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Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #1058494
When I'm not all blogged down with other stuff, I'll blog here! (Please Review)

*Star* *Kiss* *Star* *Kiss* *Star* *Kiss* *Star* *Kiss* *Star* *Kiss* *Star*

*Star* *Heart* *Star*
*Delight* Enjoy *Smile*
*Star* *Heart* *Star*

Anyone *Reading* reading (hint: that's you, you are reading) and *Smile* reviewing is welcome to sample a hot mug of Utopian coffee or a slender glass of wonderful wildflower ambrosia (made by elves, Mahshon to be exact!). There's also an assortment of pastries from Omygoodnessyummy, blueberry muffins and other goodies.

When you leave, take with you my *Heart* heartfelt *Heart* thanks and
*Heart* Yummy cyber-fudge (that's another term for gps)*Heart*
*Heart*or hot chocolate chip cookies or homemade bread warm from the oven. Thanks! *Heart*
Thanks in advance for stopping by! I mean it!
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January 3, 2008 at 8:40am
January 3, 2008 at 8:40am
May each of you be truly blessed today and every day in 2008!
Thanks so much for being in my world! It's time to renew my membership again at the end of the month, so I'm here to say hello and think about my commitment level. It's been pretty slack this year, since the move, since my computer is not as convenient to use as before... I think about all my friends on WDC a lot, though and thank those of you have encouraged me for being part of getting my first story installment of One Never Knows... with Dragons published! Please write me if you would like to be one of my personal reviewers -- I'm going to need some comments to publish on my website and I'd be happy to credit my writing friends who review me to give all of us a little boost!

I'll be refunding the gps from the Junk Box contest, since it never happened to draw 20 racers and I feel bad about not refunding before now. Think of it as a return on investment in my joy, for I really truly enjoyed the anticipation of the race that no one lost!
Well, gotta get ready for work!
Come visit my website http://www.silvervalkyre.com
and MySpace(s) http://www.myspace.com/silvervalkyre
and My Publisher! http://www.mysticmoonpress.com

I'll be talking to you soon!

*Reading* Write on! *Reading*
Lots of great stuff is waiting to be written.
Love, joy, peace,
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October 1, 2007 at 7:41am
October 1, 2007 at 7:41am
Hello, everyone!
Come on into my blog -- ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

It's been almost a year since the 'run for the roses' that is NANOWRIMO. It's not on my priority list this year to start a new novel, but if you haven't done it, it is an awesome project! Trot on over to http://www.nanowrimo.org

Over the weekend, I set up my new website http://www.silvervalkyre.com
Yes, I did it all by myself in just a few hours, so I need critical reviewers. Also,
I'd love to have visitors! I have begun a new phase in my life -- looking at my dreams and what I want from this walk and realizing a lot of things have not been clearly stated by me in the past. So, if I didn't know what I wanted, how would I know if I got them.

Stating things clearly seems to be a key and one thing I did state clearly several years ago, which is still very present daily is the healing of my back! I was in a horseback riding accident in 1975, which left a hairline fracture in EVERY vertebrae in my back. Needless to say, I was blessed that they were vertical fractures and on the transfer processes (the little wings that stick out and attach to nerves and muscles) -- this means that the spinal cord itself was never in danger. However, one of the nerves to my right leg was damaged and spasmed painfully for a long time (until 1992).

I am pain-free. Even the arthritis, which was already forming in my 20s, seems to have disappated. So, I know that it was one thing that came along which I didn't want to keep and was able to hand back in, exchanging it for the knowledge that I KNOW spiritual and physical healing are a reality. I believe I was able to skip over the lessons pain had for me and go right to the lessons that victory over pain has!

So, starting now, in the days that surround October 1, 2007, I am making a hardbound list of goals, wishes, desires, pleasures, joys and ambitions. One of the things I will share with you is that I have become a Certified Travel Agent and plan to travel the world.

