and the use of words...a place to hone the craft of writing and exercise the freedom of creative speech.

Blessings on all of you whom I have come to admire, respect and count as friends!

Sincere Regards,
C. L. Hanna
February 22, 2007 at 9:27pm
February 22, 2007 at 9:27pm
I am probably going to reveal too much about myself via this blog entry. I am sure that the reader will be able to see that I am just an old-fashioned, out of touch, judgmental, loser. But, I'll take my chances.

This is a new world we live in...yeah, right. We are only fooling ourselves with that line. The fact is, mankind has been trying to get away with things that they know are not quite proper ever since God created the human race. The minute we become uncomfortable with our behavior, choices or actions, we begin to rationalize and accuse any who may disagree with us of being in the wrong for possibly questioning whatever it is we are doing. We don't like to feel uncomfortable and we will blame our discomfort on anyone and everyone but ourselves. It couldn't be our own conscience, after all. It couldn't be our own best judgment that we are attempting to overcome. It couldn't possibly be our own self we are trying so hard to convince of our righteousness.

Why do we want to believe that all of the rules have changed for those who call themselves "born again" Christians? Why is it so difficult to believe that there are some things that we just should NOT do - say - or partake of, in order that others may see that we are "set apart" when scripture, the Word we are supposed to live by, specifically says that we are "...in the world, not of it."

Have some denominations and sects taken the idea of being "different" too far? You betcha! But, when the world (which does not profess to know Christ) begins to look for an answer, they aren't going to go to a group or individual who looks and acts exactly like them. They are looking for something different because what they have been doing and what they have had, HAS NOT WORKED! When one has a problem, they don't often turn to someone battling with the same issue for the solution.

We can't, as Christians who have been changed by God's Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ, offer the alcoholic advice and counsel them into the Kingdom with a bottle of Victory HopDevil in one hand; Merlot Missionaries. We wouldn't think of wining and dining someone to the cross. On the other hand, it's become acceptable among many believers to have their Christian friends over for fellowship and a few beers.

The drug of choice among today's Christians is alcohol. Is it possible to drink without getting drunk? Of course. And the more you practice the art the longer it may take to arrive at a noticeable level of impairment. And that is precisely the danger.

If, after attending a favorite concert where one downed a couple of their favorite brews, one was to be pulled over for neglecting to use their turn signal while driving...it is quite possible that the officer could notice the unmistakable smell of alcohol on the breath of the driver. From there, it is quite possible that the driver could be ask to take a Breathalyzer. If the results were not favorable, there could be a charge of DUI. Christian DUI. It doesn't sound any better than Christian Drug Addict.

If one likes (or loves) the taste of wine, beer, etc., it is even easier to become addicted to it. If it makes one feel better, it is easier to become dependent upon it. If it alters one's mood, slows one's reaction-time and causes one to behave abnormally...it can even be dangerous.

The Word of God does not say, "Thou shall not drink any alcoholic beverages." the Word also does not say, "Men shall wear pants." At one time, men did not wear pants. At some point, pants proved to be a good thing for men to wear. We figured it out by ourselves. There was nothing that could hurt anyone or cause another to never want to know Jesus on a personal level by men beginning to wear pants.

Why is it, that we can not figure it out for ourselves that alcohol can hurt us and can cause others to fall away from God?

Is it a sin to have a glass of wine with a meal? Probably not. Unless the one having the glass of wine is an alcoholic. One does not have to be a slobbering idiot to be an alcoholic. One simply must like it too much, want it too often and have it whenever possible...and make excuses for doing so.

I know...I know...I told you that I was just an old fashioned, out of touch, judgmental, loser. But, if we don't need it...then why do we want it? I'm not talking about really, really liking chocolate...but it is an addiction if you have to have chocolate every day. Look, what I am asking is, if it is not something that we would be comfortable doing in church or doing in the presence of Jesus...should we participate? (And don't even think about playing the 'sex' card, here...it is permitted between married couples in the scriptures, yet not many would be comfortable with participating in the act while in church, etc.)

In a world of addiction, shouldn't we - as Christians - be truly free? Did Christ really shed his blood by way of a horrible crucifixion so that we could freely receive His gift of salvation, only to claim to be free to do whatever we want? Of course not. Yet, it often seems that while Christians will shake their heads and say, "tsk-tsk", over the out-of-control drug abuse in our society...they will demand their right to drink - which is often where the abuse starts.

Has drinking become the social and spiritual drug of choice?
February 21, 2007 at 11:01pm
February 21, 2007 at 11:01pm
For the next forty days, many people of the Christian faith will be trying to give up something. The season of Lent, which began today, is supposed to be an introspective period when one takes stock of their life and relationships and considers making any necessary changes to allow themselves to prepare spiritually for the coming Easter celebration. In essence, it is a time of sacrifice meant to reflect the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the wilderness.

