Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/sensity
sensity's Portfolio!
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Since May 10, 2001
The curiosity of the infamous cat. The straw that broke the camel's back. The house that the good pig built. The oddest hand that the card shark dealt. The song after the fat lady sang. The dial tone afer the telephone rang. RAINDROPS when the sun is shining. PEACE in the midst of war. LAUGHTER when the soul aches. One of many inquisitors! A Christian always balancing my Scorpio tendencies. Welcome to my port! *Smile*
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    Rated: 13+ · Other · #750927
    A sampling of writings.
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    Rated: 13+ · Writing.Com · #264839
    Things about or interaction within this site. The addiction continues. :)
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/sensity