An amazing opportunity has come my way. If any of you know anyone who could use a couple of thousand dollars (or yen or pounds or whatever) a month in income, please have them contact me. Or just send them to http://www.silvervalkyre.com/home.html This is a ground floor opportunity with the chance to earn a cruise as a bonus perk in October and have fun making money and playing on the beaches, the cities and the mountaintops.

Take care of yourselves, everyone. Figure out what your dreams are and write them down. You don't have to share them with anyone else than your own guardian angel, protector spirit, higher self, genie, whatever you call that part of yourself that links you to the Power and Energy of the Universe! You will know in your heart when they come about.

Three months left in 2007. Let's use them wisely. I love each and every one of the people here -- the silver valkyre wraps her wings around her world and smiles!

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June 3, 2007 at 11:02am
June 3, 2007 at 11:02am
Maybe it was Writing.com, maybe NaNoWriMo, maybe a combination, but I have been writing on my teen novel almost every day!

I hope this entry finds all of you healthy, happy and WRITING!
Love, joy, peace,
January 17, 2007 at 10:28am
January 17, 2007 at 10:28am
It was my first birthday and I forgot! Others remembered and I thank you for it!

Have a fabulous 2007!
November 26, 2006 at 8:53am
November 26, 2006 at 8:53am
Good Morning!
I just have to tell all of you how special you are to me. You are the light of my day. I think about WDC and get a big smile and a warm feeling in my heart for the wonder of such friendship and comradeship. We are an army of wordbearers -- not ring bearers or flag bearers, but the bearers of emotion and knowledge and feeling. I hope each of us develops a new skill in our wordcraftsmanship this year. I know that writing here has helped me an incredible amount!

Plus, I've discovered graphic design!

Look what WhoMe gifted me with -- courtesy of the artistic and beautiful Kris!
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November 19, 2006 at 10:42am
November 19, 2006 at 10:42am
I'll never make the 50K, but I'm happy with what I've written so far, so that helps!

Take care, everyone.
I love you!
November 7, 2006 at 11:36pm
November 7, 2006 at 11:36pm
And I started a second job, so I worked 4 at one and 8 at the other today. It cut into my NaNoWriMo time considerably! Yikes! Oh, well, I am gainfully employed and learning stuff!

Love, joy, peace,
aka MoonDove
November 2, 2006 at 8:07pm
November 2, 2006 at 8:07pm
My first day of NaNoWriMo writing was 2006 words. Hmmmmmmmmm... and I didn't even plan it. Here it is, 2006 and that's cool. Oh, I don't guess I told you. NaNoWriMo can only be original entries, so I am doing a prequel to Larry, only a few of the characters will be the same, and they will all be much younger, so I think it counts. Actually, I think it surely counts. I was definitely a different person at 15 than I was at 17.
I'm excited and interested and the world is a very strange place to live right now for me. Our little dog Tillie died today, one of my cousins died at the young age of 61, my step-father is out of the hospital and home feeling better and I'm doing okay.

Wow! I opened the Photo Lab with my boss today. I love the whole deal except I just don't know SO MUCH!

Take care of all of your dear selves. I must go have some hot spiced tea with my buddy.

*Reading* Write on! *Reading*
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Lots of great stuff is waiting to be written.
Love, joy, peace,
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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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November 1, 2006 at 8:24am
November 1, 2006 at 8:24am
So, it is All Hallows Day, the Day of remembering Life and all the spirits and souls who have walked here before us. Last night was Hallows Evening, the night the souls and spirits remind us of themselves. New day, new life,
New Contest!

*Delight* *Shock* NaNoWriMo *Shock* *Delight*

Okay, so I write the book for the whole month of November on my own home computer and upload excerpts to NNWM, right? Yeah, simple! Ummmmm, I'm going to upload excerpts here, too, because I want you people to know I am alive and writing, (2 very important things).
*Heart* *Heart* *Star* *Heart* *Heart*
Love you all!
*Heart* *Heart* *Star* *Heart* *Heart*
October 24, 2006 at 3:51pm
October 24, 2006 at 3:51pm
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