Jesus used that time to prepare for His work here on earth.

Rather than giving up a favorite food, chocolate or some nasty habit, it seems that sacrificing our own selfish will is more in line with the sacrifice of Christ. Perhaps, it is not even so much about giving up something as it is about the giving of ourselves.

Jesus is probably not all that impressed with the act of refusing chocolate for 8 weeks. It would seem more reasonable to assume that He might actually be more pleased if we were to spend that time as He did, preparing for our work here on earth.

The fact is, giving up a little chocolate isn't going to cost us much, is it? But, to lay down our will in exchange for His...to seek out those who may need our help, open our pocketbooks, assist our fellow man for forty days...that may cost us. That may be a little more difficult to do, yet so much more beneficial to our inner man than any sacrifice of a favorite food or drink.

Lent ends the Saturday before Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday, of course, is the celebration of our Lord's resurrection from the dead. Therefore, we should be dying to ourselves in the weeks before Easter so that we can then identify with the gift of eternal life Jesus, alone, is able to offer as a result of His conquering death.

We live because He lives. We give because He gave.

Jesus was the sacrifice. He redeemed us and paid the price with His own blood. Now, it is up to us to reflect that sacrificial love to others.

No one is going to care that we give up chocolate for forty days. Jesus isn't hoping to see us go without dessert. He's waiting for us to leave a couple of bags of groceries on a single mother's doorstep, volunteer at the nursing home, call on a sick neighbor, share a meal with a homeless person, offer a teenager a reason to live...

To simply practice religious traditions will never prepare the soul for ministry. Giving up chocolate won't change the world. But, if you have been spiritually dead and you come alive in Christ people are going to notice!

Just like Jesus, offer someone a second chance - because that is really what Easter is all about.

February 21, 2007 at 9:31am
February 21, 2007 at 9:31am
For those who seek fame and fortune, there is a price to pay. For those who seek attention and long for the adoration of the public, the price is often just too high.

Some are unwillingly thrust into the spotlight. Some throw themselves at it willingly, exploiting themselves to become a 'star'. How often the star (whether self-made or media-manufactured) burns out, fading to black without notice.

Still, there are those who have made no actual talented contribution to society who captivate the public interest and hold us hostage by way of bizarre behavior and extreme lifestyles. Even in death, they remain bigger than life.

What causes some poor souls to chase so hard after a dream, only to find themselves in an inescapable nightmare? They run from their families and their small towns straight into the shark infested environment of the entertainment industry. They lose themselves to find a fortune; exchange freedom for a life of slavery to various addictions and controlling entities. They leave behind true friends for the company of those who can not be trusted. No promises of success perhaps, but many successful "promisers" lead them deeper into that state of usability where they never rise above the level of disposable.

Maybe we can't look away because the stories are so incredible. Maybe we can't resist watching, reading and hearing about their tormented lives because we sincerely can not comprehend the how and the why. Maybe we are mystified or maybe we are just morbid. But, whatever the reason for our fascination, it continues and the media is only too happy to supply the demand.

All of the money in the world has never made for the happiest, most well-adjusted person on earth. All of the limelight and all of the public interest has never satisfied and comforted those who have been exposed by such.

In the last two weeks we have watched as the dramas of a couple of well-known celebrity-types have played out. One lost her life, one her hair. Both seemed unable to handle the fame and fortune so many have longed for. Both could have done so much more with their lives. For all they had, they obviously lacked even more. For all the attention, they were all alone in their brokenness.

Finding fame and fortune can leave one adrift in a sea of longing - far from the shores of Paradise.
February 13, 2007 at 10:11pm
February 13, 2007 at 10:11pm
(Just my thoughts in response to a question posed to me on whether or not war can really stop terrorism. This is entirely from my perspective as a Christian and I do not expect all to agree with my viewpoint. I only submit this piece for your consideration - since I really have had very little to write about, lately.)
Unless one has been enslaved, or held captive against one's will, it is difficult to understand the value of freedom. Imagine being locked away in a dark closet most of your life to one day have someone open the door, turn on the light and set you free. You would do everything in your power to remain free. The goal would be to never again allow anyone the power over you which could result in you once again being locked away.

Any cost would be worth the price to remain free.

Oppression causes fear. Fear causes confusion. Confusion brings about chaos. Chaos often results in fighting. Fighting often leads to war. War is the overwhelming attempt to restore a measure of order. Order can fascilitate peace. Peace is the absence of fear. With the absence of fear comes freedom.

Freedom from sin is much like that. Sin is a form of oppression.

I humbly submit that war is constantly being waged against the souls of men. The moment Adam and Eve made the decision to disobey God's instruction, the war between Good and Evil was on and the final battle will most certainly be like nothing ever seen among the inhabitants of this earth.

