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The Writing.Com members below are accepting review requests and ready to review your item! Peruse the list, check out members' review styles and request a review from anyone who seems like a good fit for your item.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
My review style is informal and encouraging of writer's development.
Preferred Author
GERVIC 🐉 WDC Dragon Vale
(minimum 5,000 GPs)
My reviewing style varies. I may do a little edit if possible or pinpoint what I think is incorrect. My review is merely base on what I feel about your piece. If I enjoy it, I say it. If not, I tell you why I'm not. I often do reviews on all Poetry Items- regardless of the genres, styles and the way it was written. However if you like, you can request a short story, chapter not the entire book or novel, articles and essays, etc. 2023 Quill Nominee
elfmage7's Portfolio!
Dawn Embers
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Disclaimer: I am not good at remembering to do requested reviews. Often I have busy things going on with work and my own novels, so sorry if I decline or don't remember to do a review in the short time given. Just a warning. When I review: Long. Depending on the type of story and reason for review I tend to get anywhere from 4,000 characters to on the rare occasion over 10,000. I will make overall comments, technical points and even offer sources when necessary but a lot is dependent on what I'm reviewing. I can even do a full edit but that's take a lot of niceness and time.
stfrancisii's Portfolio!
Registered Author
St. Francis II
(minimum 1,500 GPs)
I'll be honest with what I like and do not like about your work.
crowarrowinc's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Angela Death
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I try to go as in-depth as I possibly can in my reviews, and I am forever tweaking my style.
lbidler's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
As a reviewer of your work, I will first look for identification in what you are presenting. When a reader can truly identify with the writer, emotion sets in and the story becomes a part of the reader as well as the writer.
Registered User
Michelle Stacy
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Technical, looking for grammar, readability score, audience, flow, and engagement.
Preferred Author
Indelible Ink
(minimum 5,000 GPs)
I try to imagine I've just taken a seat in the waiting room at a doctor's office and picked up a magazine to pass the time. Suddenly - what's this? - I stumble upon your little work of art. As a result of reading your story, either I will 1) I like it so much I MUST have it, so I stuff the magazine down the front of my shirt and hope the doctor isn't checking my heartbeat today, or 2) Become so nauseated at the ineptitude displayed by your chicken scratches that I will beg the doctor to consider me for an emergency euthanasia. Chances are it will be somewhere in the middle.
dragonline's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
dragonline (dragon online)
(minimum 2,500 GPs)
I'm blunt, tell it like it is as I assume that's what is wanted. I give positives/negatives and details.
hdhdhsksid's Portfolio!
Registered User
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Not very strict. Decent grammar, spelling. Uniqueness And good story telling. That's how you will get a good review.
notjackson's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I am not an expert reviewer, but I have some small amount of talent in the field of writing. I will not edit your work, but typos, grammar mistakes, etc. will be pointed out if I see them. I will give you my impression of your work, encourage you, and do my best to review the work.
soledad_moon's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Elisa the Bunny Stik
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
In a single word, thorough. I will turn your piece upside down, shake the change out of its pockets and look at even the most minute details. I can be technical but will do so when emphasizing a larger point about the piece as a whole.
Registered Author
Danial Lucas
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Honest but helpful
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
I try to be honest and positive. My Christian faith is an important background factor. I hate rating low but have a system that determines how I grade.
My Philosophy of Rating and Reviewing  (E)
How do I assess people's work when reviewing?
#2259390 by LightinMind
aprildawn's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
Honest and critical reviews offered. I look at all components of story-telling: setting, dialogue, characterization, conflict and resolution. I will not generally do a line-by-line edit, though I will point out minor errors. If a piece needs a complete rewrite for grammar and spelling I will tell you so. I do not sugar-coat. I try to be insightful and will offer honest suggestions where I think are necessary.
jotokai's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like a review that makes me edit, even if it bothers me or offends me. So I look at your piece with, "What would I change to make this better and why?" And I write down most of what I think... the limit being how much you paid, more than how much you can handle! And of course there's no guarantee that my advice won't make it worse. Well, except the long list of bestseller credits-- oh, I haven't published them yet. But feel free to request a refund if I really like your piece. It's happened, sometimes I'm in too good of a mood and I think your work is perfect. If it was, you'd be submitting it for a royalty advance... praise is nice but it's like Chinese food, you need more in an hour. Whereas critique sticks to your ribs...
drkelley's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I look for interesting stories. I do not guage another author because of differences in style (from my own). I look for spacing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. I also look for incongruity. For instance: "It was a cold night with no fire to warm ourselves." And then, starting the next paragraph: "The next morning we put out the fire and left on our horses."
rennur's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I don't like using a template. I don't like correcting spelling. I don't like correcting grammar. I don't want to be your editor. I enjoy discussing what I have read. I am very happy to tell people what I have liked and what I have disliked. There is not a lot that I dislike.
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
In depth, detailed, and supportive.
kiwi.juice.420's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,500 GPs)
I give a honest review, I look for improvements maintaining a good rhythm through the narrative. I value clarity in a storyline. I notice when pacing is off balance from one point in the story then the other. I like to focus on Grammer and punctuation as well. I like to give the author a good "WOW" from my review.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/authors/action/reviewers