Terrorism is not about two people having a difference of opinion. Terrorism is not about a brother wounding another with his words. Relationship problems such as these can and should be handled by repentance and forgiveness.

War will not stop terrorism because until Evil is completely destroyed by God, men who are slaves to it - those who are in a state of oppression, still locked away in that small, dark place - will continue to do it's will.

There is no forgiveness for those who do not wish to be forgiven.

America is guilty of many sins against the God in whom she claims to trust, and for those sins America must repent. One reaps what one sows. Attempting to remain free from oppression - fighting against the potential enslavement of terrorism - is not a sin, it is simply choosing GOOD over EVIL.

January 12, 2007 at 1:51pm
January 12, 2007 at 1:51pm
We live in exciting times!

I hear this every now and again and I can agree in part. Technology is advancing at a rate that boggles the mind, but allows us the possibility of better health, ease of communication, accessible information and seemingly limitless opportunities to further our education.

But, somehow, I find myself longing for a simpler way of life in the midst of it all.

I don't know...it just seemed a bit more fun to be a little more naive. It seemed a little more relaxed when everyone had the weekend off. It seemed less threatening when teachers were in control of the classrooms and guns and drugs and violence were a part of those 'other institutions'...not the schools. It was comforting to watch television shows where the good guys always won, or families treated each other with respect and stuck together. It was entertaining to hear songs melodically and poetically tug at our heart-strings and cause us to dream of love...instead of graphically describing another casual sexual encounter or violently illicit relationship.

I know...I know...The Cleavers were NOT a real family. But, neither are the Osbournes!

I LIVE in reality...I don't want to watch it on the big screen. It's nothing new and creative or uplifting and inspiring to watch people beat on other people and scream and yell the "F" word at each other or rape and pillage their neighbors. Fear is lurking in every corner of every day life...people need to see something bigger than their fears. People need to be able to dream of all of the possibilities within them, instead of consuming a steady diet of less-than-reality portrayals of animalistic behaviors.

It seems in many ways that we are being told that we are foolish to even hope for the good and the happy...so, we should just accept the bad and the sad and face up to what we really are - the miserable and trashy!

Too many of our young people have been ripped off by those who have decided (for us) that television programming, movies and music should be dark, troubled, violent, sexually perverted and pathetic. Plots are uncreative and weak. Heroes, when you can find them, are wrought with demons and lack morals. Many of the stories just end...hopeless and empty.

Look, I am not saying that it's better to avoid the truth of the reality of life. I am saying that we all need an escape, now and then. We deserve permission to dream and hope and expect a little more from life. That is what movies used to offer us. That is what songs of love are about...even songs about lost love were at least cause for empathy - not ruthless revenge.

There was a time when it was okay to be kind. There was a time when it was required of us to be polite and respectful. There was a time when language was an art form and certain words were considered to be beneath acceptable standards of class. A time when there was a very real distinction between right and wrong. When it was permissible - even expected - to reach a little higher and try a little harder and never settle for second best.

I often think I'd like to go back to that time when movie sets glittered and the stars were glamorous. When a family could watch a show on the television together and not be embarrassed by the advertisements or concerned for the effect on the children's psyche. When it was okay to dream and hope for more than you had at the moment, all the while being inspired by a real true hero, who never let us down.

But, then again, why should we have to go back in time to have a style which has so often been referred to as timeless?
January 1, 2007 at 8:25pm
January 1, 2007 at 8:25pm
It's a brand new year. Many will begin 2007 with promises and pledges and goals and visions. Many will begin it with despair and hopelessness.

While it is a new year...it is more importantly, a new year full of NEW DAYS.

Every day is a new opportunity. An entire year may seem a bit over-whelming to consider, but if we take it just one day at a time...well, then it is a little easier, perhaps, to believe for success and have hope for tomorrow.

Those who have much...consider - each day - how you may be able to share what you have with another who may be in need.

Those who have nothing...consider - each day - how you will not allow yourself to give up, but instead, seek out the ways in which you can and must better yourself.

We must all consider each other. We must all be willing to extend a helping hand and receive a helping hand. We must all realize that we need one another and we must all realize that not one of us can succeed or prosper entirely alone.

It is indeed a new year. But, more importantly, it is another chance. 2007 is another year full of days...however many there may be allotted to each of us. If we make each day count and count each day a new opportunity to "get it right", we will attain every goal, keep every promise and achieve whatever productive resolutions we may have entertained.

Happy New Year...on this the FIRST day of many opportunities to come in 2007.

December 22, 2006 at 11:31am
December 22, 2006 at 11:31am
As this year comes to a close, I would like to think that (at least once during the past 365 days) I have made a positive difference. Not because I am seeking recognition and a warm fuzzy, but because life just seems less interesting, less fulfilling, if I have not been able to make someone feel worthwhile or given someone a reason to smile or even laugh.

A year can be filled with many things. Tears, helplessness, joy, excitement, love, hate, fear, peace...all of these and many other experiences are possible each year. For every kind and decent action there are many despicable and senseless ones. Yet, most every person begins life with the same childlike wonder - the hope and the sense of awe - the thrill at discovering a new thing. It is just slowly stripped away from of us by cruel realities and the weariness of disappointments.

That's why I hope that at least once in this quickly passing year, I may have given someone a reason to wonder...to hope or see something in a new way. I hope that at least once, perhaps their 'child-like faith' was stirred up or their ability to dream was rekindled.

But, I am only human. So, I realize that it is more likely that I have caused someone a hurt or given them reason to feel disappointment.

Maybe that is why I try to share the love of Jesus. Maybe it is for this very reason that I so want others to come to a personal knowledge and experience a personal relationship with Christ. Maybe that is what makes Christmas so special to me; a welcome relief from all of the other 'stuff' that occurs during the course of the year. Because, if others can grasp and hold onto the true message of Christmas then they will be able to make it through this life with more reasons to wonder, more child-like faith and hope, and more reasons to dream.

I may fail at my attempts to be an example of love and good-will to my fellow man - but, Jesus never fails us. We may not always understand...but He understands our questions and we can trust Him to be The Answer.

How can I say this? How do I know this? Because, it's been a tough year. But, because I believe that the babe in the manger (whom I never saw) over two thousand years ago, was the man (whom I never saw) who bled and died on the cross at Calvary for my sins and offered me the free gift of eternal life...I can believe that He is in control - even when I can't see that, either.

Yes, I choose to believe this. Just like a Christmas present from a loving friend or family member - I choose to receive the gift of Jesus, given us by God. Just like the lingering memories of all of the wonderful Christmases I've experienced with those I love - I choose to believe that God's Holy Spirit remains among us, even today; enabling us to hold on and live above the hurts and ugliness that would try to overwhelm and kill our spirits.

As this year comes to a close, I pray that the coming year will be one in which all those who say they love Jesus will love as Jesus loves - give as Jesus gives - and make a difference at every opportunity.

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
December 5, 2006 at 10:59pm
December 5, 2006 at 10:59pm
This is the season of giving.

People all around this nation are fighting to keep Christian symbols and Christian terms from appearing or representing the biggest and most popular holiday of the entire year. But the holiday that most of the people await to celebrate, spend money over, get time off from work and school, and travel great distances to spend the time with family members and friends...came about due to the very basis of the Christian religion - the need or desire to celebrate the birth of Christ. Hence, the word Christmas. Or Christ - Mass.

It's been celebrated for hundreds of years. It has been called Christmas for hundreds of years. It has been looked forward to and adored by children and adults alike for hundreds of years. If not for Christianity...there would be NO CHRISTMAS!

People would have one less reason to celebrate, get time off from school and work, get gifts and give gifts, and eat lots of good food while relaxing with family and friends.

Sure...someone may have eventually come up with "Holiday Time" or "Winter Celebration" - but there would probably not have been the whole gift-giving thing that is the real reason most human-beings enjoy December 25th so very much!

Giving is not something that people do all that readily. Human nature is to want to get. We will usually give more freely when first we have received. We tend to think of ourselves first and others second...except at Christmas-time.

During that magical time of the year which occurs every December, people begin to be more kind, more thoughtful and more mindful of other's needs. Why? Because of the very reason for the season.

Christmas is about giving...because God gave His only begotten Son that who-so-ever should believe on Him might not perish, but have everlasting life.

God loved us, first. Because of this, He wanted to give us a gift that would provide us with a type of joy and purpose for living that no other gift could ever provide. Because of His exceptional gift...mankind has a desire to give. We respond to The Gift by offering gifts.

The best gift we can give God, of course, is ourselves. But, something comes over us this time of year that stretches beyond our usual ability to consider others. It is a holy time - and the secular hype and attempts to strip Christmas of it's holy, divine connection...can not thwart the change which comes about in the hearts of men and women and children. Even the hardened heart softens at the sound of a Christmas Carol. The naughtiest one will act a bit nicer when presented a gift. The biggest Scrooge will dig deep in his pocket to throw a coin into the Salvation Army kettle. The most cynical skeptic will often believe at the sight of a child's smile on Christmas morning.

You see, LOVE is the reason that Christmas exists. Love causes us to want to give. Love causes us to care. Love changes us.

Christ is love.

Christ is not Christmas...Christmas is just what we call the one time of the year that we love and give in a way that we can not explain. It's 'magical'...because it's unexplainable. It's unexplainable because it's the season that is based upon the unexplainable love of God and His Son, Jesus.

Sometimes, when mankind can not explain a thing, he will begin to fear it. When mankind fears a thing, he will most often try to eliminate it.

December 2, 2006 at 10:15pm
December 2, 2006 at 10:15pm
Last evening, Hubby and I spent some quality time with a couple who have become friends of ours this past year. It was a spur of the moment thing...and turned out to be a nice time of conversation and sharing of hearts and ideas.

I slept so well last night. It was therapeutic to converse about life and dreams and God and relationships. So therapeutic that I was able to make a decision which allowed me a good and refreshing night of sleep.

The decision I made was that in light of all that has happened at the 'holiday job' - the fact that it is as far as it is from my home and winter weather is on it's way...I decided that my purpose has been served and the job is not serving me well enough to stay on even one day longer.

I was scheduled off today...and had not been to work since my illness on Monday, the 27th...so, I called and told my dear friend that I would not be back. She took it well. She probably knew the other day when we last spoke. I want to work with her...and maybe someday that will be possible.

Today...I felt as though I got my life back! I am still dizzy from time to time...but felt so much better after settling this issue that I was able to do some house-cleaning and made a big pot of turkey/vegetable soup!

To make the day complete...I got a lovely lapel pin from the Story Mistress and Story Master. Thank you Writing Dot Com Mistress and Master! It's GREAT and I plan to wear it proudly! *Smile*

December 1, 2006 at 1:21pm
December 1, 2006 at 1:21pm
Too dizzy to drive the distance and do my job for 8 hours today...so I had to call off sick once again.

One doctor said of viral ear infections that, much like a carpenter's level...if the bubble is off you won't get a true level. The inner ear is where the body's 'bubble' is. When there is a problem in that area...when our bubble is off...of course, it creates the dizziness which can create severe nausea. I had a viral inner ear infection many years ago, and this is not quite as bad (thank the good Lord!) but it is similar in that it makes me nauseated at times and unable to actually function at 100%. It's not a viral ear infection...I think it is just plugged sinuses or something...but, it just makes you feel "not quite right".

Oh yeah, and you can't think clearly at times, either.

I can literally say that I am not right in the head, today.

I have been hearing on the news that nasty weather is hitting the mid-west and sweeping eastward. Even though it's been unusually warm...the word is that it's about to change very quickly and extremely. OH GOODIE! *Rolleyes* I haven't made it through the present storm completely.

Dizzy Blonde Awaits The Coming Storm...I am feeling an increasing urge to hibernate! *Laugh*
November 30, 2006 at 4:15pm
November 30, 2006 at 4:15pm
If you have been reading any of my blog entries the month of November, you know that I have been at my "part-time, holiday help, job" for about three weeks...give or take a couple of days.

You would have read my questions ... my observations ... my experiences - while I have tried to be a dutiful employee.

Well...the other day the proverbial 'poop hit the fan'. Apparently, after a long day of doing my job to the best of my ability - I sighed when a co-worker told me to do something in a tone which was cold and on the edge of rude. Because of that sigh...she promptly went to the assistant manager to tell her that I sighed and seemed to be having a problem. I was then told by the co-worker that I was wanted in the office.

Feeling like a kid being sent to the Principal's office...I went. My face was becoming red and hot and I was embarrassed beyond words. Two girls under 30...deciding that I - 50 - needed to take a trip to 'the office'. I was mortified!

"Have a seat," I was told. Then, ignored for about five minutes while the assistant manager chatted with another employee who had just come in to work. Many (if not all) of the other employees knew that I was "in the office". Finally, the door was closed and I was asked to explain what was going on at the registers?

Was I frustrated? Was I tired? Did I need a break? All questions which made me feel like I was not up to the job. All because I let out a barely audible sigh.

Now...at this point in the story I would like to mention that what had occurred prior to the sigh was that in my thinking - I could save a step in a process which included the need for another's signature on a slip of paper. Usually, because it is so busy and hectic...I am told to "initial that when you get a chance" - or even - "I will initial this for you and you can just fill in the reason for the action when you get a chance." Based on such prior experiences, I simply asked for the person's initials so that I could then write the reason on the slip and stick it in the drawer, since she was right there, not busy at the moment, and had seen the entire reason for the action taken by me at my register. To me...it was just a natural progression and no big deal. BUT...she asked me the reason...and I said, "Oh, I was just about to write it down but didn't want you to get away before I could get it initialed." She cut me off and said flatly, "Put your reason on it, first." With that she pushed it toward me and turned her back on me.

Yep...that's when I sighed. I even sighed just now as I wrote it. I mean, that sort of thing makes me sigh....I'm not evil, I just sigh, sometimes. Especially, when I don't understand the need for something simple to be made into anything more than it is.

The whole office thing was ridiculous and went on for nearly 40 minutes. I simply can not tell the entire event here...it just would take too long and it makes me ill to re-live it.

In fact, the next day I became violently ill at work. Half way through my shift...I had to leave and barely made it home before I vomited and did some other things that would have been unbearable had they occurred alongside the Interstate during my 40 minute drive home. I spent the next 17 hours in bed...sicker than a dog.

I no longer care about this job. I used to be enthusiastic and I thought that I was doing a GREAT job for the company. I have found out in the past few days that I have been "told on" more than once and even the district manager has been called about me. I can't believe that I'm so popular! How do I draw so much attention, you may be asking?

If I knew...I would share that information with you...but I am clueless. I can't believe that I have caused so much trouble. There have been others who have violated the dress-code, come to work late, come to work in bad moods, or even stood around talking to friends when on the sales floor...but somehow - don't ask me how - but somehow, they have avoided "The Call To The Office".

Excuse me, I am feeling nauseated, again. *Sick*

November 25, 2006 at 1:24pm
November 25, 2006 at 1:24pm
Black Friday has come and gone. What a trip that was! In our area...traffic was backed up on the Interstate running North and South for a reported 10 miles (at one point) by those who were heading to the Mall for the PRE-sale sales.

This is the time of year when the corporations who stand to make big bucks off the consumer, build advertising campaigns upon a premise of hype that involves convincing shoppers that they will have one opportunity to purchase particular items at an extremely low price.

Somehow, thousands of people get sucked into the frenzy and become part of the craziest, mad-house, of shopping known to man. People line up through the night at Wal-Mart stores. Stores open at mid-night. Stampedes of greedy-minded men and women cause bodily harm to others who are juxtaposing for the ultimate purchasing position.

Insanity is purposefully wrought by those who will make a killing off of those who are willing to spend as if there is no tomorrow in the hopes of achieving a "Merry Christmas". Frustration abounds. Disappointment is inevitable. Sales clerks are abused and children are actually hauled out of the comfort of their warm beds by parents who are determined to beat the rush.

The Rush exists because so many think that they will get a jump on the Christmas season shopping. The Rush exists because of the fallacy conveniently pushed on the public that there is a shortage of products and sale prices.

There will be even more sales. Stores are receiving more merchandise every couple of days. There are so many outlets for shopping in this day and age that consumers are not limited in opportunities to purchase. Retail chains stretch from one city to the next. If you are willing to sit in traffic for hours - why not drive for a couple of hours instead to possibly locate the item your local store is short on. Shopping on-line is an excellent way to beat the long lines at the check-out.

There is more than one day to get great deals and find the precious treasures that will make loved ones happy on Christmas morning.

We need to wake up from the Holiday Shopping Nightmare that has been created for us by those who don't have to be mauled by the crowds but can, instead, sit back and count their daily take like modern day Scrooge's.

The real excitement and joy of giving is being lost in the crush of the lie being perpetrated through our society. In this land of plenty, there will be no real shortage on acceptable gifts. The consumer has been duped into believing that you can not give without spending - and that the earlier you spend the less you will spend. Not necessarily so...as consumers tend to keep shopping right up until the week of Christmas, anyway. They may get the majority of purchases early on, but they will also add to the bounty as the weeks continue either due to forgetting what they have or just last minute emotional purchases. The holidays create a mood for spending.

The reason we give and the reason we spend are two very different concepts which tend to get confused during this time of year.

We should spend conservatively and give liberally - all year long! *Smile*
November 22, 2006 at 10:55pm
November 22, 2006 at 10:55pm
There was no party...and I'll cry if I want to,
Cry if I want to,
Cry if I want to...
You would cry too, if it happened to you!

For those who don't remember...there was a song in the early 60s which went like the above - with the exception of the first line, which went...It's My Party.
Since there was no party for my 50th birthday today...I decided to do a re-write. *Laugh*

I have given all kinds of birthday parties to those in my family...and I gave a really nice, big, surprise fiftieth birthday party for Hubby last year in December. But...no one had a party for me today.

I had a birthday party when I was seven. That was my first (and only) big birthday party where classmates and close friends came in costume and brought gifts. I was a majorette! But...the party was a bit of a flop due to the fact that President Kennedy had been assassinated earlier that afternoon. Everyone was sad and the T.V. was on most of the evening.

Three girlfriends surprised me when I was sixteen. They gave me gifts and I think we had cake at my house that day.

When I turned 30, several friends and all of our kids gathered for cake and ice-cream at a friend's house. They gave me 'gag' gifts like prune juice. I had all but forgotten about that birthday moment.

I was quite sad that no one bothered to try to surprise me on this monumental occasion...the half century mark...I mean, it only happens once! For my father, and many other adults, it doesn't even happen. So, I am glad to have just made it this far! Even MORE reason to celebrate, in my mind.

But...I got to go out for breakfast. My mom took me and as I tried not to feel too sad that there was not going to be any big surprise celebrating the fact that I was born by all those who love me and are so glad that I am here...my mother says, "Just think...now, you can go into some places and get a Senior Discount!"

I think she's senile...I don't think anyone gives senior discounts before the ripe old age of 55! *Angry*

My daughter took me out for lunch...she was going to give me the gift of a massage...but, when we got to the day-spa, it was closed. (Probably for the Thanksgiving holiday).

My husband had me meet him at the mall at Sears later on and he bought me a new dishwasher! That was nice...and we got lots of discounts and rebates and all...then he took me to eat at Red Lobster.

For the combined sum that the three family members spent on taking me out to eat - they could have thrown a really nice surprise party! Instead, I ate more calories in one day than I do in a whole week, I think! AND I STILL HAVE TURKEY DAY, TOMORROW!

I will be so big after today's and tomorrow's feasting that I won't be able to wear those new brushed cotton Santa Pajamas I bought myself (in case I didn't get any birthday gifts *Blush*)

I'm older and wiser. Next year...I'll throw me my OWN dang party!
November 18, 2006 at 9:25pm
November 18, 2006 at 9:25pm
What a wonderful visit with wonderful friends today! These are real friends, two couples, one couple newer acquaintances and the other tried and true, who have a way of sharing and encouraging and lifting the spirits of those around them. I am SO glad that they chose to spend time with Hubby and I today! I needed their presence, their smiles, their hugs and their laughter.

So, you will find it amusing then, to hear that these friends were in my dream (which I began to tell about just as they arrived at our home) this morning.

In my dream, I had actually gone to visit the two women. We had conversation in the dream and then, I was on my way up the stairs of the building we were at...when the newer acquaintance began to tell my old friend, "She is not very nice...blah, blah, blah." I can't remember all that I heard her say in my dream...but in the dream, I turned, marched down the stairs to where she stood and literally screamed in her face that she had no business talking about me that way! As I awoke...my throat was tight from the 'act of screaming' in my dream. *Worry*

The feelings with which I awoke were intense. I was both sad and hurt...and also frustrated. How could these women be so nice to my face and be so insincere as to talk about me as soon as I exited the room? I felt very real disappointment and all sorts of craziness began to flood my thoughts.

I knew it was a dream...but it felt so very real. I was becoming depressed!

When the women and their husbands came today...we talked about my dream as the men visited in another room. I told them that I thought it all stemmed from my new job. Things that I can't go into here...but which involve judging and decision making - critiquing and assessing. Talking to my friends was so helpful.

I also think that my emotional state is a bit out of whack, as I will be turning the big 5 0 in a few days. I know that it is bothering me a little.

I ponder too much. *Smile* But, that's just what I do.

November 18, 2006 at 9:21am
November 18, 2006 at 9:21am
I am wondering if I am being considered nothing but a complainer after the previous entries about job observations and perceptions. I'd like to try to set the record straight.

First: It's not about how I am being treated - it is that I feel it important (for whatever reason?) that I record what I am experiencing, simply because it surprises me that this is how a business is operating and maybe there are those who can benefit from what I share...or even have their way of doing business changed for the better. It's possible that someone, a business owner for example, could see themselves or their business in a new light after reading my accounts. Of course, it's also possible that they may just see A COMPLAINER! *Laugh*

Second: There is a reason I am at this job. I know that I was put at this job...for however long...and I am trying (though my flesh is weak) to do it well for as long as I am to do it...because, again, it is not about me - it is for a dear friend. I am simply 'noting' the workings and goings-on at this place of employment in the hopes that it will be of help to all involved and waiting to see if I will be of any further use in any other capacity after the holidays. Whatever God wants...so be it.

Third: If it has seemed that I was complaining - I hope that you will forgive me. I guess that I probably have been...not realizing how difficult it is to do what you believe you are to do...yet, accept and deal with all of the stuff that just seems 'wrong', all the while you are doing the task. Or maybe, it's just difficult to report the happenings without sounding like one is complaining.

I had a dream last night or in the wee hours of this morning and I will have to share about it in a little while...as I have just recieved company.

I'll be back!
November 17, 2006 at 8:32am
November 17, 2006 at 8:32am
Today...is "D" day at my house.

Our little grandson has a 'big' name, so we just call him by his first initial "D". Today, he will be with me while his mommy and daddy are away. So, today, is "D" day at my house.

It began with his arrival just after 6:30AM. He wanted to rock together in the rocker recliner. He was happy to have me hold him in the semi-dawn light - just rocking in the quiet. But, he did not go back to sleep.

Next, was juice. Orange-Tangerine juice. After that, came Cinnamon Spice Oatmeal. He ate every bite. Next, will probably be a diaper change! LOL! I sure wish Mommy would get him potty trained!

I call "D" - 'my boy'. He calls me - 'Mia'. I am always happy to see him and he is usually very well-behaved for me. I like to think that we have an understanding of sorts. I like to think that "D" understands that he can have a lot more fun at Mia's house when he is willing to obey.

I hope that "D" will never tire of visiting with his "Mia". I hope that I have many years to watch "D" grow and become all that God has intended for him to be.

I guess, since I never cease to think about 'my boy D'...every day is really "D day" for me.

*Belated Thanks:
Many sincere thanks to all of the Veterans who may read this entry. I appreciate your service to this country and all it's citizens. Because of the dedication and efforts of the many men and women in our armed forces, past and present - my little grandson will continue to know freedom. I can enjoy my "D days" - because you so selflessly served your country. May God bless you, each and every one.
November 13, 2006 at 3:47pm
November 13, 2006 at 3:47pm
The Million Dollar Question I am asking today is this: Why does a company offer to pay so little to employees who are supposed to know so much and be readily available to give so much of their time and energy to said company?

Now, I understand that this is the 'land of opportunity' and that people living in many other countries around our world are not able to make any where close to the minimum wage standard paid workers per hour in the USA. But, I am comparing the wages earned in this country.

Some jobs require more education than others. Some jobs require more technical skills, people skills or creativity than others. Some jobs require long hours, others require a high energy level and still others require the employee to be on call, immediately available by phone or pager. Then, there are the jobs that are a set shift of 8 hours, repetitive proceedures on a daily basis with over-time available but not mandatory. There are jobs which demand more of a person than others - the threat of job loss always hanging over employee's heads.

When a job involves life and death situations...of course, the wages should reflect the importance of the work. When a job requires a smile and pleasing personality...possibly some level of people skills the pay-scale, understandably, is not expected to be that of a Neuro-Surgeon. Still, when you are getting called to work on the days you aren't scheduled, expected to sell your butt off, maintain a friendly, helpful attitude at all times, know about a thousand different products and their uses and prices and whether or not you even HAVE them, clean a 4500 square foot space and all of the various displays, make sure no one is shop-lifting, run a register and make correct change, wait on more than one customer at a time when possible, and be sure that YOU look good - oh yeah, and wear the proper clothing to dress-code...there should be FINANCIAL INCENTIVE!

partyof5dj better not be laughing out his nose right now! *Laugh* I was very sure that this new job of mine (which I have been referring to, in case you couldn't tell) was where I am supposed to be right now. I am STILL sure about this job...just not sure about the "whys"...and the "hows"... exactly. I can't say just "what" will come from all of this...but I am trusting it will be good.

I guess, all I am saying is that everyone deserves to be paid well for the services they provide...yet, all companies don't pay equally. I know of those who do very little and make the same as those who do much more. There are some who have levels of stress for which NO money can compensate the risk to their own personal health and well-being...and there are others who experience very little stress in their field of work, yet are still paid well.

Maybe I'm just experiencing sticker shock right now...the shock of what it takes to stick with a job which offers too little money for too many unscheduled hours combined with the requirement of too many answers to too many questions.

Why did that 'silver spoon' have to fall out of my mouth during the birth process, anyway! *Blush*
November 11, 2006 at 9:17am
November 11, 2006 at 9:17am
Day number three on the new job is today. My shift will begin at 11AM and is supposed to last until 6PM...so, this will be the first long day for me.

Of course, I have no idea what today will bring. Will it be a busy, hectic day? Will it be slow because the weather is not as nice as it had been the past few days? Will there be controversy or will there be fun to experience?

I am taking the job a bit too seriously, perhaps. I've not slept well for three nights. I have had a nervous tummy, too. I have had to say, "No," to every phone call from the Assistant Manager for unexpected extra hours. In fact, I have been called twice in one day to be asked if I could come in that day! The second time was after I had explained the first time that I had already made plans - since it was my day off. I have been called so many times...I just don't know why the schedule is so "up in the air". I was told yesterday, after being unable to accomodate another request for more hours, that I am to check the schedule EVERY time I go into work...as my hours could have changed. WHAT?!!??!

Did I mention that this is NOT a high paying job? It costs me over one hour's pay for gas just to drive to work and back home. Yet, I'm supposed to be okay with an ever-changing schedule?

Maybe I should say, "Sure, I can be there in an hour...and that will be an extra $10 to cover shipping and handling." *Laugh*

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